Locking a thread was not my true reward

  • Thread starter Jet-designer
  • Start date
In summary, JD came to the forum with the intention of asking questions about jet engines and was met with hostility from some of the members. He eventually leaves the forum.
  • #1
Hello, I'm JD, one you guys ingonred him and considered him as someone just rude and somhow "crazy"...

I want to clerify everything for you and then leave this forum, and this is why I want no one to be displeased about me.

Starting the thread "Iran Airforce" was not really a useless topic. These days I'm really busy doing different things, and that was why I couldn't answer your questions about the thread subject.
I'm an Iranian writer who prepares different kinds esseys for about two or three iranian country-wide published aviation scientific magazines. I'm not a real jet engine designer, but I have a lot of experience buiding small turbojets and ramjets. I know well "what a diffuser is" and the topic I started to ask you what calculations are to be done to know the pressure rise was just to know what is the possible opinions of those people being active in a physics-related forum. I'm a very active member of different aviation and jet engines forums, both in persian or english.

here, the thing that annoyed me a lot was that you judged very quickly without giving me any opportunities to defend myself. My weblog I have given its address in my profile is not in arabic, and I'm wondering that while you can't even distinguish a passage written in arabic from one written in persian, how can you say something about me??

I'm not telling you these things to attract your attention again and again causing my topic to be locke once more, I just want to say I'm not a rude person, I'm not someone just lying about everything.
I came here just to get familiar with the way you think about aviation-related topics nothing more.

I've written over 110 articles and essays, those which are published in iran and were aslo very popular. I have enough information to talk about almost anything you may ask me about military avaition and aslo jet-related things.

So, please never judge about someone who is not present to defend himself, never be someone just selfish, thinking of the people living in other countries as some animals only...please believe this that the people living in iran can also talk, write and be knowledgeable...I've spent ten years learning your language almost well to share my ideas with the people living in other countries, but I'm now quite disappointed, I have known those people now...

Thank you all my friends, I would expect you to forgive me if I did something that made you "angry" about me...
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  • #2
If your not a jet desginer then why didn't you say?

I think if you said that you were an writer who wrote articles about Iran and have some experience with jets I think the thread would of not been locked.
  • #3
It really leaves a bad taste in peoples' mouths when people aren't upfront about who they are. In addition, much of that thread had a real 'pissing contest' feel to it and much of the information you provided did not fit very well with what is available from other sources. That also led people to question your motives.

But you did not really break any of the forum rules, and for people who follow the rules, you can always have another chance if you want one.
  • #4
OK, goodbye everyone.
  • #5
I'm sorry to say this, JD, but I have to go along with the others on this. I'm nowhere near the level of expertise of Fred or Russ or Andre or Cyrus or Rainman, but I do know a bit about aviation (I just flew the damned things; never cared about the details). You pretty much seemed to be blowing smoke, masked by a lot of unsubstantiated figures. That doesn't fly here (pardon the expression).
  • #6
Jet-designer said:
OK, goodbye everyone.
Ok, then...

FAQ: Locking a thread was not my true reward

1. What does "locking a thread" mean?

Locking a thread refers to the action of preventing any further comments or replies on a discussion thread in an online forum or social media platform. This is typically done by a moderator or administrator to stop any further discussion on a particular topic.

2. Why would someone want to lock a thread?

Locking a thread is often done to maintain order and prevent spam or inappropriate comments on a discussion. It can also be used to end a discussion that has become repetitive or unproductive.

3. Is locking a thread a form of censorship?

No, locking a thread is not a form of censorship. It is simply a way to manage and control discussions in online forums. Censorship involves restricting free speech and preventing individuals from expressing their opinions, whereas locking a thread only prevents further comments on that particular thread.

4. Can a locked thread be unlocked?

Yes, a locked thread can be unlocked by a moderator or administrator. This is often done if there is new information or developments that warrant further discussion on the topic.

5. Are there any negative consequences to locking a thread?

Locking a thread can sometimes lead to frustration for individuals who were actively engaged in the discussion. However, it can also prevent further arguments or disagreements from escalating, ultimately maintaining a positive and respectful online community.

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