Linear Polarizers and Light Intensity

In summary, the problem involves finding the angle, θ, at which the final intensity (Sout) equals the initial intensity (Sin) when unpolarized light passes through six polarizers rotated at the same angle, θ, relative to each other. The equations used are Sout = Sin*cos^2θ and S(n+1) = S(n)*cos^2θ. By setting up a constant, c, and using the fact that S6 = c^6 * S0, the relationship between the final and initial intensities can be determined. The solution is found when cos^2θ = 1/6.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Initially unpolarized light is shining on a series of six polarizers in a row. Each polarizer is rotated by the same angle, θ, relative to the previous polarizer. Choose a fraction (anything less than 1) as your final intensity.

What is the angle, θ, such that the final intensity(Sout) equals the initial intensity(Sin) that you chose? Give your answer in degrees.

f = chosen fraction = 1/6

Homework Equations

Sout = Sin*cos^2θ

The Attempt at a Solution

I think that the intensity after each polarizer can be found using the equation Sout = Sin*f. I think I might be more confused about the wording of the problem than anything, but wanted to post on here to see if anyone had any insight for me. Thank you!
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  • #2
No the intensity after each polarizer can be found using the equation you stated in the "relevant equations" section. The intensity after all 6 polarizers is Sout = Sin*f . Can you make any progress?
  • #3
So do I need to use the equation I posted at all? Or is Sout=Sin*f enough to figure out the answer?
  • #4
You need both equations. Sout=Sin*f tells you how the intensity changes after all 6 polarisers, it's easier if you write it as S6=S0*f where S6 is the intensity after passing through 6 polarisers and S0 is the initial intensity (0 polarisers). The other equation can be written as S(n+1) = S(n)*cos^2θ i.e. the the intensity change after passing through any ONE polariser. Can you set up a way to solve the problem now?
  • #5
I just can't seem to put it all together. I've tried countless different values for theta using the S(n+1) = S(n)cos^2 equation. I guess I just don't get how the formulas relate to give me what I'm looking for.
  • #6
Ok. Every polariser is rotated at the same angle relative to the previous one so,

(S(n+1)/Sn) = (cos(θ))^2 = constant = c

because theta is the same for them all.

So S(6) = c S(5) = c c S(4) = c^2 cS(3) ...

Does that make sense? Can you now find an expression for S(6) in terms of S(0)?
  • #7
Okay I think I'm getting it. So would the relationship between them would be: S6=(costheta^2)^6*S0? And if my thinking is correct, S6 should be equivalent to S0? Leaving me with (costheta^2)^6=1?
  • #8
This is right: S6=(costheta^2)^6*S0

But S6 only equals S0 if costheta^2 = 1 i.e the angle between them is 0.

But you have chosen that S6 = 1/6 * S0
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  • #9
Got it thank you

FAQ: Linear Polarizers and Light Intensity

What is a linear polarizer?

A linear polarizer is a device that filters out light waves that are oscillating in all directions except for one specific direction. It allows only light waves with a specific polarization to pass through, resulting in a polarized beam of light.

How does a linear polarizer work?

A linear polarizer is made up of molecules that are aligned in a specific direction. When light waves pass through the polarizer, the molecules only allow light waves that are oscillating in the same direction to pass through, while blocking all other directions.

What is the effect of a linear polarizer on light intensity?

A linear polarizer can decrease the intensity of light by filtering out certain directions of light waves. The amount of intensity decrease depends on the angle between the polarizer and the incoming light waves.

What are some practical applications of linear polarizers?

Linear polarizers are commonly used in sunglasses to reduce glare from reflected light. They are also used in LCD screens to control the amount and direction of light that passes through. In photography, polarizing filters are used to enhance colors and reduce reflections.

How can I determine the polarization angle of light using a linear polarizer?

To determine the polarization angle of light, hold the polarizer at a fixed angle and rotate the polarized light source until the light intensity passing through the polarizer is at its minimum. The angle at which this occurs is the polarization angle of the light.

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