Linear Programming - Separation of points

In summary, the conversation discusses using a linear program to separate two sets of points A and B using a polynomial function. The program can be expanded to include other functions as long as the function is left alone and only the coefficients are manipulated. The limitations of linear programming are also explored, as well as the potential applications of using non-linear functions to separate data points.
  • #1
This semester while taking Linear Programming (Linear Optimization Models), we talked about using a linear program to separate two sets of points A and B. The general program is:

Max d
yA ≥ axA+b+d
yB ≤ axB+b-d

It can be expanded into finding a polynomial that passes between the two sets.

I'm wondering if anyone has tried other functions. My book says you can as long you leave the function alone and just work with the coefficients. I'm trying to work with trig functions (cos(πx) mostly because the period is 1) and exponential functions but I'm not getting very far. Has anyone seen or tried anything like this?
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  • #2
As I understand your first example, it is:

[itex] A [/itex] is a finite set of points [itex] \{x_A,y_A\} [/itex]
[itex] B [/itex] is a finite set of points [itex] \{x_B,y_B\} [/itex]

Considering [itex] a,b,d [/itex] to be variables, find the values of [itex] a,b,d [/itex] that maximize [itex]d[/itex] subject to the contraints:

[itex] y_A \ge a (x_A) + b + d [/itex] for each [itex] (x_A,y_A) \in A [/itex]
[itex] y_B \le a (x_B) + b + d [/itex] for each [itex] (x_B,y_B) \in B [/itex]

So you are interested in variants of the problem, perhaps with more variables, say a,b,c,d and contraints like:

[itex] y_A \ge a(cos(b\pi (x_A)) + c + d [/itex] ?

As far as I can see, this would not be a linear programming problem since the constraints involve terms like [itex] cos(b\pi(x_A)) [/itex] that do not become linear functions of the unknowns even after a numerical value is substituted for [itex] x_A [/itex].

By contrast, a term like [itex] b (x_A)^3 [/itex] in a polynomial function does become a linear function of [itex] b [/itex] after we substittue a specific number for [itex] x_A [/itex].

You can handle constraints like [itex] y_A \ge a (cos(x_A)) + b [/itex] with linear programming.

There may be other ways of solving the variant of the problem that you propose. Are you interested solving the variant problem or are you just trying to understand the limitations of linear programming?
  • #3
I'm more or less trying to understand the limits of linear programming. Here's what I was thinking. A = {(-2,0), (0,0), (2,0)} and B = {(-1,0), (1,0)}. How would you separate those with a curve? The obvious answer to me is a cosine curve. Particularly, f(x) = cos (πx) (because the period is 1).

Now, I was hoping I could run a program like this:

Max d:
y ≥ a(sin(πx)) + b(cos(πx)) + c + d
y ≤ a(sin(πx)) + b(cos(πx)) + c - d

and get a = c = 0, and b = d = 1.
  • #4
For that example, [itex] cos(\pi x) [/itex] is a feasible solution. But [itex] 100 cos(\pi x) [/itex] would be a better solution because it makes [itex] d [/itex] greater. You are in a situation where there is no max for [itex]d[/itex]. You can make [itex]d[/itex] as large as you want. To force the answer to be [itex] cos(\pi x) [/itex] you need to use different constraints - or perhaps even a different objective function.
  • #5
What about a function like f(x) = Aex + B? Or f(x) = (A/x) + B
  • #6
lockedup said:
What about a function like f(x) = Aex + B? Or f(x) = (A/x) + B

What do you mean by "what about "? Those functions produce linear constraints in variables A and B after you substitute particular values of X. As to whether the linear program associated with them has a unique solution, I refuse to think about it yet! You'll have to convince me that separating points with the graph of a function can be an interesting problem.
  • #7
This could be a clustering problem. I have a bunch of data points corresponding to the conditions under which some experiment is committed. Sometimes the experiment is a success, sometimes it isn't. I perform the experiment again and, after measuring the conditions but before committing the experiment, I want to predict whether the experiment is a success or not. One method would be to find a non-linear equation (if necessary, depending on what the data looks like) that separates the points, and then finding which side my new set of conditions lies on.

For example I fire a projectile with an angle of theta, and measure the windspeed when I do so. I want to know if the projectile goes at least 10 yards. If I didn't know how to do the math (use the data to figure out the coefficient of drag of the cannonball etc) I could just make a bunch of measurements, and try to separate the successes and the failures by a function f(theta,windspeed)=0. A better function is one in which f(theta,windspeed)>d for all the successes so far, and f(theta,windspeed)<d for all the failures for a large value of d
  • #8
The example you give is a plausible application. It's more restricted than the general problem of separating two sets of points with a curve. A function y = f(x) can only have one y value for each x value, it can't be used to separate sets of data where the data has different y values (and different success vs fail results) for the same x value. For example data triplets like (persons height, persons weight, whether they can jump a 3 foot fence) could not necessarily be separated.

Using the data in your example, y = A/x + B isn't defined at x = 0, so we can't define how the graph affects the data point (0,0). (i.e. you can't write the constraint implied by the data point (0,0) )

I see no reason to give up on using y = A e^x + B. Have you tried it?

Related to Linear Programming - Separation of points

1. What is linear programming and how is it used in scientific research?

Linear programming is a mathematical optimization technique used to find the best possible solution for a problem with multiple constraints. It is commonly used in scientific research to optimize resource allocation, such as finding the most efficient way to allocate funding or resources for a project.

2. What is the "separation of points" concept in linear programming?

The separation of points refers to the process of finding a line or plane that separates a set of points into two distinct groups. In linear programming, this concept is used to find an optimal solution by determining the best way to divide a set of data points into two groups based on a specific objective.

3. How does the "separation of points" method help in solving linear programming problems?

The separation of points method helps in solving linear programming problems by simplifying the problem into two sub-problems. By dividing the data points into two groups, the problem becomes more manageable and can be solved using other mathematical techniques such as graphing or linear algebra.

4. Can the "separation of points" method be applied to any type of linear programming problem?

Yes, the separation of points method can be applied to any type of linear programming problem as long as there is a clear objective and multiple constraints. It is a flexible and widely applicable technique that can be used in various scientific fields, including economics, engineering, and operations research.

5. Are there any limitations to using the "separation of points" method in linear programming?

While the separation of points method is a powerful tool in solving linear programming problems, it does have some limitations. It may not always provide the most accurate or efficient solution, and it may not be suitable for highly complex problems with many variables and constraints. In these cases, other optimization techniques may be more effective.

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