Liquid Diamonds: A Mystery of Gas Giants

In summary, the article explores the behavior of carbon at high pressures and temperatures and finds its melting point to be between 0.60 and 1.05 TPa, which is in line with predictions from first-principles calculations. The concept of "liquid diamond" mentioned in the Phys Org article seems to be made up and is not supported by the referenced paper. Diamond is a crystal with short-range order and does not have a liquid state.
  • #1
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TL;DR Summary
Liquid diamonds may occur in the interior of gas giants such as Neptune and Uranus. What is a liquid diamond?
Liquid diamonds apparently may form in gas giants where huge atmospheric pressure compresses carbon into diamonds that are then liquified as they fall downward into zones of increasing pressure. I thought a diamond was a crystal structure of carbon. How can this also be a liquid?
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  • #2
The Phys Org article appears to be referencing this paper published in the journal Nature Physics:

Eggert et al. Melting temperature of diamond at ultrahigh pressure. Nature Physics 6:40 2010

Since Ross proposed that there might be ‘diamonds in the sky’ in 1981 (ref. 1), the idea of significant quantities of pure carbon existing in giant planets such as Uranus and Neptune has gained both experimental2 and theoretical3 support. It is now accepted that the high-pressure, high-temperature behaviour of carbon is essential to predicting the evolution and structure of such planets4. Still, one of the most defining of thermal properties for diamond, the melting temperature, has never been directly measured. This is perhaps understandable, given that diamond is thermodynamically unstable, converting to graphite before melting at ambient pressure, and tightly bonded, being the strongest bulk material known5,6. Shock-compression experiments on diamond reported here reveal the melting temperature of carbon at pressures of 0.6–1.1 TPa (6–11 Mbar), and show that crystalline diamond can be stable deep inside giant planets such as Uranus and Neptune1,2,3,4,7. The data indicate that diamond melts to a denser, metallic fluid—with the melting curve showing a negative Clapeyron slope—between 0.60 and 1.05 TPa, in good agreement with predictions of first-principles calculations8. Temperature data at still higher pressures suggest diamond melts to a complex fluid state, which dissociates at shock pressures between 1.1 and 2.5 TPa (11–25 Mbar) as the temperatures increase above 50,000 K.

The article explores the behavior of carbon at high temperatures and pressures by exerting high pressures and temperatures on diamond in order to find its melting point. Nowhere in the paper does the term "liquid diamond" appear. Therefore the concept of a "liquid diamond" seems to be made up by a confused science journalist at Phys Org (probably a good reason not to trust materials they put out).
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  • #3
Ygggdrasil said:
The Phys Org article appears to be referencing this paper published in the journal Nature Physics:

Eggert et al. Melting temperature of diamond at ultrahigh pressure. Nature Physics 6:40 2010


The article explores the behavior of carbon at high temperatures and pressures by exerting high pressures and temperatures on diamond in order to find its melting point. Nowhere in the paper does the term "liquid diamond" appear. Therefore the concept of a "liquid diamond" seems to be made up by a confused science journalist at Phys Org (probably a good reason not to trust materials they put out).
This is not the only reference.In any case, it is not a linguistic question but a question about crystals at high temperatures.
  • #4
Diamond is a crystal, and so has short-range order. Liquids don't - they have only long-range order. So you are right, "liquid diamond" makes no sense. (But "liquified diamond" does)
  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
Diamond is a crystal, and so has short-range order. Liquids don't - they have only long-range order. So you are right, "liquid diamond" makes no sense. (But "liquified diamond" does)
I really didn't ask this to be corrected on vocabulary. I was trying to start a potentially interesting conversation.

But that's ok. I can just read some papers.
  • #6
I apologize for agreeing with you.
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FAQ: Liquid Diamonds: A Mystery of Gas Giants

1. What are liquid diamonds?

Liquid diamonds are a hypothetical form of carbon that is thought to exist in the interior of gas giant planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn. They are believed to form under extreme pressures and temperatures, and have properties that are different from solid diamonds found on Earth.

2. How are liquid diamonds formed?

Liquid diamonds are thought to form in the interior of gas giants through a process known as carbon precipitation. This occurs when carbon atoms combine with hydrogen atoms to form liquid hydrocarbons, which then undergo further chemical reactions to form liquid diamond-like structures.

3. Can liquid diamonds be found on Earth?

No, liquid diamonds are not found on Earth. The conditions necessary for their formation, such as extreme pressures and temperatures, are not present on our planet. However, scientists have been able to create small amounts of liquid diamond-like structures in the laboratory.

4. Why are liquid diamonds important to the study of gas giants?

Liquid diamonds can provide valuable insights into the composition and interior structure of gas giant planets. By studying their properties, scientists can better understand the conditions and processes that occur within these planets, which can help us to better understand their formation and evolution.

5. Are there any potential applications for liquid diamonds?

While liquid diamonds are not currently used in any practical applications, their unique properties make them a subject of interest for materials science research. They have potential applications in fields such as high-pressure physics, energy storage, and electronics.

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