Liquid flow over a conveyor belt

In summary: Using these boundary conditions, we can solve the differential equation:u(y) = \frac { V_{belt} }{ 0.04 } y + 1 Now, we can use the continuity equation to find the volume flow rate, which is given by:Q = \int_0^{0.04} u(y) dy Plugging in our equation for u(y), we get:Q = \int_0^{0.04} \frac { V_{belt} }{ 0.04 } y + 1 dy = \frac { V_{belt} }{ 0.04 } \left[ \frac { y^2 }{
  • #1
1. A conveyor belt with one end immersed in a glycerin tank is used to transport small amounts of glycerin to a second tank. The belt surface is completely smooth, flow is laminar, and the specific weight of the fluid is 60 lbf/ft^3 with the belt velocity equal to 1 ft/s. Determine the volume flow rate and the mass flow rate from the first tank to the second tank per unit foot of width. Take the viscosity to be 0.002 lbf*s/ft^2 and the thickness of liquid (or the height above the conveyor belt) to be 0.04 ft. Assume flow is one-dimensional.

Homework Equations

The velocity of the fluid is given by the vector

[tex] \vec { V } =\left\{ u,v,w \right\} \quad [/tex]

Navier-Stokes equation for flow (without the gravitational term):
[tex] \rho \frac { D\vec { V } }{ Dt } =-\nabla P+\mu { \nabla }^{ 2 }\vec { V } [/tex]

Navier-Stokes equation in the x-direction:

[tex] \rho ( \frac { \partial u }{ \partial t } +u\frac { \partial u }{ \partial x } +v\frac { \partial u }{ \partial y } +w\frac { \partial u }{ \partial z } ) = -\frac { \partial P }{ \partial x } + \mu ( \frac { { \partial }^{ 2 }u }{ { { \partial }x }^{ 2 } } + \frac { { \partial }^{ 2 }u }{ { { \partial }y }^{ 2 } } +\frac { { \partial }^{ 2 }u }{ { { \partial }z }^{ 2 } } ) [/tex]

There may be some other equations that I need to use but I don't know for sure.

The Attempt at a Solution

If any of these assumptions are wrong, let me know please. Since it is the conveyor belt that moves the liquid, and the liquid itself is not flowing independent from the belt, the whole left side of the equation becomes 0 since u=0, v=0, and w=0. There is no pressure gradient. In other practice problems in my class, all the laplacian terms have been ignored except for:

[tex] \frac { { \partial }^{ 2 }u }{ { \partial y }^{ 2 } } [/tex]

Though I can't say for sure why (is it because the flow is 1-D and laminar ??). So we're left with:

[tex] 0=\mu \frac { { \partial }^{ 2 }u }{ { \partial y }^{ 2 } } [/tex]

My TA told me that since the viscosity is non-zero, I should work instead with:

[tex] 0= \frac { { \partial }^{ 2 }u }{ { \partial y }^{ 2 } } [/tex]

And solving that differential equation gives me and equation of the form:

[tex] u(y)=Ay+B [/tex]

Since the velocity at u(y=0) must equal the velocity of the belt, the equation becomes:

[tex] u(y)=Ay+{ V }_{ belt } [/tex]

After this I'm stuck, since I don't know what other condition to use to solve for the constant A, or I don't even know if I'm on the right track. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. I can help you solve this problem.

First, let's clarify some assumptions that need to be made in order to solve this problem. As mentioned in the question, we will assume that the flow is laminar, one-dimensional, and the conveyor belt is completely smooth. We will also assume that the height of the liquid above the conveyor belt is constant and equal to 0.04 ft.

Now, let's start by looking at the continuity equation:

\frac { \partial \rho }{ \partial t } + \nabla \cdot (\rho \vec { V }) = 0

Since the flow is one-dimensional, we can simplify this equation to:

\frac { \partial \rho }{ \partial t } + \frac { \partial \rho u }{ \partial x } = 0

Since the density, \rho, is constant, this equation becomes:

\frac { \partial u }{ \partial x } = 0

This means that the velocity, u, is constant in the x-direction. Therefore, we can use the equation of motion in the x-direction:

\rho \frac { D u }{ D t } = - \frac { \partial P }{ \partial x } + \mu \frac { \partial ^2 u }{ \partial y^2 }

Since we already know that \frac { \partial u }{ \partial x } = 0, the first term on the left side of the equation becomes 0. Also, since the flow is laminar and one-dimensional, we can assume that the velocity in the y-direction, v, is also equal to 0. Therefore, we are left with:

0 = \frac { \partial P }{ \partial x } + \mu \frac { \partial ^2 u }{ \partial y^2 }

Now, let's look at the boundary conditions. At the surface of the conveyor belt, the velocity of the fluid must equal the velocity of the belt, which is 1 ft/s. This means that at y = 0, u = 1. At y = 0.04 ft, we know that the velocity must be 0 since the liquid is not flowing above the conveyor belt. Therefore, our boundary conditions are:

u(y = 0) = 1

u(y =

Related to Liquid flow over a conveyor belt

1. What is the purpose of studying liquid flow over a conveyor belt?

Studying liquid flow over a conveyor belt allows scientists to understand and improve the efficiency of industrial processes, such as food production and material handling. It also helps in developing better designs for conveyor systems and predicting potential issues or hazards.

2. How does the speed of the conveyor belt affect the liquid flow?

The speed of the conveyor belt directly affects the velocity of the liquid flow. A faster moving conveyor belt will result in a higher velocity of the liquid, while a slower conveyor belt will result in a lower velocity. This can impact the rate of production and distribution of the liquid.

3. What factors can influence the flow of liquid over a conveyor belt?

Several factors can influence the flow of liquid over a conveyor belt, including the viscosity of the liquid, the angle of the conveyor belt, the surface roughness of the belt, and the presence of any obstacles or barriers on the belt. Other factors such as temperature, pressure, and humidity can also play a role.

4. How is the flow rate of liquid over a conveyor belt measured?

The flow rate of liquid over a conveyor belt can be measured using various methods, such as flow meters, velocity sensors, and pressure sensors. These devices can provide real-time data on the volume or mass of liquid passing over the conveyor belt, allowing scientists to monitor and analyze the flow rate.

5. What are some potential challenges in studying liquid flow over a conveyor belt?

One challenge in studying liquid flow over a conveyor belt is the complexity of the system, as it involves the interaction of multiple variables. Another challenge is the potential for turbulence and unpredictable flow behavior, which can affect the accuracy of measurements and analysis. Additionally, the properties of the liquid, such as its viscosity and surface tension, can also present challenges in accurately predicting and controlling its flow over the conveyor belt.

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