Link between Pascal's triangle and integrals of trigonometric functions

In summary: But I'm still not sure what the connection is with Pascal's triangle.In summary, the conversation discusses the simplification of trigonometric integrals and their relation to Pascal's triangle. The summary includes a detailed explanation of how to solve powers of sin(x) using the double angle identity and partial integration. It also suggests that the lecturer may be using the complex exponential version of trig functions and Pascal's triangle to expand the numerator of the power. However, the exact connection between the two is still unclear.
  • #1
My lecturer keeps simplifying trigonometric integrals in one line such as
and writes pascals triangle next to it. Just wondering what's the link between them? I'm sure it's obvious and easy, I'd just like to have an fast way of dealing with these
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  • #2
I have no idea what your teacher is doing! However you can express powers of sin(x) in terms of things like sin(4x). The "double angle identity", [itex]cos(2x)= cos^2(x)- sin^2(x)[/itex] can be rewritten as [itex]cos(2x)= cos^2(x)- (1- cos^2(x))= 2cos^2(x)- 1[/itex] or as [itex]cos(2x)= (1- sin^2(x))- sin^2(x)= 1- 2sin^2(x)[/itex].

Those can be "solved" as [itex]cos^2(x)= (1/2)(1+ cos(2x))[/itex] and [itex]sin^2(x)= (1/2)(1- cos(2x))[/itex].

So sin4(x)= (sin2(x))2= ((1/2)(1- cos(2x))2[/itex][itex]= (1/4)(1- 2cos(2x)+ cos^2(2x))[/itex]. And [itex]cos^2(2x)= (1/2)(1+ cos(2(2x)))= (1/2)(1+ cos(4x)[/itex] so
[itex]sin^4(x)= 1/4- (1/2)cos(2x)+ (1/2)(1+ cos(4x))[/itex][itex]= 3/4- (1/2)cos(2x)+ (1/2)cos(4x)[/itex].

Since the integrals of cos(2x) and cos(4x), from 0 to [itex]2\pi[/itex], are 0, the only thing remaining is that "1/4" and its integral from 0 to [itex]2\pi[/itex] is, of course, [itex](1/4)(2\pi)= \pi/2[/itex].
  • #3
That should be:
yielding 3/8 to integrate, agreeing with the teacher's answer.
  • #4
Maybe your teacher is using the complex exponential version of trig functions...

[tex]\sin^4 t = \left(\frac{e^{it}-e^{-it}}{2i}\right)^4[/tex]

and Pascal's triangle is of obvious help in expanding the numerator of the power.
  • #5
The correct relation is fairly easy to gain by repeated use of partial integration:

1. Let [tex]I_{n}=\int_{0}^{2\pi}\sin^{n}tdt=-\cos(t)\sin^{n-1}t\mid_{t=0}^{t=2\pi}+\int_{0}^{2\pi}(n-1)\cos^{2}t\sin^{n-2}t=(n-1)\int_{0}^{2\pi}(\sin^{n-2}t-\sin^{n}t)dt=(n-1)I_{n-2}-(n-1)I_{n}[/tex]

2. Thus, we have gained the recurrence relation:
[tex]I_{n}=(n-1)I_{n-2}-(n-1)I_{n}\to{I}_{n}=\frac{n-1}{n}I_{n-2}, n\geq{2}[/tex]

(The case is identical if cosine constitutes our base, rather than sine, the exponent "n" remaining the same)
3. We note that [tex]I_{0}=2\pi, I_{1}=0[/tex]
Thus, we easily see that for "n" odd, the integral will be 0.
Henceforth, we assume even n=2p for natural number p.

4. We may write, for any particular "n", the value as a "sew-saw"-pattern starting with "n" as the value in the leftmost denominator:

5. This can again be twiddled into an explicit form as follows:
With n=2p, the denominator [itex]n*(n-2)*(n-4)...2=2^{p}(p!)[/itex], where p! is the factorial of p.
Multiplying both the numerator and denominator with this expression yields:

The binomial coefficients are closely related to..Pascal's triangle. :smile:
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  • #6
g_edgar said:
Maybe your teacher is using the complex exponential version of trig functions...
[tex]\sin^4 t = \left(\frac{e^{it}-e^{-it}}{2i}\right)^4[/tex]
and Pascal's triangle is of obvious help in expanding the numerator of the power.

That looks like a good idea.

I'd prefer a slight improvement
[tex]\sin^4 t = \Im\left(e^{it}\left(\frac{e^{it}-e^{-it}}{2i}\right)^3\right)[/tex]
Then it's easier to convert back to tri-functions.

Related to Link between Pascal's triangle and integrals of trigonometric functions

1. What is Pascal's triangle?

Pascal's triangle is a triangular arrangement of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two numbers directly above it. It is named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal.

2. What are integrals of trigonometric functions?

Integrals of trigonometric functions are mathematical expressions that represent the area under the curve of a trigonometric function. They are used to solve problems involving curves and angles in calculus and physics.

3. How are Pascal's triangle and integrals of trigonometric functions related?

There is a direct connection between Pascal's triangle and integrals of trigonometric functions. Each row of Pascal's triangle represents the coefficients of the expansion of a binomial expression, which can be used to calculate the integral of a trigonometric function.

4. What is the significance of this link between Pascal's triangle and integrals of trigonometric functions?

The link between Pascal's triangle and integrals of trigonometric functions allows us to easily solve complex integration problems by using the coefficients from Pascal's triangle. It also provides a visual representation of how these two seemingly unrelated concepts are connected.

5. Can this connection be applied to other areas of mathematics?

Yes, the connection between Pascal's triangle and integrals of trigonometric functions is just one example of how seemingly unrelated mathematical concepts can be connected and used to solve problems in different areas of mathematics. This approach, known as using analogies, is a common problem-solving technique in mathematics.

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