Liquid oxygen explosion blast radius

In summary, the individual is seeking help to answer a question regarding the radius of a potential explosion at their cryogenic plant. They mention having 17,000 gallons of Liquid Oxygen and 12,000 gallons of liquid nitrogen on hand, with a minimum of 5,000 gallons of each product. They believe the main hazard would be the LOX, as LIN does not support combustion. However, without more information such as tank size, location, and energy released during an explosion, it is impossible to accurately determine the distance of the explosive arc. A qualified engineer or physicist would be able to provide a more detailed analysis.
  • #1
OK all since I do not have a physics background I figured I would come to the WWW and search those who did. I am needing some questions answered... here is the badckground info...I work and a Cryogenic plant that has a max of 17000 gallons of Liquid Oxygen and 12000 of liquid nitriogen on hand. The minimum would be 5000 gallons of each product. The question that have been asked of me is the following...what is the radius of a "worst case" explosion if both the lox and lin tank went up. I think we can assume that the main hazard is the LOX since LIN does not support combustion as LOX does. The expansion rates of 860 for LOX and 920 for LIN should not come into play since if there was an explosion and the cryotainers ruptured the product would no longer be contained. Can anyone help to give me min and max distance of explosive arc for this senerio?
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  • #2
Unfortunately, it is impossible to accurately answer this question without more information. The exact size of the tanks, the location of the tanks relative to other structures, and the amount of energy released during the explosion are all variables that need to be taken into account in order to accurately calculate the distance of the explosive arc. A qualified engineer or physicist would be able to provide a more detailed analysis.
  • #3

First of all, it is important to note that determining the blast radius of an explosion is a complex and highly specialized task that requires detailed knowledge of the specific materials involved, the conditions of the explosion, and the surrounding environment. Without this information, it is impossible to accurately estimate the blast radius.

That being said, there are a few factors that can help us understand the potential blast radius in this scenario. The most important factor is the amount of energy released in the explosion, which is determined by the quantity of fuel (in this case, liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen) and the efficiency of the explosion. The efficiency of an explosion depends on many factors, such as the container design, ignition source, and surrounding conditions.

Another important consideration is the confinement of the explosion. If the explosion occurs in an enclosed space, such as a cryogenic tank, the blast energy will be contained and directed in a specific direction, resulting in a more concentrated blast radius. However, if the explosion occurs in an open environment, the energy will dissipate more quickly and the blast radius will be larger.

Based on the information provided, it is difficult to accurately estimate the blast radius for this scenario. However, it is safe to assume that the blast radius would be significant, potentially reaching hundreds of feet or more. It is also important to note that the blast radius is not the only potential hazard in an explosion involving cryogenic materials. The release of toxic gases and debris can also pose a significant risk to nearby individuals and structures.

In conclusion, it is crucial to consult with experts in the field of explosion dynamics and risk assessment to accurately determine the potential blast radius in this scenario. It is also important to have proper safety protocols and measures in place to prevent such an explosion from occurring.

FAQ: Liquid oxygen explosion blast radius

1. What is a liquid oxygen explosion?

A liquid oxygen explosion is a chemical reaction that occurs when liquid oxygen, which is a highly reactive and volatile substance, comes into contact with a combustible material. This can result in a rapid release of energy in the form of heat and pressure, causing an explosion.

2. What is the blast radius of a liquid oxygen explosion?

The blast radius of a liquid oxygen explosion can vary greatly depending on the amount of oxygen and combustible material involved, as well as the conditions of the explosion (e.g. confined or open space). However, it is generally estimated to be between 50-100 feet.

3. How does the blast radius of a liquid oxygen explosion compare to other explosives?

The blast radius of a liquid oxygen explosion is typically smaller than other types of explosives, such as dynamite or C4. This is because the explosion is not sustained like these other explosives, and instead is a quick burst of energy.

4. Can a liquid oxygen explosion be controlled or contained?

It is difficult to control or contain a liquid oxygen explosion, as it is an extremely reactive and fast-acting reaction. However, safety measures can be taken to minimize the potential for an explosion, such as proper storage and handling of the liquid oxygen.

5. What are the potential dangers of a liquid oxygen explosion?

The main dangers of a liquid oxygen explosion include the high levels of heat and pressure that are released, which can cause severe burns and injuries to those in the blast radius. Additionally, the explosion can also create a fire hazard if the combustible material involved is flammable.

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