Looking for a Lunar altitude map

In summary, The conversation is about the search for a map with lunar "sea-level" and altitude-based colors. One person suggests using data from the Clementine mission and another person shares a link to an archive with relevant data. A third person shares Matlab code and instructions for obtaining the necessary data.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hi all,

I'm trying to locate a map with a lunar "sea-level" and colors (or similar) which change based on relative altitudes.

I'm striking out online in my quick 15 minute search. Does anyone know of where I should be looking?

Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
If you haven't found anything yet, this might be of use:



Not sure if you can use this but I found an archive which has Clementine gravitational and topographical data.

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  • #3
Thanks Jimmy,

just what I was looking for!
  • #4
I'm glad you found what you needed. :smile:
  • #5
All right, boys and girls,

I'm showing off now:

Matlab code is attached. You need to download the topogrd1.dat file from the archives on this site: (it's too big to attach)


and run the attached code with both files in Matlab's current directory.


  • lunar_globe.zip
    740 bytes · Views: 301
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FAQ: Looking for a Lunar altitude map

1. What is a lunar altitude map?

A lunar altitude map is a visual representation of the elevation or height of the lunar surface. It shows the highs and lows of the Moon's surface, similar to a topographic map.

2. How is a lunar altitude map created?

A lunar altitude map is created using data from lunar missions, such as satellite images and laser altimeter readings. The data is processed and compiled to create a detailed map of the Moon's surface elevation.

3. Why is a lunar altitude map important for scientists?

A lunar altitude map provides valuable information about the topography of the Moon, which can help scientists understand the geology and history of the lunar surface. It can also aid in planning future missions and exploration on the Moon.

4. Are there different types of lunar altitude maps?

Yes, there are different types of lunar altitude maps, such as a shaded relief map which uses colors to represent different elevations, or a contour map which uses lines to show changes in elevation.

5. Where can I find a lunar altitude map?

Lunar altitude maps can be found online through various sources, such as NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera website or the United States Geological Survey's Astrogeology Science Center. They can also be purchased from scientific organizations or publishers.
