Looking for a good problem for a solution I have coded :)

  • Thread starter tomekd789
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In summary, Tomasz found that a neural network can predict the results of a coin toss, with a success rate of 70%. The algorithm he used is not specific to coin tosses, and can be applied to other problems as well. He recommends trying out some more difficult problems to see how the network performs.
  • #1
I have coded the following abstraction for breeding neural networks with a genetic algorithm: https://github.com/tomekd789/clogann
Now I am looking for a problem to solve using it. It would be ideal if it is non trivial, of practical significance, and matching the tool. So far I've tried:
  • Numbers factorization (with a mediocre effect)
  • Checking satisfiability of random 3-SAT terms taken from the phase transition area (http://www.princeton...s/gent94sat.pdf) (somehow dissatisfied; did not reach the goal of proving P = NP http://cdn01.codecall.net/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.png )
  • Forex (with positive effects, but not worth the effort).
All hints welcome.

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  • #2
Solution looking for a problem is often not cost-effective.
  • #3
Anything more concrete? ;)
Meanwhile, I've been advised to take a sequence of "coin tosses" generated manually by a human (i.e. no real coins, no computer involved, just from one's head) and breed a network capable of predicting next tosses results. I was astonished: for 1000 "coin tosses" the network was 70% correct.
I.e. we humans are quite predictable, at least in this case. :)
Another surprise was the necessary minimal size of the network: just two input neurons, and three extra, one treated as output, too.

Still looking for other ideas.
  • #4
Which ratio do you get if you simply predict "the opposite of the previous coin"? Is the neural net better than that?
  • #5
65.2%, then still slightly worse.
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  • #6
At first glimpse this isn't very significant. What does your algorithm? Can it solve linear systems or can it learn?
Without being an expert I'd try to google 'genetic algebras' and see what kind of problems there are.
Or try some decryption problems. You can start with an easy Cesar code. Just to see how it performs. And then more difficult ones.
(I'd have a bunch of tasks but they all involve solving linear systems with free variables. They are ##O(n^3)## which quickly makes it boring to solve them by hand.)

FAQ: Looking for a good problem for a solution I have coded :)

What is the process for finding a good problem to solve with my coded solution?

The first step is to identify a problem or need that people have and determine if your coded solution can address it. This can be done through market research, surveys, or by observing common issues in your industry.

How can I ensure that my coded solution is the best fit for the problem I have identified?

You can validate your solution by testing it with potential users and gathering feedback. This will help you refine and improve your solution to better meet the needs of your target audience.

What should I consider when choosing a problem to solve with my coded solution?

When selecting a problem, it's important to consider the potential impact of your solution, the feasibility of implementation, and the market demand for such a solution. You should also assess your own abilities and resources to ensure you can successfully execute the solution.

How can I make my coded solution stand out in a competitive market?

To make your solution stand out, focus on creating a unique and innovative solution that addresses a specific problem in a way that other solutions do not. Additionally, having a strong marketing and branding strategy can help differentiate your solution from others in the market.

What are some potential challenges I may face when implementing my coded solution?

Some potential challenges you may face include technical limitations, budget constraints, and user adoption and acceptance. It's important to anticipate and address these challenges in your planning and development process.

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