Liquid Flow through a ruptured seal

In summary, a ruptured seal is a break or tear in a material designed to contain or prevent the flow of a liquid, which can be caused by factors such as pressure, temperature changes, or chemical reactions. It can significantly affect liquid flow, potentially leading to leaks, spills, and impacting the efficiency of the system. Factors like excessive pressure, mechanical stress, corrosion, and aging of the seal material, as well as poor installation or maintenance, can contribute to a ruptured seal. To prevent this, choosing the right seal material and regular maintenance and inspection are important. The consequences of a ruptured seal can range from minor leaks to more severe consequences like equipment damage, product loss, and safety hazards, making it crucial to address any seal
  • #1
I am researching flow through blister packs and trying to derive an equation that can relate flow rate to a plunger position.
If I cannot describe the problem well, I will upload a picture that can give a better idea.

I have an igloo shaped blister pack made of aluminum foil. A plunger moves downward into the dome shape of the igloo. The blister pack is filled with liquid which is released once a seal at the center of the igloo entrance is broken. The increase in pressure inside the deformed blister pack causes the break in the seal.

I want to find out the flow just at the instant the seal breaks as well as how the flow rate changes as time passes/plunger moves inwards.

Some of the challenges I am facing are -
The plunger impresses into the dome for a finite distance until the seal is finally broken. Since the liquid (water) is incompressible, it implies that the foil expands slightly to accommodate this loss of volume. The expansion of the foil has it's own elasticity and will store pressure/energy until the seal is broken. This stored energy will contribute to the pressure from the plunger when the seal breaks.

There is a very high possibility that I may be complicated things for no good reason. Please tell me if I could model it simpler.
In summary, I want to find the flow rate against the position of the plunger into the dome.

Any help towards approaching the problem will be highly appreciated.

Thank You !
Physics news on
  • #2

Dear researcher,

Thank you for sharing your research topic with us. The problem you are trying to solve is very interesting and has practical applications in the pharmaceutical industry. As you have rightly pointed out, the flow through blister packs can be affected by various factors such as the plunger position, foil expansion, and stored energy.

To derive an equation that relates flow rate to plunger position, you will need to consider the following factors:

1. Geometry of the blister pack: The shape and size of the blister pack will have an impact on the flow rate. A larger blister pack with a larger dome will have a higher flow rate compared to a smaller one.

2. Plunger position: As the plunger moves into the dome, it applies pressure on the liquid, causing it to flow out of the blister pack. The flow rate will increase as the plunger moves deeper into the dome.

3. Foil expansion: The expansion of the foil will also affect the flow rate. As the plunger moves deeper into the dome, the foil will expand, creating more space for the liquid to flow out.

4. Elasticity of the foil: The elasticity of the foil will also play a role in the flow rate. As the plunger applies pressure, the foil will stretch and store energy, which will contribute to the flow rate when the seal is broken.

To model this problem, you could use the principles of fluid mechanics and consider the Bernoulli's equation, which relates pressure, velocity, and elevation in a fluid flow. You could also use the continuity equation, which states that the mass flow rate remains constant in a closed system.

In addition, you could also conduct experiments to validate your equation and observe how the flow rate changes with different factors such as plunger position, blister pack size, and foil elasticity.

I hope this helps you in approaching the problem. Good luck with your research!


FAQ: Liquid Flow through a ruptured seal

1. What is a ruptured seal?

A ruptured seal refers to a break or tear in a material that is designed to contain or prevent the flow of a liquid. This can occur due to various reasons such as pressure, temperature changes, or chemical reactions.

2. How does a ruptured seal affect liquid flow?

A ruptured seal can significantly impact liquid flow as it creates a path for the liquid to escape from its intended containment. This can lead to leaks, spills, and potentially affect the efficiency of the system the seal is a part of.

3. What factors can contribute to a ruptured seal?

There are several factors that can contribute to a ruptured seal, such as excessive pressure, mechanical stress, corrosion, and aging of the seal material. Additionally, poor installation or maintenance can also increase the likelihood of a seal failure.

4. How can ruptured seals be prevented?

To prevent ruptured seals, it is important to choose the right material for the seal based on the intended use and the properties of the liquid it will be in contact with. Regular maintenance and inspection can also help identify any potential issues before they lead to a seal failure.

5. What are the consequences of a ruptured seal?

The consequences of a ruptured seal can range from minor leaks and spills to more severe consequences such as equipment damage, product loss, and safety hazards. It can also lead to downtime and costly repairs, making it crucial to address any seal issues promptly.
