Looking for a first job abroad - advice?

  • Thread starter MartinV
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In summary, the recent Masters graduate is looking for advice on how to improve his chances of finding a job. The graduate has a Masters in Physics and another in Geophysics from the UK, which he says gives him some international references. The graduate comes from a small European country that is in the midst of a financial crisis, and he says that there are currently no jobs available for people with his qualifications. The graduate is interested in work in fields related to natural processes such as renewable energy, space technology, weather, and fluid dynamics. The biggest issue that the graduate faces is the language barrier.
  • #1
I'm a recent Masters graduate and I'm at the beginning of my professional career. I've sent out a few dozen applications and done a few interviews, mostly for programming jobs.

I have a Masters in Physics (I guess I can say that Astrophysics was my major) and another one in Geophysics, specifically in Natural Hazards, which I've done in the UK (to acquire international references). I've done some numerical simulation work for minimal pay in my own country, but I would like to extend my knowledge, possibly in space-oriented areas.

My problem is I come from a small European country where the financial crisis is still very much present. Virtually no company is hiring at the moment (those that didn't go bankrupt), especially not a company that would be involved with anything I'm interested in. The most logical decision would be to pack up and go abroad which I'm more than willing to do. However, I've noticed that companies in other countries also have a more conservative approach to hiring new people, especially for people with no substantial experience. Another problem is that in Europe I'm experiencing national discrimination (my country is not exactly in high standards and I think this influences companies who want to hire native people instead of some immigrant from Eastern Europe, even though I'm not from Eastern Europe).

I'm interested in work in remote sensing, renewable energy, space technology, weather, fluid dynamics simulations; basically I'm willing to consider anything if it's connected to detecting and simulating natural processes. Reinsurance would also be a viable option.

My English is good enough to not raise attention in the UK and I do have a life's ambition to learn multiple languages.

What I'm looking for is advice (can't ask for more than that, I suppose). I'm an EU citizen so visas are not a problem, at least for most of Europe. I'm flexible enough to work in any possible working environment, as long as the work inspires me.
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  • #2
Since I am currently looking around a bit myself, here's a few comments - although I am afraid they won't be very helpful in practice:

- From what I have seen, there are a lot of job openings in the wider context of renewable energies, smart grids, energy efficienty, energy management, ... . Every major company in Germany related to this field that I have looked at so far announces open positions, I think. A still-colleague of mine found a new position in the UK (coming from Germany) within two weeks. That is non-entry positions, however. I don't know how it looks like for entry positions.

- Biggest issue you might face: At least in Germany, apart from university positions, university-like positions and perhaps a very few exceptions there is no chance that you get a job (other than cleaning or baby-sitting) without being good at German. I suspect that's similar for other EU countries. If you knew how bad some of my colleagues English skills are, you'd realize that is not national discrimination but owes to the fact that you have to talk to colleagues, project partnerns, customers, administration, ... .
  • #3
I have studied German for four years, though that's 10+ years in the past but put me in a room with a German speaking person, lock the door for 5 hours and you might be surprised by the result.

FAQ: Looking for a first job abroad - advice?

1. What are the benefits of getting a first job abroad?

Working abroad can provide valuable international experience, improve language skills, and offer exposure to different cultures and work styles. It can also make your resume stand out and increase job opportunities in the future.

2. How do I start looking for a first job abroad?

Start by researching the job market and visa requirements in your desired country. Network with professionals and attend job fairs or career events. Consider using recruitment agencies or online job search engines specifically for international positions.

3. What skills and qualifications are important for a first job abroad?

Employers often look for candidates with strong communication, adaptability, and cultural awareness skills. Depending on the industry and position, specific qualifications may also be required. It's important to highlight any relevant international experience, language proficiency, and transferable skills on your resume.

4. How should I prepare for interviews for a first job abroad?

Research the company and the country's cultural norms to understand what is expected in a professional setting. Be prepared to discuss your motivation for working abroad and how you can contribute to the company's success. Practice common interview questions and be ready to provide examples of your skills and experience.

5. What are some challenges of working abroad and how can I overcome them?

Adjusting to a new culture, language barriers, and homesickness are common challenges when working abroad. It's important to be open-minded, patient, and willing to learn from others. Building a support network of fellow expats or connecting with locals can also help with the transition.

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