Linear Maps and Fixed Points in RPn

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of n-dimensional real projective space RPn and its relation to linear maps. The necessary and sufficient condition for a linear map f : Rn+1 → R m+1 to define a map [f]: RPn → RPm is for [f][x] = [f(x)]. It is proven that the fixed point set of a linear map satisfying this condition consists of the equivalence classes of lines in Rn+1 that contain eigenvectors of f. Three examples of linear maps f : R3 → R3 are given, where the fixed point sets are a point, the disjoint union of a point and a circle, and a projective plane, respectively.
  • #1
Regard the n-dimensional real projective space RPn as the
space of lines in Rn+1 through {0}, i.e.

RPn = (Rn+1 − {0}) /~ with x ~ y if y = λx for λ not equal to 0 ∈ R ;with the equivalence class of x denoted by [x].

(i) Work out the necessary and sufficient condition on a linear map
f : Rn+1 → R m+1 for the formula [f][x] = [f(x)] to define a map
[f]: RPn → RPm ; [x] → [f(x)] :

(ii) For a linear map f : Rn+1 → Rn+1 satisfying the condition of (i)
prove that the fixed point set
Fix([f]) = {[x] ∈ RPn | [x] = [f(x)] ∈ RPn}
consists of the equivalence classes of the lines in Rn+1 through {0} which contain eigenvectors of f.

(iii) Construct examples of linear maps f : R3 → R3 satisfying the condition of (i) such that

(a) Fix([f]) is a point.
(b) Fix([f]) is the disjoint union of a point and a circle.
(c) Fix([f]) is a projective plane.
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  • #2
for part (ii)
if [x]=[f(x)] in RPn
then by the definition
λx=f(x) so that they are in the same equivalence class therefore since f is linear x is an eigenvector and λ is the eigenvalue
  • #3
Yea that makes sense. Does anyone know about question iii? Thats the part I'm not sure about really
  • #4
Here are some suggestions off the top of my head (read: check the details as they might be wrong!):

(a) Any map which rotates R3 around the origin: then the only fixed point is the origin.

(b) Project R3 onto R2 via the map f:(x,y,z)-->(x,y,0). Then compose this with the map g which fixes zero and takes every other point x-->x/|x|.

This will fix the unit circle: {(x,y): x2+y2=1} and the origin.

(c) Any map f:x-->ax where a is a scalar should fix RP2.
  • #5

(i) The necessary and sufficient condition for the formula [f][x] = [f(x)] to define a map [f]: RPn → RPm ; [x] → [f(x)] is that f must be a well-defined map on the quotient space (Rn+1 - {0})/~. This means that for any [x] in RPn, the result [f(x)] must be independent of the representative of [x] chosen. In other words, if [x] = [y], then [f(x)] = [f(y)]. This is equivalent to saying that f(x) and f(y) must lie on the same line through {0} in Rm+1. Therefore, the necessary and sufficient condition is that f must map lines through {0} in Rn+1 to lines through {0} in Rm+1.

(ii) To prove that the fixed point set Fix([f]) consists of the equivalence classes of lines in Rn+1 through {0} which contain eigenvectors of f, we first note that any fixed point [x] in RPn must satisfy [x] = [f(x)]. This means that f(x) and x must lie on the same line through {0} in Rn+1. Since x is a point in Rn+1, this line must be the span of x, which is the line through {0} in Rn+1 containing x as an eigenvector of f. Therefore, Fix([f]) consists of the equivalence classes of lines in Rn+1 through {0} which contain eigenvectors of f.


(a) One example of a linear map f: R3 → R3 satisfying the condition of (i) such that Fix([f]) is a point is the identity map. In this case, Fix([f]) = RP3, which is just a single point in R3.

(b) Another example is the map f(x,y,z) = (x+y, y+z, z), which maps lines through {0} in R3 to lines through {0} in R3. The fixed point set in this case is the disjoint union of the point [0,0,0] and the circle [x,y,z] = [x,0,z] for all x, z ∈ R.

(c) An example of a linear map f: R3 → R

FAQ: Linear Maps and Fixed Points in RPn

1. What is a linear map in RPn?

A linear map in RPn is a mathematical function that preserves the structure of vector spaces in projective n-space. It maps points in RPn to other points in RPn while preserving collinearity and ratios of distances. Linear maps are used in various applications such as computer graphics, robotics, and physics.

2. What are fixed points in RPn?

Fixed points in RPn are points that remain unchanged after being transformed by a linear map. In other words, the point x is a fixed point if f(x) = x, where f is the linear map. Fixed points are important because they can provide insights into the behavior of a linear map, and they are used in various proofs and theorems in mathematics.

3. How do you find fixed points in RPn?

To find fixed points in RPn, you can set up a system of equations and solve for the points that satisfy the condition f(x) = x. This can be done by hand or using mathematical software. Another approach is to use the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the linear map, as the eigenvectors correspond to the fixed points.

4. Can a linear map have multiple fixed points in RPn?

Yes, a linear map can have multiple fixed points in RPn. In fact, some linear maps may have an infinite number of fixed points. For example, a dilation with a fixed point at the origin has an infinite number of fixed points along the same line passing through the origin.

5. Are fixed points always stable under a linear map in RPn?

No, fixed points are not always stable under a linear map in RPn. A fixed point is considered stable if any small perturbation in the input results in a small change in the output. This is known as asymptotic stability. Some linear maps may have unstable fixed points, meaning any perturbation in the input results in a significant change in the output. Stability of fixed points depends on the eigenvalues of the linear map, where eigenvalues with absolute values less than 1 indicate stability.

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