Listen to My Poem: A Critique of Bush's Policies

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  • Thread starter Jonny_trigonometry
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In summary: America from the inside. Plus, with all the secrecy surrounding everything these days, it would be relatively easy to do. And I think it's interesting that many members of the administration have ties to the freemasons, and that the events of 9/11 were probably planned and executed by a group of people with inside knowledge.
  • #1
take this with a grain of salt, I'm really not this bitter, but I when I re-read it, I find it rather hostile and in-your-face, I'm sure Bush isn't really this bad. I just wanted to explore poetry a little:

You've got a grand plan, and delusions of grandure
about going to mars? you slick texas rancher
Going to the moon by 2020, but restricting NASA's budget?
Not enough proof linking Iraq with 9-11, so you fudge it?
Setting the stage for war, at the same time cutting taxes?
Taking the most vacation time ever, running the country with faxes
Social security into the general fund, no wonder there's a crisis
Expecting people to pay government stock brokers, while you set the prices?
Making the least known amount of press releases to outline your intentions
Keeping distance from the people with your croud control inventions
Shrouding the nation's knowledge by doubling the yellow press
Injecting catch-phrases and rhetoric, turning conversation into a mess
Overpowering individual thought with peer-pressure and herd mentality
living in a fantasy world and conglomerating imagination with reality
You feel enlightened, believing that you're teaching the world a lesson
You believe you're expanding freedom, but it's really just compression
You demand that we MUST fight for freedom but that's an oxymoron
If we MUST do anything, then we aren't free so you're leaving your logic forgone
Terrorism has always existed, it's in the minds of desperate and insane people
You should know this, since you studied the fall of man while under the steeple
If you really believe in the Bible, then you know that the war is futile
Do you expect to change the essence of man? half of him is brutal
So at heart you should believe that terrorism will never go away
It's not like terrorists collapse a government building every day
Chances of dying by terrorism are less than being struck by lightning
Besides, they want you to feel as if you find them frightning
What about your unreleased DD-214, and your embarrassing fraternity antics?
Somehow both of these are topics that the public's eye can't transfix
You try to hide these things, but it's no lie, people just turn the other cheek
You've fried your brain making you somewhat insane, so now you're up $#it creek
Doing drugs all your life, then "ushering in a new era of accountability"
Then you disown your friend Ken Lay, after he helped you gain presidency
Halliburton can't account for over a billion government dollars
"This is war time, they are helping allied efforts", Cheney hollers
All the while you accuse KERRY of being the flip-flopper?...
You're getting predictable slick, you should've been a floor mopper
or a car hopper, or a grocery store shelf stocker, but president for God's sake?
Your machiavellian behavior is putting all of our heads at stake
Maybe you are aware of all of this, and you've got an unknown agenda
Waging your war against humanity from your comfortable hacienda
You use religion as a tool, to help fulfill your own ends
Playing christians and muslims like they were violins
Draining the economic potential, our hopes, dreams, and desires
Shutting down military bases, and putting more feul on all your fires
Setting up new incentives so that more corporations will merge
Thereby making their over-valued stock prices start to surge
Rewarding like minded people with economic stimulus packages
In return they all see, hear, and speak no evil from you're tactics
You benefit and they benefit, and together you ameliorate your plan
You won't stop until we take control away from your cold, dead hand
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  • #2
Nice poem! Thanks to share with us! :wink:
  • #3
As a poet you have talent. As a thinker you have a long, long ways to go.
  • #4
thanks! And yes, I don't agree with much of it! it's 80% unresearched, and only here to please those who don't agree with the administration...take it with a grain of salt, and maybe some garlic.

Thinking is an endless road, and I would hate to ever say that I've thought of much at all.
  • #5
Wow... and i thought I was the one wasting time playing video games all day...

I feel poetry alone is an emense waste of time... but poetry about politics really takes the cake.
  • #6
yeah, totally. What was I thinkin'? I should shut up and play video games. That's the ticket! Poetry about politics is really freaking stupid now that you mention it. Poetry is supposed to be timeless, I've gone and given it a bad name. :frown: then again, my main purpose of it isn't peotic, it's political. And I used Bush as a scape goat for the administration to "burn" in effigy so to speak. It's a dramatic display of my contempt. I also had the idea of freemasonry in mind. Since I think it's possible that Bush is a member of the freemasons, along with many members of the administration and a sizable amount of high-placed white-collars and political figures embedded worldwide, engaging in "secret ceremonies" and swearing oaths, but are really only in it for the contacts and perks (scratch each other's backs). We've all heard of the freemasons, shriners, and the illumaniti right? I presupposed that their highest agenda (prolly by a group that controls the illuminati, who controls freemasons) is waging a war on humankind and world domination, and gave a reaction to it. I think if they all unknowingly work for that agenda, then they're heartless control freaks and only care about themselves (that mentality is laughable). Of course this whole idea of a secret society in a struggle to run everything sounds more like a movie plot if anything.
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  • #7
Have you deleted some part of your poem?
  • #8
I changed some parts so it would flow better, prolly will later on also, maybe add more parts, maybe take away other parts.
  • #9
"grandeur" is spelled "grandeur", rather than "grandure", BTW.

I think your message would have a bigger punch, johnny, if you managed to distil your poem somewhat (it is rather rambling)
  • #10
New! With correct spelling!

You've got a grand plan, and delusions of grandeur
about going to mars? you slick texas rancher
Going to the moon by 2020, but restricting NASA's budget?
Not enough proof linking Iraq with 9-11, so you fudge it?
Setting the stage for war, at the same time cutting taxes?
Taking the most vacation time ever, running the country with faxes
Social security into the general fund, no wonder there's a crisis
Expecting people to pay government stock brokers, while you set the prices?
Making the least known amount of press releases to outline your intentions
Keeping distance from the people with your crowd control inventions
Shrouding the nation's knowledge by doubling the yellow press
Injecting catch-phrases and rhetoric, turning conversation into a mess
Overpowering individual thought with peer-pressure and herd mentality
living in a fantasy world and conglomerating imagination with reality
You feel enlightened, believing that you're teaching the world a lesson
You believe you're expanding freedom, but it's really just compression
You demand that we MUST fight for freedom but that's an oxymoron
If we MUST do anything, then we aren't free so you're leaving your logic forgone
Terrorism has always existed, it's in the minds of desperate and insane people
You should know this, since you studied the fall of man while under the steeple
If you really believe in the Bible, then you know that the war is futile
Do you expect to change the essence of man? half of him is brutal
So at heart you should believe that terrorism will never go away
It's not like terrorists collapse a government building every day
Chances of dying by terrorism are less than being struck by lightning
Besides, they want you to feel as if you find them frightening
What about your unreleased DD-214, and your embarrassing fraternity antics?
Somehow both of these are topics that the public's eye can't transfix
You try to hide these things, but it's no lie, people just turn the other cheek
You've fried your brain making you somewhat insane, so now you're up $#it creek
Doing drugs all your life, then "ushering in a new era of accountability"
Then you disown your friend Ken Lay, after he helped you gain presidency
Halliburton can't account for over a billion government dollars
"This is war time, they are helping allied efforts", Cheney hollers
All the while you accuse KERRY of being the flip-flopper?...
You're getting predictable slick, you should've been a floor mopper
or a car hopper, or a grocery store shelf stocker, but president for God's sake?
Your machiavellian behavior is putting all of our heads at stake
Maybe you are aware of all of this, and you've got an unknown agenda
Waging your war against humanity from your comfortable hacienda
You use religion as a tool, to help fulfill your own ends
Playing christians and muslims like they were violins
Draining the economic potential, our hopes, dreams, and desires
Shutting down military bases, and putting more fuel on all your fires
Setting up new incentives so that more corporations will merge
Thereby making their over-valued stock prices start to surge
Rewarding like minded people with economic stimulus packages
In return they all see, hear, and speak no evil from you're tactics
You benefit and they benefit, and together you ameliorate your plan
You won't stop until we take control away from your cold, dead hand
  • #11
Make it all pretty with 18th century english words

Ye plan of grandness, and delusions of grandeur
Travel to the stars instantly? Ye slick russler of York
Lunar life yonder 2020, Thy NASA's monies eclipsed?

haha... NASA... couldn't go far with that acronym
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  • #12
hehe, that would be cool, I think you could do that far better than I, go for it!
  • #13
Jonny_trigonometry said:
thanks! And yes, I don't agree with much of it! it's 80% unresearched, and only here to please those who don't agree with the administration...take it with a grain of salt, and maybe some garlic.

Thinking is an endless road, and I would hate to ever say that I've thought of much at all.

To be 80% unresearched you managed to hit a lot of nails squarely on the head.
Thanks for sharing
  • #14
I'm flattered! thanks!

Another thing I want to add is that I don't want to sound like a hard-headed calvinist or something. I worry that maybe peope think that I'm demanding that the Bible is 100% true and it's meanings are literal. I was just trying to get into the mentality of how bush sells his own religious beliefs to us, because I think he's made a good case that he beleives in the fall in the garden of eden, and that man is in a fallen state, inescapable from sin, which would contradict his campaign to abolish terrorism (a form of sin).
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  • #15
Jonny_trigonometry said:
I changed some parts so it would flow better, prolly will later on also, maybe add more parts, maybe take away other parts.
Add yes but taking away no. And when you add some parts to it, please write them in different color, please.
  • #16
I'll just post a new updated version of it.
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FAQ: Listen to My Poem: A Critique of Bush's Policies

1. What is the purpose of "Listen to My Poem: A Critique of Bush's Policies"?

The purpose of "Listen to My Poem: A Critique of Bush's Policies" is to provide a creative and thought-provoking commentary on the policies of former US President George W. Bush. It uses poetry as a medium to express criticism and raise awareness about important political issues.

2. Who wrote "Listen to My Poem: A Critique of Bush's Policies"?

The poem was written by Susan Griffin, an American poet, essayist, and playwright. She is known for her socially and politically engaged works that often explore feminist and environmental themes.

3. When was "Listen to My Poem: A Critique of Bush's Policies" written?

The poem was written in 2003, during the presidency of George W. Bush. This was a time of intense political debate and criticism surrounding the US invasion of Iraq and other policies of the Bush administration.

4. What literary devices are used in "Listen to My Poem: A Critique of Bush's Policies"?

The poem utilizes a variety of literary devices, including imagery, metaphor, and repetition. It also incorporates elements of spoken word and performance poetry, such as rhythmic patterns and use of the spoken voice.

5. How does "Listen to My Poem: A Critique of Bush's Policies" reflect the political climate of its time?

The poem reflects the political climate of its time through its strong criticism of the Bush administration's policies, particularly the war in Iraq. It also highlights the impact of these policies on individuals and society as a whole. Additionally, the use of poetry as a form of protest and expression was a common feature of the political landscape in the early 2000s.

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