Linear Least Squares Minimization

In summary, there are 3 general methods to solve the LLS method of minimization: normal equations, QR factorization, and SVD. However, if the matrix is rank-deficient, meaning there are linearly dependent rows or columns, then neither normal equations nor QR factorization can be used. In this case, an alternative method called SVD can be used to solve the least squares problem. This is because SVD calculates the singular values, and if any are zero or small compared to the others, it can find the least norm solution.
  • #1
I'm going through some methods to solve the LLS method of minimization and have come upon 3 general methods to solve the problem. The 3 methods I am looking at are normal equations, QR factorization, and SVD. I've come upon a fact that I can't find an explanation for:
If a matrix is rank-deficient, meaning that there are at least two linearly dependent rows (or columns), then there are an infinite number of solutions to the least squares problem. If this is the case, then neither normal equations nor QR factorization can be used. An alternative method called Single Value Decomposition (SVD) can be used in the rank-deficient case. (Warmuth, 2004)

Can anyone explain why this is, or point me to an article that offers an explanation?

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Suppose you want the least squares fit a of a quadratic with 3 unknown coefficients to a single data point. There are many quadratics that will give you a least squares error of zero. That's an extreme example of how the matrix for the system of linear equations can have insufficient rank. I don't know what the SVD approach would do in this case.

( By the way, the SVD is one of the most useful decompositions of matrices. The way I look at the SVD is that it says all tabular data can be written as a linear combinations of simple data tables of products. Each of the simple data tables has some row headings [tex] a_i [/tex] and some column headings [tex] b_j [/tex] and the [tex] i,j [/tex] entry in the table is [tex] a_i b_j [/tex]. )
  • #3
Thanks for the reply (after 47 people viewed and no responses, I was getting worried...) I understand how a matrix can be rank-deficient (1 or more linearly dependent, or "parallel", columns/rows), but why can't normal equations or QR factorization handle it? What makes them only able to handle fully-ranked matrices?

Thanks again.
  • #4
If [tex] A [/tex] is the matrix of equations for the coefficients of the function, using the normal equations requires that [tex] A^T A [/tex] be invertible. In the case of fitting a quadratic to a single point [tex] x = 1, y = 2 [/tex], [tex] A^T A [/tex] is a 3 by 3 matrix all of whose entries are 1's, so it isn't invertible. There's probably a similar requirement for invertibility in the QR method.
  • #5
QR and SVD are methods to solve the least squares normal equations without having to actually compute the normal equations (if that makes any sense). Re why SVD can be used for rank deficient problems, I can't explain very much but it has to do with calculation of the singular values during the SVD decomposition process. The main diagonal of 'D' contains the singular values. If any are zero (or small compared to the others) the problem is rank deficient and the least norm solution can be calculated.

Related to Linear Least Squares Minimization

What is Linear Least Squares Minimization?

Linear Least Squares Minimization is a mathematical method used to find the best fit line for a set of data points. It involves minimizing the sum of the squared distances between the data points and the line. This technique is commonly used in regression analysis.

How is Linear Least Squares Minimization calculated?

The calculation for Linear Least Squares Minimization involves finding the slope and intercept of the best fit line using the formula: b = (Σ(xy) - (Σx)(Σy)/n)/(Σ(x^2) - ((Σx)^2)/n), where b is the slope, x and y are the data points, and n is the number of data points. The intercept can then be calculated using the formula: a = ȳ - bx, where ȳ is the mean of the y values and x is the mean of the x values.

What is the purpose of Linear Least Squares Minimization?

The purpose of Linear Least Squares Minimization is to find the line that best represents the relationship between two variables in a set of data points. It allows for the prediction of future values and the identification of any trends or patterns in the data.

What is the difference between linear and non-linear least squares minimization?

In linear least squares minimization, the relationship between the variables is modeled by a straight line, while in non-linear least squares minimization, the relationship can be modeled by a curve or other non-linear function. Non-linear least squares minimization is typically used when the data does not follow a linear pattern.

What are the limitations of Linear Least Squares Minimization?

Linear Least Squares Minimization assumes that the relationship between the variables is linear and that there are no errors in the data. It also does not work well with outliers in the data. Additionally, it can only be used with continuous data and cannot handle categorical variables.

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