Looking for review of Teslar Watch

In summary, the study found that people who wore Philip Stein watches showed improvement in sleep quality and quantity.
  • #1
Gold Member
My friend wants to know why I think Teslar watches are pseudo-science snake oil. There's lots of sales pitches on the web about them. Can anyone direct me to an objective review?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The placebo effect and the Hawthorne effect are not pseudo-science. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawthorne_effect.

Possibly the Pymgalion effect is also relevant here - i.e. if your role model buys an expensive gizmo and claims it improves their quality of life, then if you buy the same gizmo it willl improve your (subjectively perceived) quality of life.

But I guess your question was about physics, not psychology.
  • #3
I'm interested in this as well. If textbook science doesn't explain it, could it be there is nevertheless valid physics that does? Remember, there was a time when textbook science didn't explain everything. That time may not have passed.

I think when the U.S. government goes to the trouble of bulldozing/burning something with a court order giving themselves permission to do so, there must have been something to it. If Rife and Puharich had been mere cranks, wouldn't it have been enough to simply close their operation and confiscate their property? This alone would have been pretty outrageous (one thing to tell somebody to cease operations, another thing entirely to seize their property) and yet with both Puharich and Rife, the government came in and physically destroyed their equipment on site.

Puharich's stuff was piled up on site with armed sheriff's deputies posted and his stuff was burned. Rife's clinic was physically bulldozed and carted off within 72 hours of the warrant being served. Was it really necessary to knock a perfectly good building down with a bulldozer to put it out of business? I don't think so.

If Puharich and Rife were "crazy," then what do you say about a government that can only stop two "crazy" people by resorting to physically destroying their sites ala IDIOCRACY where the guards blow up a taxi cab because it was supposed to have a fugitive inside it?
  • #4
Why did Stein change the original Teslar design and get Oprah to promote his stuff? When you try to look for these watches now, Stein's overpriced "improvements" are the first things you'll find. It's actually difficult to find anything else.

I wonder whether they're improvements, or if this is another way to destroy big pharma competition by replacing a working design and promoting useless junk.
  • #5
Donsjii said:
I'm interested in this as well. If textbook science doesn't explain it, could it be there is nevertheless valid physics that does? Remember, there was a time when textbook science didn't explain everything. That time may not have passed.

I think when the U.S. government goes to the trouble of bulldozing/burning something with a court order giving themselves permission to do so, there must have been something to it. If Rife and Puharich had been mere cranks, wouldn't it have been enough to simply close their operation and confiscate their property? This alone would have been pretty outrageous (one thing to tell somebody to cease operations, another thing entirely to seize their property) and yet with both Puharich and Rife, the government came in and physically destroyed their equipment on site.

Puharich's stuff was piled up on site with armed sheriff's deputies posted and his stuff was burned. Rife's clinic was physically bulldozed and carted off within 72 hours of the warrant being served. Was it really necessary to knock a perfectly good building down with a bulldozer to put it out of business? I don't think so.

If Puharich and Rife were "crazy," then what do you say about a government that can only stop two "crazy" people by resorting to physically destroying their sites ala IDIOCRACY where the guards blow up a taxi cab because it was supposed to have a fugitive inside it?
Post the mainstream news media reports of this.
  • #6
DaveC426913 said:
My friend wants to know why I think Teslar watches are pseudo-science snake oil. There's lots of sales pitches on the web about them. Can anyone direct me to an objective review?

Can you post a link to the actual product? The Teslar website doesn't have any watches listed. Furthermore, there's no Wikipedia page on it, so I'm almost entirely lost.

EDIT: Let me be clear. If it's a watch, then it only needs to tell time to qualify as non-psuedoscience. This seems like an easy check to perform. However, since DaveC##### is asking, I assume there's more here. Is it claiming to actually change time? Or allow you to travel through time?
  • #7
From the http://www.philipstein.com/frequencytech.aspx website;


Miami, FL – A just-published study in Sleep Diagnosis and Therapy Journal (2010; V5 N5, 27-29 Breus and Rubik) provides the first clinical evidence that Philip Stein watches featuring Natural Frequency Technology provide improved sleep.

The randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study, authored by renowned sleep specialist Michael J. Breus, PhD, shows that study participants who wore Philip Stein watches fell asleep faster, stayed asleep longer and felt more refreshed in the morning.

“These results provide the clinical evidence to support what we have known and heard from our clients all along – that the Natural Frequency Technology found in Philip Stein watches, enhance people’s overall well-being and promote better sleep,” says Philip Stein Co-Founder and President Will Stein. “To have these results published in a scientific journal is further validation of the testimonials we hear regularly.”

Subjects in the study were both males and females who were poor sleepers and reported un-refreshing sleep for at least the past three months. None of the subjects reported having a serious medical or psychological condition. Each of the participants was given a device, half which contained the Natural Frequency Technology found in Philip Stein products, half which did not. In all, 96 percent of subjects tested responded positively to at least one of the Natural Frequency Technology variables:

64 % reported waking up more refreshed
61 % reported having more pleasant dreams
43 % reported falling asleep faster
43 % reported sleeping longer
18 % reported lying awake less at nightNatural Frequency Technology is a combination of natural frequencies generated by Earth. The technology, embedded in all Philip Stein watches is delivered via a metal disk that has been infused with key frequencies in a proprietary process. When worn on the wrist, the watch exposes frequencies and information to the biofield of the person wearing it. The biofield is the master energy field that regulates the body’s functions and informs the body to relax.

“This is life-changing technology – a natural approach to improved well-being that is backed up by scientific evidence,” said Stein, adding that the company continues to study new ways to deliver Natural Frequency Technology to enhance people’s quality of life. Soon, he said, the company will launch a new product that, when combined with the frequencies found in Philip Stein watches, delivers even greater benefits in improved sleep.

About Philip Stein

Philip Stein is the leader in watches and other lifestyle products using proprietary Natural Frequency Technology. The company has acquired notoriety not only through their commitment to superior product and use of natural frequencies but also with a large celebrity following over the years including Oprah Winfrey saying it is “one of her favorite things” twice and regular customers like Rupert Murdoch, Madonna and many others.

Frequency Technology

Natural Frequency Technology in Philip Stein watches is based on key frequencies beneficial to life and health, which are embedded on a metal disk found in every Philip Stein watch.

The prominent frequency is the frequency of the Earth that is harmonious and grounding to life. It is the same frequency that a person is in during a relaxed and unstressed stage.

When wearing the watch, the human energy field begins to interact with the frequencies of the Philip Stein watch. The energy field of the person becomes bigger and stronger and as a result the person is more resistant to stress.

Our customers around the world have reported better sleep, more focus, and improved performance.

We hope that you will have a similar positive experience when wearing your Philip Stein timepiece.
Will A. Stein

Looks like expensive BS to me.

But then if it beats in time with your heart, or whatever, then I can see that it might have a soothing effect...

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  • #8
I notice that they never discuss a comparison to the experimental control subjects. Sure, 96% with the magic-watch fell asleep faster, but what about the non-magic-watch wearers? Maybe 100% reported falling sleep faster.

There is no comparison mentioned, just the raw value.

Either way, when people start talking about "frequencies" you're basically guaranteed to be hearing garbage. Where frequencies are concerned: please keep my AC line voltage at 60Hz, my aircraft voltage at 400Hz, my audiophile speakers between 12Hz and 28kHz, and my watch at 1Hz. Precisely.
  • #9
Long story short...I wish someone would come out nationally about what a scam this is...it won't take much to scratch at the surface.

Ilonka Harezi used to put "Teslar technology" into these cheapy quartz watches in the 90s stating they would help with your electromagnetic field. This technology was "invented" out of their barn in the middle of Illinois. Her husband and her would sell these watches and a whole bunch of other nonsense items out of her white van. These watches were made in Japan and she would sell them for $20 each. I am sure there's some watches still out there.

Enter the Steins. They approached Ilonka, and told her to let them take her idea, in the form of a license, put them into cheap watches that look expensive and charge a fortune. Ilonka licensed her Teslar technology and Stein went into production. Not only that, but they placed a window on the back of the watch to show how dirty the watch would get showing all the negative energy the wearer had accumulated and would need to clean. To replace this would bring in more cash. Ilonka went from poor to rich in a matter of three years. The Steins were part of the Kabbalah Center in LA and gave Madonna tons of watches to give to all her friends. She sent one to Oprah. This made the Steins and Ilonka incredibly wealthy.

The Steins didn't like Ilonka because she was unstable with her ideologies. The Steins wanted her to shut up and say nothing. Ilonka would open her mouth and say crazy things about the Teslar technology and other of her crazy thoughts, which you can find on line. She got involved with the Dalai Lama and this was the last straw for the Steins. They began to secretly work on their own "technology" to get rid of Ilonka once and for all. That is exactly what they did, Ilonka had come back from a trip and the locks to the doors to her office had been changed.

Since Teslar was licensed by Ilonka, and the Steins developed their own technology, they no longer needed Ilonka and threw her out. Ilonka was left with debts.

It's a global scam and the Steins are laughnug all the way to the bank. The watches run on normal quartz movement, just like a sawtch! People say that the Teslar is better than the new technology...seriously? Neither is effective, it mind over matter, it's all a ploy to make people believe something that doesn't exist.

All the watches have the same dual casing, which is generic and can be bought by any watch manufacture. They cost no more than $30-$50 to make (the box is more expensive than the watch) and they are charging thousands of dollars on the hopes of people on their search for ways to live more healthy.

It's all one big joke on the consumer. If you go look at the watches, it states no where where the watches are made in, nowhere. Why is this? They are making them in China cheap, and selling them for a fortune.

Don't be fooled by any of their BS. I wish Vanity Fair or some publication would expose them for who they really are: A bunch of crooks laughing all the way to the bank.
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  • #10
I started this thread? I don't even remember! I don't even know what a Teslar watch is!

FAQ: Looking for review of Teslar Watch

1. What is the Teslar Watch?

The Teslar Watch is a high-tech wristwatch that claims to use electromagnetic frequencies to improve overall well-being and reduce stress.

2. How does the Teslar Watch work?

The Teslar Watch works by emitting a low-level electromagnetic field that is said to interact with the body's natural energy field, promoting balance and reducing stress.

3. Is there any scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of the Teslar Watch?

Currently, there is limited scientific evidence to support the claims made by the Teslar Watch. Some studies have shown potential benefits, but more research is needed to fully understand its effectiveness.

4. Are there any potential risks or side effects of using the Teslar Watch?

There have been no reported risks or side effects associated with using the Teslar Watch. However, as with any electronic device, it is important to follow proper usage and safety guidelines.

5. Where can I find reviews of the Teslar Watch from other users?

You can find reviews of the Teslar Watch on the official website, as well as on other retail sites and social media platforms. It is important to read reviews from multiple sources to get a well-rounded understanding of the product.

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