Linear Functionals Inner Product

In summary, if m<n and l_1,l_2,...,l_m are linear functionals on an n-dimensional vector space X, there exists a nonzero vector x in X such that <x,l_j>=0 for 1≤j≤m. This implies that l_j(x) is either in X^\bot or equal to 0 for 1≤j≤m, where X^\bot is the orthogonal complement of X. This can be used to find a proof by appealing to the existence of a basis with n elements and using n>m.
  • #1
Assume that [tex] m<n [/tex] and [tex] l_1,l_2,...,l_m [/tex] are linear functionals on an n-dimensional vector space
[tex] X [/tex].

Prove there exists a nonzero vector [tex] x [/tex] [tex] \epsilon [/tex] [tex] X [/tex] such that [tex] < x,l_j >=0 [/tex] for [tex] 1 \leq j \leq m[/tex]. What does this say about the solution of systems of linear equations?This implies
[tex] l_j(x) [/tex] [tex] \epsilon [/tex] [tex] X^\bot [/tex] for [tex] 1 \leq j \leq m [/tex] or [tex] l_j(x)=0 [/tex] for [tex] 1 \leq j \leq m [/tex]. Since it is stated in the problem that [tex] l_1,l_2,...,l_m [/tex] are linear functionals on the vector space X, [tex] l_j(x)=0 [/tex]. Does this reasoning even help me find the proof? I am stuck.

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  • #2
I don't know what [itex]X^\perp[/itex] means, nor why you are taking the inner product rather than just applying the functional to the vector. You'll obviously need to involve n and use n>m, and the easiest way to use this is appeal to the existence of a basis with n elements.
  • #3
so basically I'm trying to prove that for some nonzero [tex]x[/tex], [tex] l_j(x)=0 [/tex]?
  • #4
Yea, for some x, for all j.

FAQ: Linear Functionals Inner Product

What is a linear functional in inner product space?

A linear functional in inner product space is a function that maps a vector to a scalar value and satisfies certain properties, such as linearity and preservation of the inner product. It can be thought of as a generalization of the dot product in Euclidean space.

What is the inner product of two linear functionals?

The inner product of two linear functionals is defined as the product of their respective values on a given vector. In other words, it is the sum of the products of the scalar values obtained by applying the functionals to each component of the vector.

What is the role of linear functionals in functional analysis?

Linear functionals are essential in functional analysis as they provide a way to measure the magnitude of a vector in a more general vector space. They also allow for the definition of concepts such as orthogonality, convergence, and continuity.

Can a linear functional be represented as a vector?

Yes, in finite-dimensional vector spaces, every linear functional can be represented as a vector. This is known as the Riesz representation theorem. However, in infinite-dimensional spaces, this is not always possible.

How are linear functionals used in applications?

Linear functionals have various applications in mathematics and engineering, such as optimization problems, solving systems of linear equations, and signal processing. They are also used in physics to model physical phenomena and in economics to represent utility functions.
