Liquid Nitrogen vs. Liquid Helium

In summary, liquid nitrogen and liquid helium are both cryogenic liquids with different boiling points and properties. Liquid helium is colder and more expensive than liquid nitrogen, and they cannot be used interchangeably. Both liquids can be dangerous if not handled properly and require proper training and safety protocols.
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What do you think is better?
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  • #2
According to research,
liquid nitrogen's b.p is @ 3 K
liquid helium's b.p @ 77K
  • #3
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FAQ: Liquid Nitrogen vs. Liquid Helium

What is the difference between liquid nitrogen and liquid helium?

Liquid nitrogen and liquid helium are both cryogenic liquids, meaning they can exist in a liquid state at extremely low temperatures. However, they have different boiling points and properties. Liquid nitrogen has a boiling point of -321°F (-196°C) and is commonly used in cryotherapy and to preserve biological samples. Liquid helium has a boiling point of -452°F (-269°C) and is often used in cryogenics, superconductors, and MRI machines.

Which liquid is colder, liquid nitrogen or liquid helium?

Liquid helium is colder than liquid nitrogen because it has a lower boiling point. Liquid helium is also able to reach lower temperatures than liquid nitrogen, making it more suitable for certain scientific and industrial applications.

Can liquid nitrogen and liquid helium be used interchangeably?

No, liquid nitrogen and liquid helium cannot be used interchangeably. They have different properties and boiling points, so they are used for different purposes. For example, liquid nitrogen is suitable for cryotherapy, while liquid helium is more commonly used in scientific research and industrial applications.

Is liquid nitrogen or liquid helium more expensive?

Liquid helium is typically more expensive than liquid nitrogen. This is because helium is a rare gas and is more difficult to extract and purify. In addition, liquid helium is often used in specialized scientific and industrial applications, which drives up its cost.

Is it dangerous to handle liquid nitrogen and liquid helium?

Both liquid nitrogen and liquid helium can be dangerous if not handled properly. They can cause severe frostbite if they come into contact with skin and can also displace oxygen in a confined space. It is important to follow safety protocols and receive proper training when handling these cryogenic liquids.
