Linear Transformation of R2 to R1: Determining Linearity of f(x,y)=xy

In summary: No, I'm not talking about multiplication of a vector by a scalar. I'm talking about addition of a vector to a scalar.
  • #1

Homework Statement

R2 to R1 f(x,y)=xy
Determine if the transformation is linear or not

Homework Equations

T(V1+V2) = T(V1) + T(V2)
T(cV1) = Tc(V1)

The Attempt at a Solution

If the function f(x,y) = xy we can define another function f(a,b)=ab
Therefore, f(x,y) = f(a,b), so xy=ab, so all variables could = each other...

T(x*a + y*b) = T(xy) + T(ab)

Txa+Tyb = Txy + Tab

I'm not really sure if I'm on the right track here. Can anyone help me? I need to know the process for finding whether a transformation is linear or not. Usually, I write another function with a vector similar to the original one, in this case it's ab, then i prove it's one-to-one, then try and prove the other 2 equations. Linear transformations are so difficult and it's so hard to find a good resource online that teaches it simply!
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  • #2
For your first property, you have vectors (x,y) and (a,b). If the transformation f were linear, then you could say that f ( (x,y)+ (a,b) ) = f(x,y) + f(a,b).
This is not about whether it could be true, it is about whether or not it is always true.
Remember that the sum of two vectors (x,y) + (a,b) = (x+a, y+b).

For the scalar multiple, that is c(x,y) = (cx, cy) . So you would test if f(c(x,y) ) = c f(x,y).

You should find that neither of these hold true.
  • #3
says said:

Homework Statement

R2 to R1 f(x,y)=xy
Determine if the transformation is linear or not

Homework Equations

T(V1+V2) = T(V1) + T(V2)
T(cV1) = Tc(V1)

The Attempt at a Solution

If the function f(x,y) = xy we can define another function f(a,b)=ab
Therefore, f(x,y) = f(a,b), so xy=ab, so all variables could = each other...
Why are you doing this? You have not defined another function. All you have done is use different input arguments.
says said:
T(x*a + y*b) = T(xy) + T(ab)

Txa+Tyb = Txy + Tab
?? Use the function you started with -- f. You are doing nothing but confusing yourself by switching to T.
There is a further confusion in not being clear what x and y represent. When you write T(x*a + y*b), x and y are apparently vectors in ##\mathbb{R}^2##, but in the function definition -- f(x, y) = xy -- x and y are the real number components of a vector in ##\mathbb{R}^2##.

You absolutely need to be clear on the difference between a vector and its components.
says said:
I'm not really sure if I'm on the right track here. Can anyone help me? I need to know the process for finding whether a transformation is linear or not. Usually, I write another function with a vector similar to the original one, in this case it's ab, then i prove it's one-to-one, then try and prove the other 2 equations. Linear transformations are so difficult and it's so hard to find a good resource online that teaches it simply!
Let ##\vec{u} = <u_1, u_2>## and ##\vec{v} = <v_1, v_2>## be vectors in ##\mathbb{R}^2##
What is ##f(\vec{u})##?
What is ##f(c\vec{u})##?
What is ##f(a\vec{u} + b\vec{v})##?
  • #4
I like to make things look familiar. I know f and T are the same thing, but I prefer to use T because I'm doing a linear transformation.
I need to prove f(x,y)=xy is linear

I do that by showing f(V1 + V2) = f(V1) + f(V2) but in the problem statement I only have one vector: xy, so I created a second vector, ab, so I can prove the equation.
  • #5
The first additive rule for linear transformations states that T(x+y) = T(x) + T(y)

In just about every problem I've come across I've only been given one vector. x+y, X+1, and I read the textbook and it says to define another vector so you can prove it's one-to-one, and that the additive and cumulative qualities hold.
  • #6
says said:
I like to make things look familiar. I know f and T are the same thing, but I prefer to use T because I'm doing a linear transformation.
You're cluttering up your work by using different names than are in the problem. This clutter has the downside of possibly confusing you.

says said:
I need to prove f(x,y)=xy is linear

I do that by showing f(V1 + V2) = f(V1) + f(V2) but in the problem statement I only have one vector: xy, so I created a second vector, ab, so I can prove the equation.
xy is NOT a vector. It is a number.
As I said in a previous post, you need to be able to distinguish between the components of a vector (x and y) and the vector itself: ##\begin{bmatrix} x \\ y\end{bmatrix}##
says said:
The first additive rule for linear transformations states that T(x+y) = T(x) + T(y)

In just about every problem I've come across I've only been given one vector. x+y, X+1, and I read the textbook and it says to define another vector so you can prove it's one-to-one, and that the additive and cumulative qualities hold.
Are you talking about multiplication of a vector by a scalar?
See what I wrote at the end of post #3.
  • #7
Let u⃗ =<u1,u2> and v⃗ =<v1,v2> be vectors in R2
What is f(u⃗ )?
What is f(cu⃗ )?
What is f(au⃗ +bv⃗ )?

f(u) = u1*u2
f(cu) = f(c(u1*u2))
f(a(u1*u2) + b(v1*v2))

I don't understand what the a and b is in the last bit?

f(x,y)=xy is a function, and NOT a vector.

Does this mean, for this transformation to be linear:

f(V1+V2) = f(x,y) = xy
f(V1)+f(V2) = f(x,y) = xy
f(ca) = fc(a) = f(x,y) = xy

  • #8
Do I then have to create another function that is equivalent to f(x,y)=xy to prove if it's linear?
I've stopped using V because it's making me think of vectors and I've started using f! W1 = f(x,y) = xy
W2 = f(a,b) = ab

f(W1+W2) = f(W1) + f(W2)

(x+a) * (y+b) ≠ x*y + a*b

I checked by using a=1 b=2 x=3 y=4

(3+1)*(4*2) ≠ 3*4 + 1*2
21 ≠ 14
Therefore, transformation is not linear.
Is this it? I think I'm finally starting to get it, maybe...
  • #9
says said:
Let u⃗ =<u1,u2> and v⃗ =<v1,v2> be vectors in R2
What is f(u⃗ )?
What is f(cu⃗ )?
What is f(au⃗ +bv⃗ )?

f(u) = u1*u2
Yes, assuming that u = <u1, u2>
says said:
f(cu) = f(c(u1*u2))
No. u is a vector, as is cu. Calculate cu first (IOW, find the components of cu), then apply your function to it.
says said:
f(a(u1*u2) + b(v1*v2))

I don't understand what the a and b is in the last bit?
says said:
f(x,y)=xy is a function, and NOT a vector.
f is a function. xy is a number.
says said:
Does this mean, for this transformation to be linear:

f(V1+V2) = f(x,y) = xy
f(V1)+f(V2) = f(x,y) = xy
f(ca) = fc(a) = f(x,y) = xy
None of these makes any sense.
  • #10
I think my post above this with the original problem makes more sense
  • #11
says said:
Do I then have to create another function that is equivalent to f(x,y)=xy to prove if it's linear?
No, you only have the one function, f.
says said:
I've stopped using V because it's making me think of vectors and I've started using f!
says said:
W1 = f(x,y) = xy
W2 = f(a,b) = ab
This doesn't make much sense. In part you're saying that W1 = xy and W2 = ab, which means that W1 and W2 are numbers.
In the line below you have f(W1 + W2), which implies that W1 and W2 are vectors. Which is it? They can't be both vectors and numbers.
says said:
f(W1+W2) = f(W1) + f(W2)

(x+a) * (y+b) ≠ x*y + a*b

I checked by using a=1 b=2 x=3 y=4

(3+1)*(4*2) ≠ 3*4 + 1*2
21 ≠ 14
Therefore, transformation is not linear.
Is this it? I think I'm finally starting to get it, maybe...
I don't think so.

Let u = <u1, u2>, and v = <v1, v2>
Hopefully it's clear that when you see u, we're talking about a vector, but when you see u2, we're talking about one of the components of u.

What is u + v?
What is f(u + v)?
What is cu? (c is a scalar)
What is f(cu)?
  • #12
u + v = u1*v1 + u2*v2
f(u + v) = u1*u2 + v1*v2
cu = c(u1*u2)
f(cu) = c*u1*u2
  • #13
says said:
u + v = u1*v1 + u2*v2
NO! This is just plain old vector addition!
says said:
f(u + v) = u1*u2 + v1*v2
cu = c(u1*u2)
NO! This is nothing more than multiplication of a vector by a scalar.
says said:
f(cu) = c*u1*u2

You're not going to get this if you don't understand the very basic concepts of vector addition and scalar multiplication.
If ##\vec{u} = <u_1, u_2>## and ##\vec{v} = <v_1, v_2>## then ##\vec{u} + \vec{v} = <u_1 + v_1, u_2 + v_2>##
Also, if c is a scalar, then ##c\vec{u} = <cu_1, cu_2>##
I hope that this looks familiar...
  • #14
where does f(x,y) = xy come into this problem though? I understand the mistakes I made above, but they were because I'm trying to incorporate the original function into what you wrote...
  • #15
says said:
where does f(x,y) = xy come into this problem though? I understand the mistakes I made above, but they were because I'm trying to incorporate the original function into what you wrote...
It doesn't come into play yet, because you're still having problems working with vectors -- i.e., adding two vectors and multiplying a vector by a scalar. Until you get these concepts down, you won't have any success working with functions that take vectors as arguments.
  • #16
u + v = (u1+v1 , u2+v2)
f(u + v) = (u1+u2 + v1+v2)
cu = c(u1,u2)= (cu1,cu2)
f(cu) = (cu1,cu2)
  • #17
says said:
u + v = (u1+v1 , u2+v2)
says said:
f(u + v) = (u1+u2 + v1+v2)
No. Look at how f is defined.
says said:
cu = c(u1,u2)= (cu1,cu2)
says said:
f(cu) = (cu1,cu2)
No. Look at how f is defined.
  • #18

f(u+v) = u1*u2+v1*v2

f(cu) = f(c(u1*u2)
  • #19
Made an edit to the above, which you already said was incorrect -- I'm now sure how though...
If f(x,y) = xy

and i substitute the components of vector u (u1,u2) and vector v (v1,v2) into this function, then I get the answer I got.
  • #20
says said:

f(u+v) = u1*v1+u2*v2

f(cu) = f(c(u1*u2)
Both of the above are wrong. You are skipping steps like crazy, and writing stuff without thinking about it.

You already told me what u + v was; namely u + v = ##<u_1 + v_1, u_2 + v_2>##, and what cu was; namely, cu = ##<cu_1, cu_2>##
What is f(##<u_1 + v_1, u_2 + v_2>##)?
What is f(##<cu_1, cu_2>##)?
  • #21
f(x,y) = xy

f(u1+v1,u2+v2) = (u1+v1)*(u2+v2)
f(cu1,cu2) = cu1*cu2
  • #22
says said:

f(u+v) = u1*u2+v1*v2

f(cu) = f(c(u1*u2)

The first one is wrong; the second one just displays the vector cu explicitly, but without actually saying anything.

You are told that if you have a vector ##\vec{v} = (\text{thing 1}, \text{thing 2})## then ##f(\vec{v}) = \text{thing 1} \times \text{thing 2}##. OK so far?

Now, what would you get if ##\text{thing 1} = u_1 + v_2## and ##\text{thing 2} = u_2 + v_2##? What would you get if ##\text{thing 1} = c u_1## and ##\text{thing 2} = c u_2##?
  • #23
says said:
f(x,y) = xy

f(u1+v1,u2+v2) = (u1+v1)*(u2+v2)
f(cu1,cu2) = cu1*cu2

So f(u + v) = f(##<u_1 + v_1, u_2 + v_2>) = (u_1 + v_1) \cdot (u_2 + v_2)##
Is this equal to f(u) + f(v)?

And f(cu) = f(##<cu_1, cu_2>) = cu_1 \cdot cu_2##
Is this equal to cf(u)?
  • #24
Ray Vickson said:
The first one is wrong; the second one just displays the vector cu explicitly, but without actually saying anything.

You are told that if you have a vector ##\vec{v} = (\text{thing 1}, \text{thing 2})## then ##f(\vec{v}) = \text{thing 1} \times \text{thing 2}##. OK so far?

Now, what would you get if ##\text{thing 1} = u_1 + v_2## and ##\text{thing 2} = u_2 + v_2##? What would you get if ##\text{thing 1} = c u_1## and ##\text{thing 2} = c u_2##?
Ray, he corrected these in post #21.
  • #25
f(u + v) = f(<u1+v1,u2+v2>)=(u1+v1)⋅(u2+v2)

f(u) = u1*u2
f(v) = v1*v2

No, this is not equal.

f(cu) = f(<cu1,cu2>)=cu1⋅cu2


This is not equal either. Therefore it is not a linear transformation.
  • #26
Mark44 said:
Ray, he corrected these in post #21.

OK. That seems to be another one of those cases where some things appear on my screen only after I press the 'enter' key.
  • #27
says said:
f(u + v) = f(<u1+v1,u2+v2>)=(u1+v1)⋅(u2+v2)

f(u) = u1*u2
f(v) = v1*v2

No, this is not equal.
I believe you, but you're not very convincing here. Show me why (u1+v1)⋅(u2+v2) is not equal to u1*u2 + v1*v2.
says said:
f(cu) = f(<cu1,cu2>)=cu1⋅cu2


This is not equal either. Therefore it is not a linear transformation.
Again, show me why cu1*cu2 is not equal to c(u1 * u2).
  • #28
I gave each variable values and subbed them in.
u1=1 u2=2 v1=3 v2=4 c=5

(u1+v1)⋅(u2+v2) ≠ (u1*u2) + (v1*v2)
(1+3)*(2+4) ≠ (1*2)+(3*4)
4*6 ≠ 2+12
24 ≠ 12
cu1⋅cu2 ≠ c(u1*u2)
5(1)*5(2) ≠ 5(1*2)
50 ≠ 10
  • #29
says said:
I gave each variable values and subbed them in.
u1=1 u2=2 v1=3 v2=4 c=5

(u1+v1)⋅(u2+v2) ≠ (u1*u2) + (v1*v2)
(1+3)*(2+4) ≠ (1*2)+(3*4)
4*6 ≠ 2+12
24 ≠ 12
cu1⋅cu2 ≠ c(u1*u2)
5(1)*5(2) ≠ 5(1*2)
50 ≠ 10
I would be much more convinced (and your instructor would as well) if you could show my why (u1+v1)⋅(u2+v2) ≠ (u1*u2) + (v1*v2), and why cu1⋅cu2 ≠ c(u1*u2), without resorting to specific number examples.

For the first one, expand (u1+v1)⋅(u2+v2) and show that this is not equal to u1u2 + v1v2.
The second one is very easy to show.
  • #30
You're almost done with this problem, and you have made a lot of improvement along the way. When you're done here, you might want to revisit the other question you posted yesterday. It might make more sense now.
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Likes says
  • #31
Yep! I'm going to do exactly that! Thanks a lot for your help @Mark44
  • #32
f(u + v) = f(<u1+v1,u2+v2>)=
f(u) = u1*u2
f(v) = v1*v2
f(cu) = f(<cu1,cu2>)=cu1⋅cu2(u1+v1)⋅(u2+v2) = u1u2+u1v2+v1u2+v1v2 ≠ u1*u2 + v1*v2

cu1⋅cu2 ≠ c*u1*u2
  • #33
says said:
f(u + v) = f(<u1+v1,u2+v2>)=
f(u) = u1*u2
f(v) = v1*v2
f(cu) = f(<cu1,cu2>)=cu1⋅cu2(u1+v1)⋅(u2+v2) = u1u2+u1v2+v1u2+v1v2 ≠ u1*u2 + v1*v2
This looks good. Even better would be:
f(u + v) = f(<u1+v1,u2+v2>) = (u1+v1)⋅(u2+v2) = u1u2+u1v2+v1u2+v1v2 ≠ u1*u2 + v1*v2 = f(u) + f(v)
says said:
cu1⋅cu2 ≠ c*u1*u2
because c2u1⋅u2 ≠ c*u1*u2 unless c = 0 or c = 1.

Related to Linear Transformation of R2 to R1: Determining Linearity of f(x,y)=xy

What is a linear transformation?

A linear transformation is a mathematical function that maps one vector space to another in a way that preserves the structure of the original space. In simpler terms, it is a function that takes in a set of inputs and produces a corresponding set of outputs in a predictable and consistent manner.

What does it mean for a function to be linear?

A function is considered linear if it satisfies two properties: additivity and homogeneity. Additivity means that the function's output for the sum of two inputs is equal to the sum of the function's outputs for each individual input. Homogeneity means that the function's output for a scalar multiple of an input is equal to the scalar multiple of the function's output for the original input.

How can I determine if a function is linear?

To determine if a function is linear, you can check if it satisfies the two properties mentioned above: additivity and homogeneity. If the function satisfies both properties, then it is considered linear. In the case of the function f(x,y)=xy, we can check if it satisfies additivity and homogeneity by plugging in different inputs and seeing if the outputs follow the rules of additivity and homogeneity.

What is the difference between a linear and a non-linear function?

A linear function satisfies the two properties of additivity and homogeneity, while a non-linear function does not. This means that a non-linear function does not produce outputs that are consistent or predictable when given different inputs. In the case of f(x,y)=xy, the function is linear because it satisfies both properties, but if we were to change the function to f(x,y)=x^2+y, it would no longer be linear because it does not satisfy homogeneity.

Why is it important to determine linearity of a function?

Determining the linearity of a function is important because it allows us to understand and predict the behavior of the function. Linear functions have many useful properties that make them easier to work with, such as the ability to find derivatives and integrals. They also have real-world applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. Knowing if a function is linear or not can also help us determine the best approach for solving a problem or analyzing data.

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