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MTd2 said:Seeing that some of our ideas converge, I would like you to explain this point better.
I'm not sure this helps, I think not but try to give the simplest possible hint, I've used this example.
Consider the multinomial distribution, where you store data of events, but having one bucket for each distinguishable event and then you have a certain number of balls to drop in each bucket. The a simple illustraion is to have the history define a relative frequency, and have this provide the basis for expectations on the future.
[tex]P = \left\{M! \frac{ \prod_{i=1..k} \rho_{i}^{(M\rho_{i})} }{ \prod_{i=1..k} (M\rho_{i})! } \right\} e^{-M{S_{KL}}}[/tex]
The M is the total number of balls, k is the number of distinguishable events.
P is like the induced "relative probability" for observing a future distribution/microstate. And the interesting part is that the exponential contains M, the total numbers of samples (as a kind of inertia) and the information divergence. If M -> infinity, then any non-zero information divergence would yield zero probability. This corresponds to infinite stability in the case of large number of dregrees of freedom. There is automatic averging out high information divergences, so convergence is guaranteed by construction, so there is never need for any RE-normalisations.
Note that [tex]M\rho_{i}[/tex] are integers, so [tex]\rho_{i}[/tex] doesn't in general fill the continuum [0,1], which means P is bounded from below, and this bound is related to M-number characterizing the observer. One can also associate - ln(P/Pmax) with a kind of higher order entropy or action (which then implies a maximum excepected entropy/action bound)
But I am still working on implementing this idea, and combined this with emergent dimensionality as in spontaneous decomposition of the microstructure into several ones having particular relations. This would for example by the case for q and p, and I expect thus the superposition to be related to the inertia of each information structre and also the limited information capacity. But I am still thinking of this. In this case time evolution will also be more interesting.
This means that in this view, each observer has it's own expected arrow of time, and the relation with the different arrows of time can only be compared by interactions.
The set of microstates corresponds to the hilbert vector, and the set of microstructurs correspond to the hilbert space, but the microstructures are in constant evolution. So not only is the microstructure observer dependent, it's also time-dependent and evolving in each view. And it's the tension of disagreement in this picture that I imagine generates the known physical interactions.
The problem is that since I am still working on this, at this point I can not present a full blown theory, for you to test. What I can do is try to convince you about he plausability in my personal reasoning and unavoidable gets fuzzy. I think it makes sense to a certain point only, and the rest has to be "my personal problem" for now.
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