Looking for a polymer similar to polycarbonate and ABS

  • Thread starter hsstudent
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In summary, for a science fair experiment testing the effectiveness of polymers used in football helmets, the person is considering using polycarbonate and ABS but is looking for additional polymers that are similar in strength and price. They mention Noryl, but it is out of their price range. They ask if anyone knows of any other materials that can be purchased in small quantities and have similar properties. A suggestion is given to search for physical properties on a website. It is also noted that using chemical names rather than trademarks is better for specifications.
  • #1
I am doing a science fair experiment testing the effectiveness of polymers commonly used in football helmets. I am planning on using polycarbonate and ABS, because they are commonly used. However, I am looking for one or two other polymers that are similar in strength and price to add more of a variable. I have done my research, but the only other polymer I have found is Noryl, which is a little out of my price range. Does anyone know of any materials like this? I also need something that can be bought in fairly small quantities.

Thank you
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
You can do a physical properties search on www.matweb.com to find polymers with similar properties.
  • #3
Polycarbonate and ABS are chemical name for some polymers. Noryl, ryton, nylon... are trademark. You can get the same polymer with differents names (trademark). For specifications is better don't use trademaks

FAQ: Looking for a polymer similar to polycarbonate and ABS

1. What are polycarbonate and ABS?

Polycarbonate and ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) are two types of thermoplastics commonly used in manufacturing. They are known for their high strength, durability, and heat resistance.

2. Why are you looking for a polymer similar to polycarbonate and ABS?

I am searching for a similar polymer because polycarbonate and ABS have their limitations, such as low chemical resistance and poor UV stability. Finding another polymer with similar properties could provide more options for specific applications.

3. What properties are you looking for in a polymer similar to polycarbonate and ABS?

I am looking for a polymer with high strength, durability, and heat resistance, similar to polycarbonate and ABS. Additionally, I am also interested in finding a polymer with better chemical resistance and UV stability.

4. Can you provide some examples of polymers similar to polycarbonate and ABS?

Some examples of polymers similar to polycarbonate and ABS include polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polystyrene (PS), and polypropylene (PP). These polymers have similar properties and are commonly used in various industries.

5. What is the process for finding a polymer similar to polycarbonate and ABS?

The process for finding a similar polymer involves thorough research and testing. I will first identify the properties I am looking for and then search for polymers with those properties. Once potential candidates are identified, I will conduct experiments and tests to determine their suitability for the desired application.
