Logic Circuit Design: Controlling an Electromagnet with a Micro Switch

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of a micro switch to control an electromagnet on a steel wall. It mentions that the electromagnet will be energized before and after touching the wall, and a truth table and logic circuit are needed to control it. The attachment may provide further details, but it is unclear if a logic circuit is actually required.
  • #1
i need help for my assignment.

On a steel wall, the micro switch is used to activate and deactivate the electromagnet. Electromagnet will be energized just before it touches the steel wall and de-energized jus before losing contact with the wall in both directions. Write truth table and design the logic circuit to control the electromagnet.

pls see the attachment for the picture. thanks alot


  • On a steel wall.doc
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Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'm afraid that I cannot even understand what this question is asking.

- Warren
  • #3
a logic cct is not required.
you are simply using a switch to make and break a magnet (on one wall?).
*** magnet energizes- moves to wall- switch opens- magnet de energizes and swings away from wall- switch closes- magnet energizes-...

FAQ: Logic Circuit Design: Controlling an Electromagnet with a Micro Switch

1. What is a logic circuit?

A logic circuit is an electronic circuit that performs a specific logical operation based on the inputs it receives. It typically consists of logic gates, which are electronic components that can be combined to create various logical functions.

2. What are the components of a logic circuit?

The main components of a logic circuit are logic gates, which can be AND, OR, NOT, and other types of gates. These gates are connected together to perform complex logical operations. Other components may include resistors, capacitors, and transistors.

3. How do you design a logic circuit?

Designing a logic circuit involves first identifying the logical operations that need to be performed, and then determining the appropriate combination of logic gates to achieve those operations. The design process also involves considering factors such as input and output voltages, power supply, and circuit complexity.

4. What is the difference between a combinational and sequential logic circuit?

A combinational logic circuit performs a specific logical operation based solely on its current inputs, while a sequential logic circuit takes into account both current and past inputs to determine its output. This means that the output of a sequential circuit is dependent on its previous state, while the output of a combinational circuit is not.

5. How are logic circuits used in everyday technology?

Logic circuits are used in a wide range of everyday technology, including computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices. They are also used in various systems and machines, such as traffic lights, alarm systems, and industrial control systems, to perform logical operations and make decisions based on input signals.
