Little confusion regarding centripetal force in vertical circle

In summary, the speed at the top of the circle must be greater than the speed at the bottom of the circle in order for the object to stay in the circle. If the speed at the top is greater, then the tension in the string will be less, and the string will become slack.
  • #1
consider a pendulum. The mass 'm' is hung and now we are interested in finding the velocity so that it completes one circle. Clearly we can do it easily by conserving energy.

Now my problem is with the top most point.
Clearly the tension is minimum at this point so that string becomes slack.
The forces acting on the mass is mg downwards, Tension downwards
and since its in circular motion so the centripetal force acts towards the center.
"How then does the particle not fall", is what my confusion is.
since all the forces are downwards.
However, i know this is completely untrue. The centripetal force equals mg + T acting on the mass but what about the "direction" it should act in outward direction but as i have read and know that centripetal force acts towards the center. Clear it please.
Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
Minimum tension does not mean the string becomes slack. That would require zero tension (or perhaps coming up with a negative value of tension, which is impossible, when solving a problem). Minimum tension does not have to be zero, and the string does not become slack as long as there is some tension.

You're correct that the net force must be downward when the object is at the top of the circle.
  • #3
oooo yes i got it
that means its just the component of mg that keeps the string tight and at the top most point this component of mg is 0 right...!
Thank u!
  • #4
hi! :smile: said:
Clearly the tension is minimum at this point so that string becomes slack.
The forces acting on the mass is mg downwards, Tension downwards
and since its in circular motion so the centripetal force acts towards the center.
"How then does the particle not fall", is what my confusion is.
since all the forces are downwards.

yes, the only force is downward, and therefore the acceleration is downward

(vector) acceleration is rate of change of (vector) velocity, so the velocity downward-component is increasing (from zero) …

but the velocity sideways-component stays the same, so the velocity becomes slightly sloping downward, not 100% downward :wink:

however, the above reasoning is irrelevant, since (if there is exactly enough energy to just reach the vertical) the string actually becomes slack before it reaches the vertical :redface:
  • #5
But where does this outward velocity come from??
Is it imaginary or what is it that keeps the string straight and not slack?
  • #6
sorry … i wasn't clear :redface:

if the mass reaches the top with non-zero speed, then it will keep going even if the tension is zero (which however you could only achieve by shortening the string)

in fact the mass won't reach the top (if the string stays the same length) because it will have started following a parabola (with slack string) earlier
  • #7 said:
oooo yes i got it
that means its just the component of mg that keeps the string tight and at the top most point this component of mg is 0 right...!
Thank u!
Not sure I understand your question here. The force of gravity is always mg, directed downward. And mg can't be zero, ever, so long as m is not zero.
  • #8 said:
The forces acting on the mass is mg downwards, Tension downwards
and since its in circular motion so the centripetal force acts towards the center.
"How then does the particle not fall", is what my confusion is.
since all the forces are downwards.

The sum of tension an weight IS the centripetal force.
There is no third force.
"Centripetal" is called any force or force resultant which produces the centripetal acceleration.
  • #9
Velocity at top of the circle must be at least

vt = √(gR)

R is the radius of the circle.

To make a complete circle without falling off the top, velocity at the bottom of the circle must be at least

vb = √(5gR).

Another way to look at it is

vb = √(5) * vt

All these you can find from centripetal force and conservation of energy.

FAQ: Little confusion regarding centripetal force in vertical circle

1. What is centripetal force in a vertical circle?

Centripetal force is the force that keeps an object moving in a circular path. In a vertical circle, this force is directed towards the center of the circle, acting as a centripetal force that keeps the object moving in a circular path.

2. How is centripetal force calculated in a vertical circle?

The formula for calculating centripetal force in a vertical circle is Fc = mv²/r, where Fc is the centripetal force, m is the mass of the object, v is the velocity, and r is the radius of the circle. This formula is derived from Newton's second law, F=ma, where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration.

3. Why is the centripetal force in a vertical circle constantly changing?

In a vertical circle, the centripetal force is constantly changing because the direction of the force is changing as the object moves through the circle. As the object moves from the bottom of the circle to the top, the direction of the force changes from downwards to upwards, resulting in a change in the direction of the velocity and acceleration vectors.

4. How does the speed of the object in a vertical circle affect the centripetal force?

The centripetal force in a vertical circle is directly proportional to the square of the object's velocity. This means that as the speed of the object increases, the centripetal force also increases. This is because a higher velocity requires a greater force to keep the object moving in a circular path.

5. Can an object in a vertical circle experience multiple forces?

Yes, an object in a vertical circle can experience multiple forces. In addition to the centripetal force, the object may also experience other forces such as gravity, air resistance, or friction. These forces may affect the object's speed and the direction of its motion in the circle.
