Can you calculate liquid mass flow based on inlet and outlet pressure?

In summary, Nidum explains that the mass flow leaving a system is the same as the mass flow entering the system, but there is a pressure difference in between inlet and outlet because there is a valve in between the flow. To calculate the outlet mass flow with respect to pressure difference, Bernoulli's equation can be used.
  • #1

Can anyone answer me how to caluculate the massflow of the liquid.

I know the inlet mass flow , volume of the pipe , and the inlet pressure and outlet pressure of the pipe.

Do we have any equation to caluculate the outletmass flow with respect to differential pressure?

Can anyone help me on this.
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  • #2
In steady flow and assuming no addition or loss of fluid in transit the mass flow leaving is the same as the mass flow entering .
  • #3
HI ,

But there is a pressure difference in between inlet and outlet because there is valve in between the flow. So de have any equation to calculate the outlet massflow with respect to pressure difference.
  • #4
I can explain the problem little more elaborative.

For a pipe of volume V inlet mass flow is M1. Inlet pressure is P1 and the outlet pressure is P2. P1 and P2 are changing over the time based on other actuation . Can we calculate the outlet mass flow M2 with respect to change in pressure.

Do we have any physical equation? Can anyone help here?
  • #5
No problem with flow equations but I am having difficulty understanding the problem .

There is no getting past the fact that what goes in must come out .

Please explain a little more .
  • #6
A mass balance tells us:
Input + generation = output + accumulation + consumption
It's not clear if you are generating, accumulating or consuming mass.
If none of these then, as Nidium said, it's simply M1 = M2. Clearly you need to provide more information.

If you want to find mass flow rate for a given P2 and P1 (where M1 isn't fixed as you've implied...) then Bernoulli's equation will work. Account for pressure drop due to friction for better results.
  • #7
Thanks Nidum and billy joule

With my basic knowledge on physics i can explain the problem little more.

i am trying to implement a MATLAB block to calculate fuel mass flow. As i shown in snapshot attached., There is a pump and based on the pump actuation I have the massflow rate (g/s) M1. I know the pressure after the pump P1. In the same fuel path there is a valve placed . Based on the valve actuation and other valves in the same path there is a change in pressure . I understood that if there is a change in pressure then there is a massflow in the path. If the pressure is same then the mass flow rate is zero. In this case i know the pressure after the valve and i want to calculate the mass flow rate after the valve based on the pressure difference with physical equation.

Please correct if my understanding is not correct.
  • #8
How do you know the pump flow value? What kind of pump is it? Does its flow rate change as the discharge pressure changes?

FAQ: Can you calculate liquid mass flow based on inlet and outlet pressure?

What is the liquid mass flow equation?

The liquid mass flow equation is a mathematical formula used to calculate the mass flow rate of a liquid through a given area or volume. It takes into account factors such as density, velocity, and cross-sectional area of the liquid flow.

How is the liquid mass flow equation used in scientific research?

The liquid mass flow equation is commonly used in various fields of science, such as fluid mechanics, chemical engineering, and environmental science. It is used to determine the amount of liquid flowing through a system, which can be useful in studying processes such as fluid dynamics, mixing, and transport phenomena.

What are the units of measurement used in the liquid mass flow equation?

The units used in the liquid mass flow equation depend on the specific situation and the units of measurement used for the variables. However, common units include kilograms per second (kg/s), cubic meters per second (m^3/s), and liters per minute (L/min).

How accurate is the liquid mass flow equation?

The accuracy of the liquid mass flow equation depends on the accuracy of the input variables and the assumptions made in the calculation. It is important to use accurate and precise measurements to ensure the most accurate results.

Can the liquid mass flow equation be applied to all types of liquids?

No, the liquid mass flow equation is specifically designed for incompressible liquids, which means their density remains constant under the given conditions. It cannot be applied to compressible liquids, such as gases, or non-Newtonian fluids that do not follow the traditional laws of fluid mechanics.

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