Living My Dream: Academic or Applied - My High School Journey

In summary, the speaker had to choose between academic or applied studies in high school and ended up choosing applied because it was easier. However, they regretted this decision later on and decided to change their career path to something related to science. The speaker had a dream about becoming a doctor and has been talking to a guidance counselor about their options. They are now determined to live their childhood dream and are considering either upgrading their high school courses or doing a transfer program. The speaker is prepared to do anything to achieve their goal.
  • #1
I remember the day when my school asked me Academic or Applied and just like most teens they want to take the easy way. This question really didn't phase me until I got to my near completion of High School then say what's next? you do tons of research, apply, wait, and this is where is really kicked in for me. I would lay awake a night questioning my decision I knew if it was really bugging me I had to do something about it. I decided to change my Career path I always loved Science (The only classes I had actually got 90~95% in college level.) I had always knew in high school that the classmates I had in my applied / college level classes weren't on my level of intelligence so I had "dumb it down" to their level of Barely get by with 70%'s. I have the smarts to do better than what I did, then. I do not feel I should be punished (I.e if it were to be impossible to get into Medical School from doing a University xfer program) I have to find all of the possibilities to make my dream come true, but with a B.Sc / M.Sc in Biomedical Physics or Immunology etc. I can still be in the Medical Field, but just not a Doctor.

I had a life changing Dream ( I have never had / remembered a dream until now) it was too real. It was my Grandpa telling me to live my Dreams and that I was too smart to become a Chef. He was on his hospital bed in ICU telling me to become a Doctor. then after that I saw myself walk into the room as a Doctor and when I look at the bed it was my Mom saying that she couldn't be happier to see what I have made of myself.

I get a B.Sc from a College to University transfer program 5 years 3 college 2 university and apply to medical school from there (or go get my Masters)


upgrade high school courses to university level which will take me a full year then go to University from there for 4 years

both will take 5 years but which one would be my best option I have turned my life around since then and I will do anything to live my childhood dream no matter the cost or time involved. I have been talking to a guidance counselor about this I just would like to hear about someone else who is / had the same problem I have at the moment. I am prepared to do Anything and Everything I can to achieve my goal.
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  • #2

You'd probably be better off upgrading your high school courses if you can. Firstly, it will be much cheaper than doing a transfer program. Getting admitted to university from high school is generally easier than from a transfer program, since transfer admissions are generally more competitive. Also, your high school marks will be recognized by all universities under your educational system, whereas transfer programs are usually tailor-made for a specific university.

FAQ: Living My Dream: Academic or Applied - My High School Journey

What is "Living My Dream: Academic or Applied - My High School Journey" about?

"Living My Dream: Academic or Applied - My High School Journey" is a personal narrative about a student's journey through high school and the decision between pursuing an academic or applied path.

Why is this topic important?

This topic is important because it is a common decision that high school students face, and it can greatly impact their future academic and career paths.

What are the main differences between an academic and applied high school path?

An academic high school path typically focuses on more traditional academic subjects, such as math, science, and literature, and prepares students for college. An applied high school path, on the other hand, focuses on more practical skills and prepares students for technical or trade careers.

What are some factors to consider when deciding between an academic or applied high school path?

Some factors to consider include personal interests and strengths, career goals, and future education plans.

How can this narrative help students who are struggling with this decision?

This narrative can provide insight and perspective from someone who has gone through the decision-making process and can offer valuable advice and tips. It can also help students feel less alone in their struggles and provide reassurance that there is no right or wrong path, only what is best for them.

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