Longitudinal waves in a clamped metal rod

Additionally, the equation for the first overtone mode is L = (3/2)w, not (3/4)w. Correcting these values will give the correct answers of 2250 Hz and 4500 Hz for parts (a) and (d) respectively.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The speed of sound in a metal rod is 3600 m s -1. The rod is 1.20m
long and clamped at one of its ends.
(a) Determine the frequency of its vibration if longitudinal waves
are established in the rod and it is vibrating in its first overtone
(d) Determine the frequency of its vibration if clamped in the middle whilst still vibrating in the first overtone.

Homework Equations

v = f x w where w is the wavelength

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) The first overtone is the third harmonic, therefore
L = (3/4)w
= 3/4 x 1.60m
W = (4/3)L = (4/3) x 1.60m
f= 3600ms-1 / (4/3 x 1.60m) = 1.69kHz; given answer is 2250 Hz

(d) Still the third harmonic but L is now 0.8m
f = 3600ms-1 / (4/3 x 0.80m) = 3.38kHz; given answer is 4500 Hz

What have I done wrong?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The rod length is 1.20 m, not 1.60 m.
  • #3

As a fellow scientist, I would like to provide some feedback on your solution. First, I would like to commend you for attempting to solve this problem using the correct equations. However, I believe there are some errors in your calculations.

For part (a), you correctly identified that the first overtone is the third harmonic. However, the equation you used to calculate the wavelength is incorrect. The correct equation for the wavelength of a standing wave in a clamped rod is w = (2L)/n, where L is the length of the rod and n is the harmonic number. Therefore, for the first overtone (n=3), the wavelength would be w = (2 x 1.20m)/3 = 0.8m. Using this wavelength, we can calculate the frequency using the equation v = f x w, which gives us f = 3600 m/s / 0.8m = 4500 Hz.

For part (d), you made a similar mistake in your calculation of the wavelength. The correct equation for a rod clamped in the middle would be w = L/n, where L is the length of the rod and n is the harmonic number. For the first overtone (n=3), the wavelength would be w = 1.20m/3 = 0.4m. Using this wavelength, we can calculate the frequency using the same equation, v = f x w, which gives us f = 3600 m/s / 0.4m = 9000 Hz.

In summary, it seems that you have used the wrong equations for calculating the wavelength in both parts of the problem. By using the correct equations, we get the correct answers of 4500 Hz and 9000 Hz for parts (a) and (d), respectively. I hope this helps clarify your solution. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: Longitudinal waves in a clamped metal rod

1. What is a longitudinal wave?

A longitudinal wave is a type of mechanical wave that causes the particles of the medium to vibrate in the same direction as the wave is traveling. This is in contrast to transverse waves, which cause particles to vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the wave.

2. How are longitudinal waves produced in a clamped metal rod?

Longitudinal waves in a clamped metal rod are typically produced by striking the end of the rod with a hammer or other object. This creates a compression wave that travels through the rod, causing the particles in the rod to vibrate in the same direction as the wave.

3. What does it mean for a metal rod to be clamped?

A clamped metal rod refers to a rod that is fixed at both ends, preventing it from moving or vibrating in any direction other than the direction of the wave. This is important for studying longitudinal waves, as it allows for the observation of the unique behavior of these waves in a confined medium.

4. How do longitudinal waves in a clamped metal rod differ from other types of longitudinal waves?

Longitudinal waves in a clamped metal rod differ from other types of longitudinal waves in that they are confined to a specific medium. In contrast, sound waves in air or water can travel through open space, while longitudinal waves in a clamped metal rod cannot. Additionally, the fixed ends of the rod can affect the behavior and speed of the wave.

5. What are some practical applications of studying longitudinal waves in a clamped metal rod?

Studying longitudinal waves in a clamped metal rod has various practical applications, such as understanding the behavior of seismic waves in the Earth's crust, determining the properties of different types of metals, and designing musical instruments. It can also help engineers and scientists understand the behavior of waves in confined spaces, which can be useful in fields such as sonar and ultrasonic imaging.
