Looking For Help With A SciFi Movie For Accurate Physics

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of creating a science fiction movie that is accurate in terms of science and technology. This includes topics such as communication methods, faster than light travel, energy sources, weapons, alternate timelines, time travel, biological circuits, enhanced IQ, augmented reality, and psychokinesis. While some of these ideas are plausible according to current scientific understanding, others are highly implausible and may require a breach of known laws of physics. The conversation also suggests hiring a scientific consultant for more accurate and realistic input.
  • #1
Hi there, I'm new here. My favorite fields of science are physics, theoretical physics, and fringe science. Fringe was my all time favorite show next to Star Trek. I'm a total nerd.

However, I'm no scientist. In fact, I'm a music and video producer, photographer, and graphic artist. Last time I was heavily into physics was high school 6 years ago.

All that aside, I'm working on a science fiction movie, and I'd like to be as accurate to physics and science as possible, so I thought this forum might be a good place to get help.

The setting is 2056 during a third World War. I have some ideas of where to go with all this but I'd like to have your thoughts.

Think plausibility according to modern technological progression and the laws of physics and science, whither real or theoretical.

- Communication Methods that can travel across large distances with massive bandwidth capabilities
- Faster than light travel (Albiere bubble, wormhole, matter\antimatter fission\fusion reactors, etc)
- Sub light travel for jets (deuterium drive)
- Energy sources
- Energy sources for cars
- Weapons; sidearms, mounted, as well as missiles and such
- Alternate Timelines
- Time travel (forward and back. This is a major part of the story)
- Biological circuits that can fuse to the nervous system (Also important)
- Enhanced IQ (As high as humanly possible while still retaining emotion) and neuronal speed (maybe from a Rx drug?)
- The ability to have a HUD and augmented reality attached to whatever you see inside your head (I.E. The TV show Continuum)
- Psychokinesis (super important, especially personal time travel)

- Anything else you feel might be conducive to the time period

This movie is very important to me, and I'd like it to be accurate with the science, as well as the current progression of technology, etc.

Hopefully this is posted in the right category, and there's someone out there who could has ideas and thoughts.

Thank you all so much! It's nice to meet you in advance :)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome to PF;
You can get general hep here and pointers to helpful direction, but you already know that scientific consultants to movies get paid for their input. I hope the forum will at least get screen credit?

The rule for plausible-science SF movies is usually to allow a single, one-time, breach of the rules, and then work through the consequences. The breach in the rules is usually explained away as an advance in technology that the characters don't know the details of - they just use it.

The smaller the exception to the currently understood rules the more plausible the "science".
Want to hire me yet?

- Communication Methods that can travel across large distances with massive bandwidth capabilities
Define "large" and "massive" this is plausible for continental distances - even to planetary ones.
So long as you are STL.

- Faster than light travel (Albiere bubble, wormhole, matter\antimatter fission\fusion reactors, etc)
FTL is highly implausible - thought there is research looking into this on the very small scale.
The STNG-DS9 type wormhole - highly implausibe.
Antimatter power - implausible but not very - we can make antimatter - but you want to figure out the advantages: it will take more energy to make the antimatter than you can get out of it. Perhaps there is a natural source of antimatter the SF world exploits: it would be very valuable and hazardous.
Fusion - plausible.

- Sub light travel for jets (deuterium drive)
Anything STL that obeys conservation of energy is plausible.
Note: "deuterium drive" has no meaning ... a drive depending on deuterius fusion would be a form of fusion power.

- Energy sources
- Energy sources for cars
... anything that obeys conservation of energy is plausible.
You want to watch the energy densities for storage - there are limits to how much energy you can plausibly pack into a small volume.

- Weapons; sidearms, mounted, as well as missiles and such
Same restrictions as energy.

- Alternate Timelines
highly implausible - requires a theory of time and unobtainium

- Time travel (forward and back. This is a major part of the story)
Dreamland stuff - if you want a time-travel story, the ability to travel "back and forth" in time is a major breach of causality so you have to address this. (Which is usually the point of time travel stories).

- Biological circuits that can fuse to the nervous system (Also important)
I think this may be present threshold tech - just about.
Will depend on the circuit. We can control electronic circuits via our nervous system in prototype.

- Enhanced IQ (As high as humanly possible while still retaining emotion) and neuronal speed (maybe from a Rx drug?)
IQ is pseudoscience.
You want more detail. Drugs can already increase cognition and perception.

- The ability to have a HUD and augmented reality attached to whatever you see inside your head (I.E. The TV show Continuum)
Google glass but internal - goes with the bio-circuits doesn't it?

- Psychokinesis (super important, especially personal time travel)
Fantasy land stuff ... not possible under known laws of physics.
But it can be sciencified - I have an extensive workup of how TK would work consistently with the known laws allowing it's existence as the only exception.

However - you can also fake up TK effects by hidden means - very high tech could manage this.

What you want is effectively a soft SF/Fantasy world - so it is unlikely you can have more than a superficial resemblence to science fact. I'd give up now and do what you want.

But if you do want something that is better than star trek - you should be prepared to hire someone.

Related to Looking For Help With A SciFi Movie For Accurate Physics

1. What is the importance of accurate physics in a science fiction movie?

Accurate physics is important in a science fiction movie because it adds an element of realism to the story. It helps the audience to suspend their disbelief and fully immerse themselves in the world of the movie. It also adds credibility to the science and technology portrayed in the film.

2. How do you ensure accuracy in the physics of a science fiction movie?

To ensure accuracy, it is important to consult with experts in the field of physics. This could include physicists, engineers, or other scientists who specialize in the particular subject matter being portrayed in the movie. It is also important to conduct thorough research and fact-checking to make sure that the physics depicted in the movie aligns with current scientific understanding.

3. What are some common mistakes made in the depiction of physics in science fiction movies?

One common mistake is the use of sound in space. In reality, there is no sound in the vacuum of space, yet many sci-fi movies include sound effects for dramatic effect. Another mistake is the portrayal of gravity on different planets or in different environments. Gravity is a complex force that can vary depending on factors such as mass, distance, and rotation, and it is important to accurately depict these factors in a sci-fi movie.

4. Are there any specific physics concepts that are commonly misrepresented in science fiction movies?

Time travel is a concept that is often misrepresented in sci-fi movies. While it is a popular trope, many movies do not accurately depict the complexities and consequences of time travel according to the laws of physics. Another concept that is often misrepresented is teleportation, as it would require immense amounts of energy and precise calculations to achieve.

5. How important is it to balance accuracy with entertainment in a science fiction movie?

It is important to strike a balance between accuracy and entertainment in a science fiction movie. While accuracy adds credibility to the story, it is also important to engage and entertain the audience. Sometimes, creative liberties must be taken to make the story more engaging, but it is important to not sacrifice accuracy completely. It is possible to create a compelling and entertaining sci-fi movie while still maintaining a level of scientific accuracy.

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