Linear Function on a Vector Space

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a linear function on a vector space, and the proof that the kernel of this function is a maximal subspace and that the vector space can be written as the direct sum of this subspace and another subspace. The conversation also explores the implications of this problem in the context of a finite-dimensional vector space and a non-finite-dimensional vector space. Ultimately, it is shown that the kernel of any linear functional on a finite-dimensional space is a hyperplane of that space and that if a subspace properly contains the kernel, then it is equal to the entire vector space.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi everyone, :)

Here's a problem that I need some help to continue. I would greatly appreciate if anybody could give me some hints as to how to solve this problem.


Let \(f:V\rightarrow F\) be a linear function, \(f\neq 0\), on a vector space \(V\) over a field \(F\). Set \(U=\mbox{Ker } f\). Prove the following.

a) \(U\) is a maximal subspace, that is, not contained properly in any subspace, different from \(V\).

b) \(V=U\oplus<a>\), for any \(a\not\in U\).
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  • #2
Don't be stingy with the adjective "finite dimensional". Assuming this is what you meant, you just need to show the kernel of any non-zero functional has co-dimension 1 (dim(V)-dim(kernel)=1). Then any such subspace is maximal and the 2nd part should follow easily.
  • #3
johng said:
Don't be stingy with the adjective "finite dimensional". Assuming this is what you meant, you just need to show the kernel of any non-zero functional has co-dimension 1 (dim(V)-dim(kernel)=1). Then any such subspace is maximal and the 2nd part should follow easily.

Thanks for your answer. By the Rank-Nullity theorem dim(V)=dim(Ker(f))+dim(Img(f)). So if the co-dimension of Ker(f) is 1, then that means, dim(Img(f))=1. Am I correct? But how to show that the dimension of the image of f is equal to one?
  • #4
You have only two possible choices for:

$\text{dim}_{\ F}(\text{im}(f))$,

either 1 (the maximum possible, if $f$ is surjective), or 0 (if $f$ is the 0-functional).

What is your conclusion?

(and this is because $f$ is linear, so its image is a subspace of $F$).

This means linear functionals annihilate *most* of a vector space (perhaps even all).

Put another way, the null space of any linear functional on a finite-dimensional space is a hyperplane of that space.

Let me give you an example to show how this works out "geometrically".

A linear functional on $\Bbb R^3$ is of the form:

$f(x,y,z) = ax + by + cz$. For our purposes we will assume $c \neq 0$

(if $f \neq 0$, one of $a,b,c \neq 0$, you can easily see how the other cases work out).

The kernel of this linear functional is the plane $P$ spanned by:


and the orthogonal complement to this plane (which is a line; namely, the line:

$L = \{t(a/c,b/c,1): t\in \Bbb R\}$ ) clearly satisfies:

$\Bbb R^3 = P \oplus L$.

It is "natural" to consider the projection onto the axes functionals:

$\pi_1(x,y,z) = x$
$\pi_2(x,y,z) = y$
$\pi_3(x,y,z) = z$

as a basis for $\Bbb R^{\ast}$, the hyperplanes we get in these examples are (respectively), the $yz$-plane, the $xz$-plane and the $xy$-plane, and the lines obtained are just the $x,y$ or $z$ axes.

The reason you are doing the present exercise in this form is to do it in a "basis-free" context (the above examples depend in an essential way on picking the standard basis $\{(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)\}$, but "vector spaces don't care which basis you use"). We also used inner product properties to define an orthogonal complement; we don't, in general, necessarily have such a non-degenerate bilinear form chosen for us (although we can impose one on a finite dimensional space by choosing a basis, and picking a matrix for the form using that basis).

johng's comments about "finite-dimensional" raises an interesting point:

What if $V$ is NOT finite-dimensional? In such a case, we can no longer appeal to the rank-nullity theorem. Let's still see if we can (under this restriction) prove $U$ is maximal.

First of all, note that if we have $v,v' \in V$ such that: $f(v) = f(v')$ then $v-v' \in U$.

Now suppose we have a subspace $W$ properly containing $U$, so that there is some $w \in W$ with $f(w) = a \neq 0$.

Let $v$ be any element of $V$. Now we have:

$f(v) = b = \frac{b}{a}a = \frac{b}{a}f(w) = f(\frac{b}{a}w)$

and $\frac{b}{a}w \in W$. Writing $w' = \frac{b}{a}w$ we see:

$v - w' \in U$.

Thus $v = w' + (v - w')$, that is: $V = W + U$. But since $W$ contains $U$:

$W + U$ = $W$, thus $V = W$. This shows $U$ is maximal.

Now $\langle w \rangle + U$ is clearly a subspace of $V$ properly containing $U$, and by the maximality of $U$, we have:

$V = \langle w\rangle + U$. The existence of $w$ is guaranteed by the fact that $f \neq 0$.

To show this sum is direct, it suffices to show:

$\langle w\rangle \cap U = \{0\}$.

Since $f(w) \neq 0$, for $f(\alpha w) = 0$, we must have $\alpha = 0$, whence:

$\alpha w = 0$, and we are done.

Thus we do not need the assumption of finite-dimensionality.
  • #5
Let \(\displaystyle B = \{b_1, \ldots , b_n\}\) be a basis of $V$

Suppose now that there is a set $M$ such that $U \subset M \subset V$ properly. We now select $b_i, b_j$ whereby $b_i \in M\setminus U$ and $b_j \in V \setminus M$. Now let

$$v = (f(b_i))^{-1}b_i - (f(b_j))^{-1}b_j.$$

Clearly $v \notin U$, however we have that

$$f(v) = f(b_i)(f(b_i))^{-1} - f(b_j)(f(b_j))^{-1} = 1 - 1 = 0$$

which is a contradiction. Hence, such a set $M$ cannot exists.
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  • #6
Deveno said:
You have only two possible choices for:

$\text{dim}_{\ F}(\text{im}(f))$,

either 1 (the maximum possible, if $f$ is surjective), or 0 (if $f$ is the 0-functional).

Thanks so much for the detailed reply Deveno. But I don't really understand the part quoted above. Simply, how do we know that the dimension of the image of $f$ should be equal to 1? I understand that it is 0 if $f$ is the 0-functional, but I don't understand how 1 is the only other possibility for the dimension of the image of $f$. Can you please elaborate this piece a little bit? :)
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  • #7
Sudharaka said:
Thanks so much for the detailed reply Deveno. But I don't really understand the part quoted above. Simply, how do we know that the dimension of the image of $f$ should be equal to 1? I understand that it is 0 if $f$ is the 0-functional, but I don't understand how 1 is the only other possibility for the dimension of the image of $f$. Can you please elaborate this piece a little bit? :)

We are given that $f:V \to F$ is linear(equivalently, that $f \in V^{\ast}$).

It is easy to see that $\text{im}(f)$ is a subspace of $F$:

Closure under vector addition:

Suppose $a,b \in \text{im}(f)$. Thus $a = f(u),b = f(v)$ for some $u,v \in V$.

Hence $a+b = f(u) + f(v) = f(u+v)$ for $u+v \in V$, so $a+b \in \text{im}(f)$.

Closure under scalar multiplication:

Suppose $a \in \text{im}(f)$, and $c \in F$. Then:

$ca = c(f(v)) = f(cv)$ for $cv \in V$ so $ca \in \text{im}(f)$.

Finally, $0 = f(0)$ is clearly in the image.

Now $\text{dim}_{\ F}(F) = 1$. This is because $\{1\}$ is a basis (any non-zero field element is also a basis, of course. 1 is just convenient).

If we look at the power set of a set with only one element (in this case, the set $\{1\}$), we have only two elements:

1) the empty set = dimension 0 = the 0-subspace
2) the entire set = dimension 1 = the entire space (the field $F$).

This is why there is only 2 choices.

To re-iterate, for emphasis: when we are talking about a vector space $V$ over a field $F$ of finite dimension $n$, what we are talking about is isomorphic to $F^n$ (choosing a basis gives us an isomorphism). The case $n = 1$ should not be overlooked: a one-dimensional subspace of $V$ is isomorphic to a line (and by choosing "the right basis" we can think of this line as "the x-axis", for example). On the line itself, "scalar multiplication" (of a point on the line by a scalar) becomes "multiplication of scalars"-this is a consequence of the vector space axiom:

$\alpha(\beta v) = (\alpha\beta)v$ for all $\alpha,\beta \in F, v \in V$.

Let me explain how this works, in this particular example:

Suppose $f \neq 0$. This means that for SOME vector $v \in V$, we have:

$f(v) = a \neq 0$ (otherwise $f = 0$).

Since f is linear, we have:

$f(cv) = c(f(v))$ for EVERY $c \in F$.

In particular, given ANY $b \in F$, we may take:

$c = \frac{b}{a}$ (we can do this BECAUSE $a \neq 0$), leading to:

$f(cv) = f(\frac{b}{a}v) = \frac{b}{a}f(v) = \frac{b}{a}a = b$,

which shows that $f$ is thus surjective.
  • #8
To Deveno, bns1357 and johng,

Thanks so much for all your valuable input on this question. I gained a lot of understanding about this question and many other related concepts through them. Thanks again. :)

FAQ: Linear Function on a Vector Space

1. What is a linear function on a vector space?

A linear function on a vector space is a mathematical function that maps vectors from one vector space to another while satisfying the properties of linearity, which include preserving addition and scalar multiplication.

2. What is the significance of a linear function on a vector space?

Linear functions on a vector space are important in various fields of mathematics, including linear algebra, functional analysis, and differential equations. They also have applications in physics, engineering, and computer science.

3. How is a linear function on a vector space different from a general function?

A linear function on a vector space has the special property of preserving linear combinations of vectors, whereas a general function may not have this property. Additionally, linear functions on a vector space can be represented by matrices, while general functions may have more complex representations.

4. Can a linear function on a vector space be non-linear?

No, by definition, a linear function on a vector space must satisfy the properties of linearity. If a function does not preserve linear combinations of vectors, it cannot be considered a linear function on a vector space.

5. What are some real-world examples of linear functions on a vector space?

One example is a system of linear equations, where each equation can be represented by a linear function on a vector space. Another example is the transformation of 3D objects in computer graphics, which can be represented by linear functions on a vector space.
