Looking for the spectrum of equilateral drums

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  • Thread starter Heidi
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Hi Pfs,
I found the formulas for the frequencies of half square triangles, and rectangles.
But nothing on hexagonal drums or equilateral triangles.
(it would nice to get them with Dirichlet and Neumann bordery conditions)

FAQ: Looking for the spectrum of equilateral drums

What is meant by the spectrum of an equilateral drum?

The spectrum of an equilateral drum refers to the set of eigenvalues derived from the Laplace operator applied to the drum's shape. These eigenvalues correspond to the natural frequencies at which the drum vibrates when struck.

Why is the study of the spectrum of equilateral drums important?

Studying the spectrum of equilateral drums is important because it provides insights into the relationship between the geometry of a shape and its vibrational properties. This has applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, and musical acoustics.

How is the spectrum of an equilateral drum calculated?

The spectrum is calculated by solving the Helmholtz equation with appropriate boundary conditions for the specific shape of the drum. For an equilateral drum, this involves using techniques from mathematical physics and numerical methods to find the eigenvalues.

Can the spectrum of different shaped drums be similar?

Yes, different shaped drums can have similar spectra. This is related to the concept of isospectral drums, where two different shapes have identical sets of eigenvalues. However, the exact conditions under which this occurs are complex and a topic of ongoing research.

What are some practical applications of understanding drum spectra?

Understanding drum spectra has practical applications in designing musical instruments, improving acoustic performance in architectural spaces, and even in medical imaging techniques like MRI, where similar mathematical principles are used to interpret data.
