Logical error in Spivak's Calculus?

In summary, the proposition $Mx+B = \pm m \sqrt{ x^{2} + y^{2} } \Rightarrow (x,y,z) \in P \cap C$ holds only if $(x,y,Mx+B)$ has the form $(x,y,Mx+B)$ in which case it is determined.
  • #1
Yes I am another plucky young fool who decided to self study Spivak. I think I have found an error in his section on conic sections, but Spivak is seldom wrong and I want to be sure I'm thinking straight.

Let $C$ be a cone generated by a line of gradient $m$ which goes through the origin. Then $(x,y,z)$ is on $C$ if $$(1) \qquad z = \pm m \sqrt{ x^{2} + y^{2} }.$$

Let $P$ be a plane which intersects with the cone and whose intersection with the $xy$-plane is a line parallel to the $y-$ plane. Thus, the intersection of $P$ with the $xz$-plane is a line: $L$, say. Supposing $L$ to have gradient $M$ and $z$-intercept $B$, the line $L$ can be described by the equation $$ (2) \qquad z = Mx+B.$$

All is right and well. But then he says 'combining $(1)$ and $(2)$, we see that (x,y,z) is in the intersection of the cone and the plane if and only if $$Mx+B = \pm m \sqrt{ x^{2} + y^{2} }.$$

I understand why, if $(x,y,z)$ is in the intersection, then $(1) = (2),$ but why, is the converse true? Surely we can find an infinite number of points where the equations are equal, but $z$ could be any number and the point not on either plane.

He doesn't first assume that the point is already on $C$ or $P,$ just that it is in $\mathbb{R}^{3},$ and I haven't missed anything in his argument out. Am I just being thick, or do I have a point?
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  • #2
the point is, if you "eliminate $z$" you are left with a quadratic equation of $x,y$ in the $xy$-plane. what happens in the 3 cases:

$M^2-m^2 > 0$
$M^2-m^2 = 0$
$M^2-m^2 < 0$?

not "all points" $(x,y)$ are going to satisfy:

$\{(x,y) \in \Bbb R^2: Mx + B = \pm m\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\}$

when $M,m,B$ are fixed before-hand.

if we pick such an $(x,y)$, this completely determines $(x,y,Mx+B)$ yes?
  • #3
Thank you for your post. Whilst I don't disagree with anything you have said, I still have a problem accepting the proposition: $$Mx+B = \pm m \sqrt{ x^{2} + y^{2} } \Rightarrow (x,y,z) \in P \cap C. $$ In fact, suppose $(x,y,z) \in P \cap C,$ then by that very proposition it follows that $(x,y,z+1) \in P \cap C$ which, among other things, contradicts the assumption that $C$ is a cone.

I think I have concluded that this is really an error, at least in exposition. He should have made it clear that it is assumed that $(x,y,z)$ has the form $(x,y,Mx+B)$ in which case the proposition definitely holds.

FAQ: Logical error in Spivak's Calculus?

1. What is a logical error in Spivak's Calculus?

A logical error in Spivak's Calculus refers to a mistake or flaw in the reasoning or argument presented in the book. It could be a misinterpretation of a concept or a faulty deduction that leads to incorrect conclusions.

2. How can logical errors affect the understanding of calculus?

Logical errors can significantly impact the understanding of calculus as they can lead to incorrect solutions and misinterpretation of concepts. This can result in a flawed understanding of the subject and can hinder the ability to solve problems accurately.

3. What are some common examples of logical errors in Spivak's Calculus?

Some common examples of logical errors in Spivak's Calculus include incorrect use of mathematical symbols, misinterpretation of definitions and theorems, and faulty logic in proofs or explanations.

4. How can one identify and avoid logical errors in Spivak's Calculus?

To identify and avoid logical errors in Spivak's Calculus, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the concepts and definitions presented in the book. Additionally, one should carefully examine the arguments and proofs presented and question any inconsistencies or gaps in reasoning.

5. Are logical errors common in Spivak's Calculus?

While Spivak's Calculus is a highly regarded textbook, it is not immune to logical errors. However, these errors are not widespread and can be corrected with careful examination and understanding of the material.

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