Linear Map f:R^2 to R^3 with Given Inputs (1,2) and (2,1)

In summary, Homework Equations asks you to find a linear map f:R^2 \rightarrow R^3, with f(1,2) = (2,1,0) and f(2,1)=(0,1,2) for a given pair (x, y). You are given a basis and are asked to find f(x,y) for any x and y.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the linear map [tex]f:R^2 \rightarrow R^3[/tex], with f(1,2) = (2,1,0) and f(2,1)=(0,1,2)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I actually don't understand this task. PLease help! Thank you...
Physics news on
  • #2
If you don't know where to begin, use that a linear map can be written:
[tex]\[\left(\begin{array}{c}f_{1} & f_{2} & f_{3}\end{array}\right)=
F\left(\begin{array}{c}x_{1} & x_{2}\end{array}\right)\][/tex]
Where F is a two-by-three matrix.
  • #3
(1, 2) and (2, 1) are independent vectors and so form a basis for R2. Knowing what a linear map does to a basis tells you what it does to any vector.

You need to show what f(x,y) is for any pair (x, y). To do that write (x, y) as a linear combination of (1, 2) and (2, 1): That is, find a, b so that a(1, 2)+ b(2, 1)= (x, y). Then f(x,y)= af(1,2)+ bf(2,1).
  • #4

like this?
  • #5
Does that look anything like "a(1, 2)+ b(2,1)= (x,y)"?

a(1, 2)+ b(2, 1)= (a, 2a)+ (2b, b)= (a+ 2b, 2a+ b)= (x, y) so a+ 2b= x, 2a+ b= y. Solve that for a and b in terms of x and y.
  • #6
like this?
  • #7
NO! Find a and b for any x and y!
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  • #8



should I make system out of those equations?

Actually, I don't understand the point of this task... I don't know what should I find...
  • #9
Well, I've told you twice already: Solve the equations a+ 2b= x, 2a+ b= y for a and b. you should get a= an expression with x and y in it, b= an expression with x and y in it. Once you have done that you will be able to say that (x, y)= a(1, 2)+ b(2, 1) so that
f(x,y)= af(1,2)+ bf(2,1) and you know what f(1,2) and f(2,1) are.

You want to be able to find f(x,y) for any x and y. Do not assume x= y= 1!
  • #10

now what to do next?
  • #11
We've dropped a dimension somewhere, haven't we? How does this map get the third coordinate?

The approach eys_physics suggested might be more straightforward. Write your argument vector and your resulting vector as either row or column vectors. If you choose row vectors, you have

[1 2] · [first row: a b c , second row: d e f] = [2 1 0] ,

and similarly for the other set. You will have a 2 x 1 matrix (2-d row vector) times a 2 x 3 mapping matrix giving you a 3 x 1 matrix (3-d row vector). Following the rules of matrix multiplication will give you a set of three equations in two distinct variables (the coefficients of the mapping matrix) for the first transformation shown, and a second set of three equations for the transformation of [2 1] to [0 1 2].

You now have a pair of equations relating a and d, another pair for b and e, and a third pair for c and f. All of these sets are simple to solve.
  • #12
Actually, I don't know why you multiply by [1 2] and why it is equal to [2 1 0]
  • #13
Physicsissuef said:

now what to do next?

Physicsissuef said:
Actually, I don't know why you multiply by [1 2] and why it is equal to [2 1 0]
Haven't we already been through what a "basis" is? R2 has dimension 2 and, since (1, 2) and (2, 1) are two independent vectors (one is not a multiple of the other) they form a basis. Every vector in can be written as a linear combination of those two vectors. You have now determined how they can be written: for any x, y,
[tex](x,y)= \frac{2y-x}{3}(1, 2)+ \frac{2x-y}{3}(2, 1)[/tex]
Since f is a linear map, by definition of "linear",
[tex]f(x,y)= \frac{2y-x}{3}f(1, 2)+ \frac{2x-y}{3}f(2, 1)[/tex]
Now, you are told in the original problem that f(1,2)= (2, 1, 0) and that f(2, 1)= (0, 1, 2).

[tex]f(x,y)= \frac{2y-x}{3}(2, 1, 0)+ \frac{2x-y}{3}(0, 1, 2)[/tex]
[tex]= \left(\frac{4y- 2x}{3},\frac{2y-x}{3}+ \frac{2x-y}{3},\frac{4x- 2y}{3}\right)[/tex]
[tex]= \left(\frac{4y-2x}{3},\frac{x+y}{3},\frac{4x-2y}{3}\right)[/tex]
  • #14
Ok, I understand now how you find it. But I can't understand what we do actually to find it.
f(x,y)= af(1,2)+ bf(2,1)

f(x,y)= a(2,1,0)+ b(0,1,2)

we actually make linear combination of the 2 vectors in the basis, why?
  • #15
Physicsissuef said:
Ok, I understand now how you find it. But I can't understand what we do actually to find it.
f(x,y)= af(1,2)+ bf(2,1)

f(x,y)= a(2,1,0)+ b(0,1,2)[/quote

we actually make linear combination of the 2 vectors in the basis, why?
Because they were the only ones ones for which we knew what f does!

I hope that, by this time, you understand what a basis is.
  • #16
Is it (x,y)= a(2,1,0)+ b(0,1,2) or (x,y)= a(1,2)+ b(2,1)

FAQ: Linear Map f:R^2 to R^3 with Given Inputs (1,2) and (2,1)

1. What is a linear map?

A linear map is a mathematical function that maps elements from one vector space to another in a way that preserves addition and scalar multiplication. In simpler terms, it is a function that takes in inputs and outputs vectors that are related in a linear fashion.

2. What do the given inputs (1,2) and (2,1) represent?

The given inputs represent points in a two-dimensional vector space, where the first number represents the x-coordinate and the second number represents the y-coordinate.

3. How is a linear map represented?

A linear map is typically represented using a matrix. The inputs are multiplied by the matrix and the resulting outputs are also vectors. In this case, the matrix will have two rows and three columns to correspond with the dimensions of the vector spaces involved.

4. How is a linear map calculated?

A linear map is calculated by multiplying the given inputs by the matrix representing the map. In this case, the calculation would be as follows: f(1,2) = (1,2) * [a b c; d e f] = (a+d, b+e, c+f) and f(2,1) = (2,1) * [a b c; d e f] = (2a+b, 2d+e, 2c+f). The resulting outputs will also be vectors in the three-dimensional vector space.

5. What is the purpose of a linear map?

Linear maps have various applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. They can be used to represent transformations, such as rotations or projections, in a precise and efficient manner. They are also useful in solving systems of linear equations and analyzing data in multiple dimensions.

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