Living Organism versus Electricity

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential effects of exposing a living organism to extremely high levels of electricity, specifically 250,000 Ampère at 1,000,000 Volts. It is mentioned that electrocution can cause nerve damage, stop the heart, and burn the organism. The values given are considered to be insanely high and can result in death, although there have been rare cases of survival at even higher voltages. The conversation also touches on the idea that the severity of the consequences also depends on the amperage of the electricity. It is then mentioned that RF fields have different effects from arc discharges.
  • #1
I was wondering for quite a while what would happen if you exposed a living organism to electricity of ~250.000 Ampère at 1.000.000 Volts (I'm unsure if the values given are insanely high or not).
Would the organism just end up "everywhere" or something else??
Biology news on
  • #2
Electrocution can cause nerve damage, stop the heart and burn the organism. The values you have given are insanely high, a bit of googling will show that above 10kv death in humans is highly likely though there are rare records of survival at voltages of over 100kv.
  • #3
Electrocution can cause nerve damage, stop the heart and burn the organism. The values you have given are insanely high, a bit of googling will show that above 10kv death in humans is highly likely though there are rare records of survival at voltages of over 100kv.
That I know.
I've read multiple questions and answers about this topic and of them end like: "high-voltage is dangerous, yes; but it also depends on the amperage (the higher the amperage the server the consequences at lower voltage)".

...what about the hamster-in-microwave experiment?
  • #4
RF fields are very different from arc discharges in their effects.

There's never a thread-closing mod around when you need one.
  • #5

I can tell you that exposing a living organism to such high levels of electricity would have devastating effects. The values given are indeed extremely high and can cause severe burns, tissue damage, and even death in living organisms.

When electricity flows through a living organism, it disrupts the electrical signals that control bodily functions. This can lead to the malfunctioning of vital organs and systems, ultimately resulting in the organism's death.

In addition, the intense heat generated by such high levels of electricity can cause the organism's cells to burst, leading to extensive tissue damage and death.

Therefore, it is safe to say that exposing a living organism to electricity of ~250.000 Ampère at 1.000.000 Volts would not result in the organism simply ending up "everywhere." Instead, it would cause severe damage and ultimately lead to the organism's demise.

FAQ: Living Organism versus Electricity

1. What is the relationship between living organisms and electricity?

Living organisms are able to generate, store, and use electrical energy for various biological processes. This is because the cells in our bodies have specialized structures called ion channels, which allow for the movement of charged particles and the generation of electrical signals.

2. How do living organisms interact with electricity?

Living organisms interact with electricity through the movement of charged particles, also known as ions, across cell membranes. This allows for the transmission of electrical signals between cells and tissues, which is essential for functions such as muscle contraction and nerve signaling.

3. Can living organisms produce electricity?

Yes, certain living organisms such as electric eels and some bacteria have the ability to produce electricity. This is achieved through specialized cells or organs that generate and store electrical energy, which can be used for defense, communication, and navigation.

4. How does electricity affect living organisms?

Electricity can affect living organisms in both positive and negative ways. On one hand, it is essential for many biological processes such as muscle and nerve function. On the other hand, exposure to high levels of electricity can be harmful and even fatal to living organisms.

5. What role does electricity play in the survival of living organisms?

Electricity plays a crucial role in the survival of living organisms by facilitating the communication and coordination of various bodily functions. It also allows for the detection and response to external stimuli, which is important for adaptation and survival in different environments.

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