Locus of Points in Complex Plane for Constant a: Q

In summary, a locus of points in the complex plane refers to a set of points that satisfy a specific mathematical condition. This condition is represented by the equation z = a, where z is a complex number and a is a constant value. The locus of points for a constant a is different from other loci in the complex plane and is depicted as a single point on the graph. Changing the value of a affects the locus of points, resulting in a different shape or position on the complex plane. The significance of the locus of points for a constant a lies in its ability to help us understand the behavior of complex functions in complex analysis.
  • #1
Q. For the real constant a find the loci of all points z = x + yi in the complex plane that satisfy:

a) [tex]{\mathop{\rm Re}\nolimits} \left\{ {\log \left( {\frac{{z - ia}}{{z + ia}}} \right)} \right\} = c,c > 0[/tex]

b) [tex]{\mathop{\rm Im}\nolimits} \left\{ {\log \left( {\frac{{z - ia}}{{z + ia}}} \right)} \right\} = k,0 \le k \le \frac{\pi }{2}[/tex]

I have very little idea as to how to do these questions.

For each of them I've thought about first 'ignoring' the I am and Re to see where I could get. I thought, maybe exponentiate both sides but then I'm still left with a quotient of involving z, with the quotient being equal to the exponential of a positive number or an angle(depending on if I'm working on part a or b). There doesn't seem to be an easy way to do this question.

I get the feeling that perhaps these two require some sort of geometric interpretation but I can't really see anyway to interpret the equation. Can someone please help me get started on deducing what the locus of points for each question is?
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  • #2
The complex logarithm has a specific definition involving a natural log and an argument angle. That is, it's slightly different then the one that you may be use to when dealing with just real numbers. Find this definition and start there.
  • #3
Do you mean where log(z) = log|z| + iargz? I'll look it up again anyway, I recently used it. Thanks for the help.
  • #4
Benny said:
Q. For the real constant a find the loci of all points z = x + yi in the complex plane that satisfy:

a) [tex]{\mathop{\rm Re}\nolimits} \left\{ {\log \left( {\frac{{z - ia}}{{z + ia}}} \right)} \right\} = c,c > 0[/tex]

b) [tex]{\mathop{\rm Im}\nolimits} \left\{ {\log \left( {\frac{{z - ia}}{{z + ia}}} \right)} \right\} = k,0 \le k \le \frac{\pi }{2}[/tex]

I have very little idea as to how to do these questions.

For each of them I've thought about first 'ignoring' the I am and Re to see where I could get. I thought, maybe exponentiate both sides but then I'm still left with a quotient of involving z, with the quotient being equal to the exponential of a positive number or an angle(depending on if I'm working on part a or b). There doesn't seem to be an easy way to do this question.

I get the feeling that perhaps these two require some sort of geometric interpretation but I can't really see anyway to interpret the equation. Can someone please help me get started on deducing what the locus of points for each question is?

There's no "easy" (meaning elegant, short) way to do this question that I know of, but you can slog through the algebra fairly directly.

Just express z = x + yi and arrange the numerator and denominator in Cartesian form. Then use the definition of log of a complex number (as you've already stated), and separate into real and imaginary parts.

Immediately, you'll find that both loci are obvious conic sections. On closer inspection, they're both circles. Find the center and radii in each case (if you need to visualise/sketch the locus), and you're golden. :smile:

The working is too long for me to reproduce (and I'm still feeling under the weather), but here are the answers I got :

Part a) (the Real part) :

[tex]x^2 - [y - a(\frac{1 + e^{2c}}{1 - e^{2c}})]^2 = 4a^2\frac{e^{2c}}{(1-e^{2c})^2}}[/tex]

Part b) (the Imaginary part) :

[tex]{(x + a\cot k)}^2 + y^2 = a^2\csc^2{k}[/tex]

Compare each of the above to the general circle [tex]{(x - A)}^2 + {(y - B)}^2 = R^2[/tex], which is centered at (A,B) and has radius R in order to see what the center and radius are in each case.
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  • #5
Thanks for those answers Curious3141, I'll see what answer I can come up with. I haven't gotten around to trying to do it the long(ie. algebraic way) yet.

Edit: Looking at your second answer I'm not sure how to interpret the cosec(k) part because k takes on values between 0 and pi/2. So does that have any affect on the radius? I'm finding it a little difficult to comprehend a circle with a varying 'radius.' Dividing both sides by the RHS I would get an ellipse I think by then the smi-minor and semi-major axes would vary. :confused:
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  • #6
Benny said:
Thanks for those answers Curious3141, I'll see what answer I can come up with. I haven't gotten around to trying to do it the long(ie. algebraic way) yet.

Edit: Looking at your second answer I'm not sure how to interpret the cosec(k) part because k takes on values between 0 and pi/2. So does that have any affect on the radius? I'm finding it a little difficult to comprehend a circle with a varying 'radius.' Dividing both sides by the RHS I would get an ellipse I think by then the smi-minor and semi-major axes would vary. :confused:

For a given case, k takes on a single value within a restricted range. It doesn't vary.

I should've specified that for k = 0 (and nonzero a), you don't get a circle (or any curve), just a straight vertical line at [itex]x = 0[/itex]. You can determine this by letting k tend to zero in my expression and seeing what happens. You'll need L'Hopital's Rule to reduce a limit. Personally, I feel the restriction should've been a half-closed interval (open at the lower limit), but it's no big deal.

BTW, a (non-circular) ellipse only results when the coefficients of [itex]x^2[/itex] and [itex]y^2[/itex] are different after you put the equation into a standard form. This is definitely a perfect circle for most values of k and all nonzero values of a.
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  • #7
I think I see what you mean now, thanks again for the help.

FAQ: Locus of Points in Complex Plane for Constant a: Q

1. What is the definition of a "Locus of Points" in the complex plane?

A locus of points is a set of points that satisfy a specific mathematical condition. In the complex plane, the locus of points for a constant value a refers to all the points that satisfy the equation z = a, where z is a complex number with a real and imaginary component.

2. How is the Locus of Points for a constant a different from other loci in the complex plane?

The locus of points for a constant a is different from other loci in the complex plane because it only includes points that satisfy the equation z = a. Other loci may involve different mathematical conditions or equations.

3. What does the Locus of Points for a constant a look like graphically?

The Locus of Points for a constant a is a single point in the complex plane, represented by a dot. This is because all points on this locus have the same value for both their real and imaginary components, making them identical points.

4. How does changing the value of a affect the Locus of Points in the complex plane?

Changing the value of a will result in a different Locus of Points in the complex plane. For example, if a is a negative number, the locus will be on the opposite side of the complex plane. If a is a complex number, the locus will be a circle centered at the origin.

5. What is the significance of the Locus of Points for a constant a in complex analysis?

The Locus of Points for a constant a is significant in complex analysis because it helps us understand the behavior of complex functions. By plotting the locus on a complex plane, we can visualize how the complex function changes as the value of a changes, providing insights into its behavior and properties.

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