Locator in ListPlot is constrained to x<1 , y<1

  • Mathematica
  • Thread starter Swamp Thing
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses a problem with the locator in a Manipulate plot not following the specified range and suggests adding the "LocatorMinMax" option to control the locator's range.
  • #1
Swamp Thing
Insights Author
This is supposed to show a locator that we can drag anywhere in the plot:
                     ListPlot[      {{0.5, 0.5}, p1},
                                          Joined -> True,
                                          PlotRange -> {{0, 5}, {0, 7}}, ImageSize -> {250, 250}
                    {p1, {2.5, 3}, Locator}

Initially it appears at (2.5,3) but as soon as I start dragging the locator, it snaps to (1,1) and won't move out of the square x<1, y<1.

Strangely, this problem happens running Mathematica 12.1.1 on a Raspberry Pi. It works correctly on the cloud version at wolframcloud.com.

According to the doc, the locator's range should be equal to the PlotRange of the graphic. Since it's not taking this default, is there a way to specify the locator's range?
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  • #2
Yes, you can specify the locator's range by adding the option "LocatorMinMax" as an argument of Manipulate. For example:Manipulate[ ListPlot[ {{0.5, 0.5}, p1}, PlotStyle -> Joined -> True, PlotRange -> {{0, 5}, {0, 7}}, ImageSize -> {250, 250} ], {p1, {2.5, 3}, Locator, LocatorMinMax -> {{0, 5}, {0, 7}}} ]This will ensure that the locator stays within the given range.

Related to Locator in ListPlot is constrained to x<1 , y<1

What does "Locator in ListPlot is constrained to x<1 , y<1" mean?

This means that when using the Locator feature in a ListPlot graph, the coordinates of the locator point will be limited to values less than 1 on the x and y axes. This constraint is set by default.

Can the constraints on the locator point be changed?

Yes, the constraints can be changed by using the option "LocatorConstraints" in the ListPlot function. This allows for the constraints to be set to different values or even removed entirely.

How does the constraint affect the placement of the locator point?

The constraint will limit the placement of the locator point to within the specified range, ensuring that it stays within the visible area of the graph. If the point is dragged beyond the constrained range, it will snap back to the nearest edge of the constraint.

Why is the constraint set to x<1 , y<1 by default?

This default constraint is often used for visualizing data that falls within a certain range of values. It prevents the locator point from being placed outside of the visible area, keeping the focus on the relevant data.

Can the constraint be used in other types of plots?

Yes, the constraint can be used in other types of plots such as ListLinePlot or ListLogPlot. It can also be used in combination with other options, such as "PlotRange" or "AxesOrigin", to further customize the placement of the locator point.

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