Linear Programming question (I think?)

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving scheduling people into classes and activities over the course of 30 weeks. The classes have varying capacities and the goal is to have an even spread of people in each class. The person asking for help believes it may be related to linear programming and is seeking guidance on where to go for assistance. They have also simplified the problem to involve m events and n people, with each person giving a preference for each event. They are not looking for someone to solve the problem, but rather to be pointed in the right direction for finding a solution.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This is not a homework question, but it is something I want to work on related to something I volunteer for. Regardless, I did not know where to post this question and this forum was the best place I could think of it. I don't need someone to work it out for me, but what I am looking for is to be pointed in the right direction.

The question is as follows:

I have n people and over the course of about 30 weeks, there are m classes. Sometimes in a week there are 2-3, sometimes in a week there are none. Classes can have between 5-25 people in them depending on their type, but all that matters for the question at hand is that classes have a limit on how many people they can have, and this limit varies from class to class.

For the ENTIRE 30 WEEKS, people have placed preferences for whether they would like to be in a class or doing a completely separate activity, by week.

The best possible solution is where as many people are in these classes and that everyone is in the same number (i.e. you don't have some in 7 classes and others in 2, I'm looking for a nice even spread).

Homework Equations

I think this section is explained above...

The Attempt at a Solution

I note this seems to be somewhat like a Linear Programming question, and half of a subject I did at university was on LPs. But it was a year ago now since I did it and this is quite a specific type. Things like Simplex method and Interior Point method race through my mind but I don't know lol.

I searched this on google which was helpful at getting me clearer but the best things I could come across were things like the Assignment problem or the Stable Marriage problem (can't link them as I am under 10 posts)

I am fairly sure it is an LP, what I am looking for is where to go from here. I know this is my first post in this forum so I really hope I posted this in the right place - I read the stickies. To me this seems to be a fairly complex problem, so if someone doesn't know how to help but can still tell me a good place I could re-ask this question, that would be AWESOME.
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  • #2
Okay so I have been thinking lots about this and I have been able to well and truly simplify the question I posed in the original post, but I can't see how to edit (maybe I can't) my original post.

The question is as follows:

There are m events of varying capacity
n people
Each person gives a preference of 0 or 1 for each event (1 means they are able to do it)
Some events are mutually exclusive with each other (i.e. someone cannot do two mutually exclusive events)

That is the whole of it. It could potentially be a linear programming question, but the more I think about it the less I think that is right, I think it is some form of timetabling question. REGARDLESS, I am NOT looking for anyone to solve this for me (purely because I think it is so difficult). ALL I am looking for is someone who can point me in the correct direction (e.g. hey, that expert/expert website over there deals with this sort of thing, maybe go ask some people there!). Anything you can do is extremely helpful.

Related to Linear Programming question (I think?)

1. What is linear programming?

Linear programming is a mathematical optimization technique used to find the best possible solution for a given problem, subject to a set of linear constraints. It involves maximizing or minimizing a linear objective function while satisfying a set of linear equations or inequalities.

2. What are the applications of linear programming?

Linear programming has various applications in business, economics, engineering, and other fields. Some common applications include production planning, resource allocation, scheduling, inventory management, and portfolio optimization.

3. What is the difference between linear programming and nonlinear programming?

The main difference between linear programming and nonlinear programming is the type of function being optimized. In linear programming, the objective function and constraints are all linear, while in nonlinear programming, at least one of them is nonlinear. This makes nonlinear programming problems more complex and difficult to solve.

4. What are the steps involved in solving a linear programming problem?

The steps involved in solving a linear programming problem are: 1. Formulating the problem by defining the decision variables, objective function, and constraints. 2. Graphing the constraints to visualize the feasible region. 3. Identifying the corner points of the feasible region. 4. Calculating the objective function value at each corner point. 5. Selecting the optimal solution with the highest or lowest objective function value, depending on the problem.

5. What are the limitations of linear programming?

Although linear programming is a powerful optimization technique, it has some limitations. It can only be used to solve problems with linear objective function and constraints. It also assumes that all the parameters of the problem are known with certainty, which may not always be the case in real-world applications. Additionally, it cannot handle discrete decision variables or integer constraints, which may be necessary in certain scenarios.

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