Lipschitz functions dense in C0M

In summary, the conversation is about a problem related to Pugh's book on analysis, specifically showing that the set of continuous Lipschitz functions on a compact metric space is dense in the set of continuous functions on that space. The conversation also discusses using the Stone-Weierstrass theorem to solve this problem and the difficulties in showing that the set of Lipschitz functions is a subalgebra of the set of continuous functions. The conversation ultimately seeks help in understanding how to prove that the set of Lipschitz functions contains the constant functions and does not vanish anywhere.
  • #1
I'm working on Pugh's book on analysis and there's this problem that should be very easy to solve. It's asking to show that the set of continuous functions, [tex]f:M \rightarrow R, f\in C^{Lip}[/tex] obeying the Lipschitz condition (where M is a compact metric space):

[tex]|f(a) - f(b)| \leq L d(a,b)[/tex] for some L, for every a and b belonging to to M.

Show that the above is dense in [tex]C^{0}(M,R)[/tex]. My attempt is to use the Stone-Weirestrass theorem. That is to show that the set [tex]C^{Lip}[/tex] vanishes nowhere and separates points. The latter is easy for me, I just showed how the above equation implies that f(a) does not equal f(b) if a does not equal b. However, showing the vanishing property is proving difficult. Is there some trick I'm supposed to use? Hm...

Also, I assume I'll have to actually show that [tex]C^{Lip}[/tex] is infact a function algebra; that is, it obeys the 3 properties that makes something that (closed under addition, constant multiples, and multiplication), but I can't seem to manipulate the equations in such a way that shows the Lipschitz property implies those.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
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  • #2
The Stone-Weierstrass theorem is applicable to subalgebras, so you must show first that the LIpschitz functions are indeed a subalgebra of [itex]C^{0}\left(M,\mathbb R \right)[/itex]. This is not difficult, for the multiplication, start with:


Then add and subtract [itex]f\left(a\right)g\left(b\right)[/itex], expand and use the fact that the functions are continuous and defined in a compact space.

Now, there are some things I don't understand in your question:

That is to show that the set vanishes nowhere ...

This is indeed necessary for the locally compact version of the theorem but, as you have a compact metric space, you only need to show that your set contains the constant functions.

The latter is easy for me, I just showed how the above equation implies that f(a) does not equal f(b) if a does not equal b.

How did you prove that?

FAQ: Lipschitz functions dense in C0M

1. What is a Lipschitz function?

A Lipschitz function is a type of continuous function that satisfies a Lipschitz condition, which means that there is a positive constant that bounds the difference between the function values at any two points. This condition ensures that the function has a unique and well-behaved derivative at every point.

2. What does it mean for a Lipschitz function to be dense in C0M?

A Lipschitz function being dense in C0M means that it is possible to approximate any function in the space C0M (the space of continuous functions with compact support) with a Lipschitz function. In other words, there is a Lipschitz function that is arbitrarily close to any given function in C0M.

3. What is the importance of Lipschitz functions being dense in C0M?

Having Lipschitz functions be dense in C0M is important because it allows for a wider range of functions to be approximated and studied. This leads to a better understanding of the behavior of functions in the space C0M and their properties.

4. How is the density of Lipschitz functions in C0M proven?

The density of Lipschitz functions in C0M can be proven using the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, which states that any continuous function on a compact interval can be uniformly approximated by a polynomial. Since Lipschitz functions can be approximated by polynomials, this theorem can be used to show their density in C0M.

5. What are some applications of Lipschitz functions being dense in C0M?

The density of Lipschitz functions in C0M has various applications in mathematics and other fields. For example, it is used in functional analysis to study the properties of Banach spaces, and in optimization to approximate non-differentiable functions. It also has applications in physics, engineering, and other sciences where the behavior of functions needs to be understood and approximated.

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