Local democrat discriminates during civil rights tour -

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In summary: Councilman Joe Brown, from Memphis, Tennessee, said he feared the group was dangerous and would "evacuate the building and bring in the bomb squads" if they entered. This caused the seven Iraqi civic and community leaders to be barred from city hall.
  • #1
Catching the winds of inspiration from the White Racist Republican Wins Seat thread -------- I had heard about Councilman Joe Brown, from Memphis, Tennessee, but not until this thread was it worth posting ---- So, as Exhibit 1 - if you would take a look at some real down home racism – I give you this Democrat from the same location as James L. Hart– West Tennessee -


Iraqis visiting on a civil rights tour were barred from city hall after the city council chairman said it was too dangerous to let them in.
The seven Iraqi civic and community leaders are in the midst of a three-week American tour, sponsored by the State Department to learn more about the process of government. The trip also includes stops in Washington, Los Angeles and Chicago.

The Iraqis were scheduled to meet with a city council member, but Joe Brown, the council chair, said he feared the group was dangerous.
"We don't know exactly what's going on. Who knows about the delegation, and has the FBI been informed?" Brown said. "We must secure and protect all the employees in that building."

Elisabeth Silverman, the group's host and head of the Memphis Council for International Visitors, said Brown told her he would "evacuate the building and bring in the bomb squads" if the group entered….


Mr. Brown’s resume –

…Mr. Brown attended Tennessee State University with a concentration in Psychology and received a Certificate of Continuing Education from The University of Memphis. Mr. Brown is the president of the North Memphis Business Association and a board member of the North Memphis Enterprise Zone Development Force, North Memphis Concerned Citizens, the Kennedy Democratic Organization, Case Management and Tennessee Technology Institute and the Memphis Housing Center. His many community activities also include membership in 100 Black Men of Memphis, NAACP, and The Loafers, Inc….
Bolding mine -
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  • #2
Ha, ha, ha! Napoleon would call this a whiff of grapeshot. A well-deserved whiff of grapeshot.

You are right, Tiger, as a stand-alone event this was not worth posting. (If it was, we could fill this entire forum with Maxine Water's gibberish.) But as an example of hypocrisy... priceless.

Of course, if he happened to be a Republican...
  • #3
And of course, if something did happen, had he let the protesters in...

I'm not condoning his remarks or behavior, but clearly there's a vast difference between someone being afraid/security conscious when a group of Iraqi Civil Rights Protesters come knocking on your door and someone who wants to eliminate minorities through what - sterilization ?

Gimme a break, folks !
  • #4
Gokul43201 said:
...someone being afraid/security conscious when a group of Iraqi Civil Rights Protesters come knocking on your door...

::Sigh:: ---- "Iraqi Civil Rights Protesters"?? Spray some Moore-be-Gone on that boy! Now to the point. Pretty reckless post Gokul43201---- really – it borders on an endorsement of racism. Why did you call that US government sponsored delegation made up of Iraqis - "protesters??" Cause their Iraqis? Just a simple bout of knee jerk? No? If neither -- than why?

Look --- It says right there in the linked article that they were invited "Iraqi civic and community leaders" on a "civil rights tour" ... "sponsored by the State Department." I even added that part as a quote in the very first paragraph of the very first post.

Iraqis visiting on a civil rights tour were barred from city hall after the city council chairman said it was too dangerous to let them in.
The seven Iraqi civic and community leaders are in the midst of a three-week American tour, sponsored by the State Department to learn more about the process of government. The trip also includes stops in Washington, Los Angeles and Chicago.

So why do you feel the need to misrepresent in this situation? Got Moore?
  • #5
Heh. Moore-B-Gone. Tiger postin' good.

FAQ: Local democrat discriminates during civil rights tour -

1. What exactly did the local democrat do during the civil rights tour?

The local democrat reportedly discriminated against certain individuals based on their race or ethnicity during the civil rights tour.

2. Was this behavior documented or reported?

Yes, there are reports and evidence documenting the discriminatory actions of the local democrat during the civil rights tour.

3. Was this behavior a one-time incident or a recurring issue?

It is unclear if this behavior was a one-time incident or a recurring issue. Further investigation and research may be needed to determine the extent of the discriminatory actions.

4. Has the local democrat faced any consequences for their actions?

It is unknown if the local democrat has faced any consequences for their actions during the civil rights tour. However, if there is sufficient evidence and documentation, they may face legal or social consequences.

5. How does this behavior reflect on the local democrat's political beliefs and values?

This behavior may reflect poorly on the local democrat's values and beliefs, as it goes against the principles of equality and justice that are often associated with the democratic party.

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