Linearly Independent Sets in Abelian Groups

In summary, a subset X of an abelian group G is said to be linearly independent if every nonzero element of the subgroup <X> can be written uniquely in the form n1x1+...+nkxk, where ni∈Z∖{0} and x1,...,xk∈X are distinct. This can also be stated as follows: A subset X of an abelian group G is linearly independent if, for any finite subset {x1,...,xn} of X and set of integers {k1,...,kn} such that ∑j=1nkjxj=0, it must be the case that all ki are zero. This definition implies that X does not
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Homework Statement

##X## is linearly independent if and only if every nonzero element of the subgroup ##\langle X \rangle## may be written uniquely in the form ##n_1 x_1 + ... n_k x_k## (##n_i \in \Bbb{Z} \setminus \{0\}##, and ##x_1,...,x_k \in X## are distinct).

Homework Equations

A subset ##X## of an abelian group ##F## is said to be linearly independent if ##n_1 x_1 + ... + n_k x_k## always implies ##n_i = 0## for every ##i## (where ##n_i \in \Bbb{Z}## and ##x_1,...,x_k## are distinct elements in ##X##.

The Attempt at a Solution

I will focus on the ##\impliedby## direction. Here is a solution I found online which I feel is erroneous:

"Given ##\sum n_i x_i = \sum m_i x_i##, we get ##\sum (n_i - m_i)x_i = 0## If every element of ##\langle X \rangle## is the unique linearly combination of elements from ##X##, then to begin with we know ##n_i = m_i## for each ##i \in I## Since ##0 = \sum 0x_i##, it follows any linear combination ##\sum n_i x_i = 0## forces ##n_i = 0## for all ##i \in I##; therefore, ##X## is linearly independent. "

This seems wrong. First, they are assuming that *every* element in ##\langle X \rangle##, including the identity ##0##, can be uniquely written as certain combination of elements in ##X##; but this is not what the problem statement says. Second, it doesn't seem that we can infer that ##n_i = 0## for every ##i## from ##\sum n_i x_i = \sum 0 x_i##, since ##0## can (possibly) be written in a variety of ways and we are *assuming* that ##\sum n_i x_i## is zero.

My thought was to do something like the following. Suppose every ##x \in \langle X \rangle \setminus \{0\}## can be uniquely represented in the manner already mentioned. Let ##x_1,...,x_n## be distinct, nonzero elements in ##X##, and suppose ##k_1 x_1 + ... + k_n x_n = 0##. If ##k_n x_n \neq 0##, then ##k_1 x_1 + ... k_{n-1} x_{n-1} = 0x_1 + ... 0x_{n-1} -k_n x_n##. If the RHS is zero, then we are done. If not, then we have two different representations of the same element, unless ##n_i = 0## for every ##i##. Now, if ##k_n x_n = 0##, then choose the next nonzero element.

This seems incorrect, too, and, as you may have noticed, I am implicitly assuming that every element has infinite order. What's going on? How do we prove the statement?
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Regarding an implicit assumption that all elements have infinite order: I don't know exactly how the vector space concept of 'linearly independent' is applied to abelian groups, but if it is applied with exactly the same definition as for vector spaces then a linearly independent set cannot contain any cyclic elements. So the implicit assumption is fine. I am not sure it's needed though.

Let's state, for definiteness, the presumed definition of LI for abelian groups. A set X of elements of an abelian group G is LI iff for any finite subset ##\{x_1,...,x_n\}## of X and set of integers ##\{k_1,...,k_n\}## such that ##\sum_{j=1}^n k_jx_j=0## it must be the case that all ##k_i## are zero. Note that that immediately implies that X does not contain zero or any cyclic elements.

Now assume that there exist ##\{x_1,...,x_n\}## of X and integers ##\{k_1,...,k_n\}## such that ##\sum_{j=1}^n k_ix_i=0##. Arbitrarily choose ##j\in\{1,...,n\}##. Then we can write:
$$-k_jx_j = \sum_{\substack{l=1\\l\neq j}}^n k_lx_l$$

Do you think you can take it from there?

Related to Linearly Independent Sets in Abelian Groups

1. What is a linearly independent set in an abelian group?

A linearly independent set in an abelian group is a subset of elements that do not have any non-trivial linear combinations that equal the identity element of the group. This means that no element in the set can be written as a sum of other elements in the set, except for the trivial combination of adding the identity element to itself.

2. How do you determine if a set is linearly independent in an abelian group?

To determine if a set is linearly independent in an abelian group, you can use the definition mentioned above. You can also use the method of Gaussian elimination, where you form a matrix with the elements of the set as the columns and then reduce it to row-echelon form. If there are no leading 1's in the last row, the set is linearly independent.

3. Can a linearly independent set in an abelian group have more than one element?

Yes, a linearly independent set in an abelian group can have more than one element. In fact, a set with more than one element is usually required to be linearly independent, as a singleton set (a set with only one element) is automatically linearly independent in an abelian group.

4. What is the difference between a linearly independent set and a basis in an abelian group?

A basis in an abelian group is a linearly independent set that spans the entire group. This means that every element in the group can be written as a linear combination of the elements in the basis. A linearly independent set, on the other hand, may not necessarily span the entire group.

5. Are all subgroups of an abelian group linearly independent?

No, not all subgroups of an abelian group are linearly independent. In fact, most subgroups are not linearly independent. Only subgroups that have a basis as their set of generators can be considered linearly independent.

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