Looking for a Valentine's Day gift? What about this diamond ring?

In summary, the conversation included a discussion about the desired characteristics of a potential partner, including intelligence, attractiveness, and physical fitness. The topic of jewelry and gemstones was also brought up, with various members expressing their preferences for different stones. One member also mentioned wanting a place of their own and a new guitar.
  • #1
Gold Member
A very intelligent, humorous, wise and handsome guy with a degree in anything (preferably not physics and art), who would buy me this http://www.ashford.com/product/index.asp?sn=458045054&md_id=1&pf_id=40646&dept_id=60&comp=Y on Valentine's day! :blushing:

Intelligent: IQ > 150
Handsome: height > 5' 11, and physically fit and with a tolerable face:rolleyes:

P.S. To be perfectly honest I always blame women on being too intersted in jewelry. But this ring is different!

Feel free to post your own 'wanted' here!o:)
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Why fear;

when I m there?
  • #3
I just want a lady that does not want diamond rings, a nice homely country girl will do fine, i will stretch to a box of chocs.
  • #4
Whenever you qualify! :wink:
  • #5
wolram said:
I just want a lady that does not want diamond rings, a nice homely country girl will do fine, i will stretch to a box of chocs.
Awh I'm sure you can find lots of nice old girls who don't want diamond ring! But I'm not sure about yound and hot ladies...o:)
  • #6
Wanted: anyone willing to pay retail for that ring.

Also wanted: rich nymphomaniac who owns a liquor store.
  • #7
That ring is only 1400$, but i guess a guy with an iq of 150 would not put the two of you together:-p
  • #8
wolram said:
That ring is only 1400$, but i guess a guy with an iq of 150 would not put the two you together:-p
wolram said:
That ring is only 1400$, but i guess a guy with an iq of 150 would not put the two of you together:-p
double post, youre liable to be banned! :devil:
  • #9
IQ: 182
Height: 184 cm ( I don't know in ft)
  • #10
___ said:
double post, youre liable to be banned! :devil:

I missed an,"of", changed it and both came up ?
  • #11
Well sir, don't guess! I'm sure he will if he have enough money!:wink:
Bladibla said:
IQ: 182
Height: 184 cm ( I don't know in ft)
Yep, you're taller than 5'11(=180.34)!:smile:
  • #12
Bladibla said:
IQ: 182
Height: 184 cm ( I don't know in ft)

I wish I can get away with that. :rolleyes:
  • #13
wolram said:
I missed an,"of", changed it and both came up ?
No wonder thou art Mr. Popular :shy:
  • #14
Lisa! said:
A very intelligent, humorous, wise and handsome guy with a degree in anything (preferably not physics and art), who would buy me this http://www.ashford.com/product/index.asp?sn=458045054&md_id=1&pf_id=40646&dept_id=60&comp=Y on Valentine's day! :blushing:

Intelligent: IQ > 150
Handsome: height > 5' 11, and physically fit and with a tolerable face:rolleyes:

P.S. To be perfectly honest I always blame women on being too intersted in jewelry. But this ring is different!

Feel free to post your own 'wanted' here!o:)

I'm not so sure someone with the intelligence criteria you're requiring would be dumb enough to date someone he knew was after him only to get a diamond ring out of it. Though, as diamond rings go, that one isn't very expensive.

wolram said:
I just want a lady that does not want diamond rings, a nice homely country girl will do fine, i will stretch to a box of chocs.

I don't want diamond rings, but I'm not homely either. :-p Woolie, if you were just a bit younger, or I a bit older...
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  • #15
wolram said:
I just want a lady that does not want diamond rings, a nice homely country girl will do fine, i will stretch to a box of chocs.

what kind of chocs are we talking about here? :smile:

I never cared for diamonds because they are my birthstone. I always thought they were boring, and I liked the pretty colored stones better. I like amethysts and garnets and tourmalines.

My grandpa was a jeweler so I grew up surrounded by all kinds of gems. He had a lot of geodes in his displays that I was fascinated with. They were so uninteresting on the outside, just ordinary rocks, but split them open and oh la la! Hidden treasure!
  • #16
A place where I can crank up my Rock & Roll, in peace and not so quiet. :biggrin:

My family objects to Led Zepplin, Jimi Hendrix, Robin Trower, Traffic, Blind Faith, Spirit, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Journey (1st album), The Who, Yardbirds, Cream, Rolling Stones (< 1970), The Doors, Yes, EL&P, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Santana, Black Sabbath, Nazareth, Blue Öyster Cult, Jon Butcher, Joe Satriani . . . . at full volume. I prefer to work while listening to inspirational music. :biggrin:

I need a place of my own. :-p

Listening to Trower's "Bridge of Sighs" and "About to Begin" as I type this. :cool:

Oh, you can't always get what you want,
but if you try sometimes,
you might find,
you get what you need! :cool: - Rolling Stones, Let it Bleed, 1969

Edit: Oh, yeah - a new 5 string base guitar would be nice! Then I would really have to get my own place. :biggrin:
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  • #17
JasonRox said:
I wish I can get away with that. :rolleyes:

I'm not kidding
  • #18
Math Is Hard said:
what kind of chocs are we talking about here? :smile:
Did I hear chocolate?

I never cared for diamonds because they are my birthstone. I always thought they were boring, and I liked the pretty colored stones better. I like amethysts and garnets and tourmalines.
Same here.

He had a lot of geodes in his displays that I was fascinated with. They were so uninteresting on the outside, just ordinary rocks, but split them open and oh la la! Hidden treasure!
Like some people. :smile:
  • #19
How about rubies, sapphires and opals. Optically, I like the star sapphires, and I have a few opals from back home, including a really nice black opal.
  • #20
Onyx and opals are my favorites, really dark blue sapphires catch my eye too (I've been told those have more impurities, thus are cheaper than the lighter blue sapphires, but I like them better anyway). I don't own any sapphires though, and don't plan on buying any...I don't wear jewelry enough to need any more than the few pieces I have. Though, my friends know that should I ever meet some guy who wants to propose and insists on buying a ring despite the fact that I just don't care if I get a ring or not, then they are to instruct him to get a ring set with sapphire or onyx, and definitely not a diamond. Then again, if some guy gets to the stage of proposing to me, he ought to know my preferences by then anyway.
  • #21

Sapphire and Ruby are both corundum (the basic chemical formula is Al2O3 (alumina) is the same for both ruby and sapphire.) Sapphires are corundum of all colors except red. Red corundum is called ruby. Although pure corundum is colorless, blue sapphire results from a combination of titanium and iron oxides. The name sapphire comes from the Greek word "sapphirus" for blue but sapphires come in many colors including pink, yellow, orange, green black, purple, violet, light blue, and the rare orange-pink Padparadscha" sapphire. Padparadscha comes from the Sinahalese word meaning "lotus color". Sapphires other than blue ones are usually called "natural fancy-color sapphire". Red hues result from traces of chromium. The greater the concentration of oxides, the deeper the color.

Sapphire's enchanting colors are just one reason for this gemstone's popularity. It's also extremely durable, having a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale. Sapphire has a specific gravity of 4.00, a refractive index of 1.76 - 1.78, and birefringence of 0.008.


Fine Rubies, especially Burmese rubies are among the rarest and most expensive gemstones in the world. Prized for their beauty, durability, and rarity, it is the quality of the color which most determines the value of the stones. The ideal Ruby color is that of a red traffic light, a highly fluorescent red of high intensity. Demand for gem quality Ruby has always been strong with mining records from Burma dating back almost 500 years.

The word ruby comes from the Latin word for red -- ruber. They are a form of corundum which is colorless in its pure state. The red color is produced by small traces of chromium. Traces of iron make the color more brown. Although Burmese, African, Thai and Cambodian rubies have the same chemical and physical properties, they differ noticeably in color and hue.

Burmese rubies are the best rubies in the world and the most sought after. Burma ruby is the rubies that we specialize in. Burma ruby displays a true red to pinkish red color in most kinds of light. African, Thai and Cambodian rubies are usually much darker and browner in color and similar to garnet. Many rubies on the market have been heated to enhance the color. This is a generally accepted practice in the gem trade and gem labs classify them as natural rubies.

Rubies and Sapphires which are both members of the corundum family have the same hexagonal crystallographic structure. It is the presence of trace elements like chromium, iron, vanadium and titanium which are responsible for the wide range of colors in which the mineral occurs. The red color in Rubies is primarily a result of the presence of chromium. Red corundum is known as Ruby and any other color is called a sapphire. In practice however, the determination is not always so straight forward because there are no internationally accepted standards for the color of a ruby. Gemologists could describe the same stone as a pinkish red ruby or a pinkish red sapphire and borderline cases are not uncommon.

Just thought you ladies should know, but something tells me the PF sisters do their homework well in advance and are well-informed. :biggrin:

Yes, and any suitor should be expected to know the lady's preference. :rolleyes:
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  • #22
And to think most people just like them because they're sparkly. :biggrin: I never knew rubies and sapphire were actually the same mineral.
  • #23
Moonbear said:
I'm not so sure someone with the intelligence criteria you're requiring would be dumb enough to date someone he knew was after him only to get a diamond ring out of it. Though, as diamond rings go, that one isn't very expensive.
:devil: If I was looking after him only for diamond ring, I'd just say I am looking for someone who just buy me this ring! I don't know why people around here only get stuck on tiny details all the time!:biggrin:

And no, I don't care about diamond ring and jewlery either.
  • #24
Lisa! said:
A very intelligent, humorous, wise and handsome guy with a degree in anything (preferably not physics and art), who would buy me this http://www.ashford.com/product/index.asp?sn=458045054&md_id=1&pf_id=40646&dept_id=60&comp=Y on Valentine's day! :blushing:

Intelligent: IQ > 150
Handsome: height > 5' 11, and physically fit and with a tolerable face:rolleyes:

P.S. To be perfectly honest I always blame women on being too intersted in jewelry. But this ring is different!

This is the funniest post I've ever read here. :biggrin: And the "P.S." ... :smile:

Well I think I fit your description in almost all requirements (techically, I don't YET have a degree in physics), except for me wanting to buy it... haha... you don't really think someone would buy you this little thingy expecting nothing in return ? :biggrin:
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  • #25
Igor_S said:
This is the funniest post I've ever read here. :biggrin: And the "P.S." ... :smile:

Well I think I fit your description in almost all requirements (techically, I don't YET have a degree in physics), except for me wanting to buy it... haha... you don't really think someone would buy you this little thingy expecting nothing in return ? :biggrin:
You mean dating a wonderful girl like me is nothing?:devil: :biggrin:

Well, sounds like I can't find a person who qualify even at PF! Let's say what's wrong with people in real life. Some of them are:

Cute but too short!
Tall but too ugly!
Almost handsome by my defenition but not intelligent enough!
Hansome, intelligent and wise people but kinda bore!

And when they're exactly the way I like:
Are too old or taken!
  • #26
Moonbear said:
And to think most people just like them because they're sparkly. :biggrin: I never knew rubies and sapphire were actually the same mineral.
Same base material, but slightly different impurities.

Ruby is a variety of corundum that contains trace-amounts of chromium. The chromium causes the red color of ruby in plain light as well as its red fluorescence.

Ruby & Sapphire - http://www.ruby-sapphire.com/r-s-bk-ch5.htm (some really cool pictures here)



Sapphire - http://www.faceters.com/rough/synthetics/corundum/index.shtml


Sapphire (alumina, corundum) is used to made high temperature optical windows and mirrors. One way to look into a rocket nozzle at temperature is to use a sapphire mirror. Such was used to look at and video some of the NERVA rocket motors while they were running. A colleague has video showing the wild oscillations induced by fluid dynamic instability. Isn't science and technology so romantic? :rolleyes: :biggrin:
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  • #27
Lisa! said:
You mean dating a wonderful girl like me is nothing?:devil: :biggrin:

No, didn't say it's nothing. But it's highly unlikely (atleast by my modest experience) its worth $1400.

Lisa! said:
Well, sounds like I can't find a person who qualify even at PF!

I think you can get close, at least with "intelligent", but he wouldn't buy you the ring (it's a contradiction as someone noticed, if he would do it, that wouldn't make him unintelligent, so there you have it !). Well, not at least for a first date. Maybe, when a number of dates becomes very big, or approaches to wedding. :biggrin:

Lisa! said:
Let's say what's wrong with people in real life. Some of them are:

Cute but too short!
Tall but too ugly!
Almost handsome by my defenition but not intelligent enough!
Hansome, intelligent and wise people but kinda bore!

And when they're exactly the way I like:
Are too old or taken!

Funny thing, I could say the same things about girls where I live (well, except being too old), most of the boring, "nonintelligent" and even annoying ones are right here on my physics department. :rolleyes:
  • #28
There seems to be so much emphasis on the qualities of a person just to date them.

The funny part is that most people consider themselves easy going, which is utter bu||$#!+.
  • #29
Lisa! said:
You mean dating a wonderful girl like me is nothing?:devil: :biggrin:

Well, sounds like I can't find a person who qualify even at PF! Let's say what's wrong with people in real life. Some of them are:

Cute but too short!
Tall but too ugly!
Almost handsome by my defenition but not intelligent enough!
Hansome, intelligent and wise people but kinda bore!

And when they're exactly the way I like:
Are too old or taken!

If you don't mind, I'll take the ones you reject on the basis of being cute but too short...I don't mind short guys, and if you don't want them, I'm happy to take them off your hands. :biggrin:
  • #30
Math Is Hard said:
I never cared for diamonds because they are my birthstone. I always thought they were boring, and I liked the pretty colored stones better.
Boring? They're so pretty how they sparkle in the light! I don't think my fingers could carry a brightly colored gem so give me a marquise cut diamond :approve:
  • #31
I don't mind at all, Moonbear!:smile: I hope you have no problem with a guy who only stands 5'5?
(1 of those cute but short guy whom I knew, moved to US last year to continue his studies. So?:biggrin: )

Igor_S said:
No, didn't say it's nothing. But it's highly unlikely (atleast by my modest experience) its worth $1400.
I should have known $1400 is ALOT in a physics forum!:bugeye:

I think you can get close, at least with "intelligent", but he wouldn't buy you the ring (it's a contradiction as someone noticed, if he would do it, that wouldn't make him unintelligent, so there you have it !). Well, not at least for a first date. Maybe, when a number of dates becomes very big, or approaches to wedding. :biggrin:
Ah come on! First of all I don't expect an intelligent guy to go out on a blind date. So let say he decides to date a girl since he already knows her enough and now decides to date her because he knows she's her kind of woman.Now he should do his best to attract this girl to himself by buying gifts,... o:) (Nope, gifts doesn't work in my case very well but then again this ring might be different!:biggrin: )

Funny thing, I could say the same things about girls where I live (well, except being too old), most of the boring, "nonintelligent" and even annoying ones are right here on my physics department. :rolleyes:
well I should listen to those girls' comments too!:-p

JasonRox said:
There seems to be so much emphasis on the qualities of a person just to date them.

The funny part is that most people consider themselves easy going, which is utter bu||$#!+.
Nope, I admit I'm not easy going in this case at all! At least not about his personality and wisdom.
  • #32
How about a compromise...

I don't have a degree, I'm almost 5'11" (5'9.25"), I don't know my IQ so it has the potential to be >400, I'm not in bad shape, and above average on the tolerable level. Also I'm positively charming :biggrin:
  • #33
What a compromise! :bugeye:
At least can you buy that ring??
  • #34
Where's Clausius2, BTW?
  • #35
I bought mom an amethysts geode, its about a foot tall by 4 inches wide,
i had it mounted on a teak base, it sits pride of place on the mantle.

As for chocs just name them and i will find them.:smile: