Loop Feynman diagram contributions to correlation functions

In summary: I am still a bit confused on how the Feynman diagrams are constructed.In summary, the n-correlation function is a way to measure how dependent two variables are. It is given by the equation \begin{equation*}\langle \phi(x_1) \phi(x_2) ... \phi(x_n)\rangle = i \Delta_F (x_1-x_2-...-x_n)\end{equation*} where ##\Delta_F## is known as the Feynman propagator. conventionally, the ##\Delta_F(x_1−x_2)## propagator is drawn as
  • #1
Homework Statement
Given a quantum field theory whose potential is given by

$$V(\phi) = g \frac{\phi^3}{3!} + \lambda \frac{\phi^4}{4!}$$

Find all connected one and two-loop graphs (to do so you will need to find all symmetry factors involved) which contribute to


\langle \phi(x_1) \phi(x_2) \rangle, \qquad \langle \phi(x_1) \phi(x_2) \phi(x_3)\rangle

Relevant Equations
My understanding of the n-correlation function is

\langle \phi(x_1) \phi(x_2) ... \phi(x_n)\rangle = i \Delta_F (x_1-x_2-...-x_n)

Where ##\Delta_F## is known as the Feynman propagator (in Mathematics is better known as Green's function).

Let us analyze ##\langle \phi(x_1) \phi(x_2) \rangle## first. Conventionally, the ##\Delta_F(x_1−x_2)## propagator is drawn as a line


OK. But then I see that the second contribution is given by a diagram with a 'bubble' in between, with a symmetry factor of ##2## attached to it


Regarding the symmetry factor ##S=2## attached to the bubble diagram.

This is how I approached it (highly inspired by the accepted answer here) : Let's start with the external leg on the left. There are two possibilities for this external leg to attach: it can attach to either ##z## or ##w##. The right external leg is thus left with only one possibility. Hence we have a ##2 \times 1## factor. We could start from right to left instead so, by the same token, we pick up another ##2 \times 1## factor. The upper internal leg can either attach to ##z## or ##w## while the lower is left with one option only; we hence pick up a ##2 \times 1## factor. We could start with the lower internal leg instead so, by the same token, we pick up another ##2 \times 1## factor (still thinking about the argument used for the internal legs...).

Overall, the Dyson series gives us a ##1/2!## factor and the two vertices give ##1/(2!2!)## so the symmetry factor I get is

$$\frac{2\times 1 \times 2\times 1 \times 2\times 1 \times 2\times 1}{2!2!2!}=2$$
My doubts are

1) Why does this 'bubble' contribution emerge?

2) What are the specific Feynman rules that allow us to write down all contributions?

Once I fully understand how ##\langle \phi(x_1) \phi(x_2) \rangle## works, I should be able to show all contributions for ##\langle \phi(x_1) \phi(x_2) \phi(x_3) \rangle##

@vanhees71 @Gaussian97 , might you have time to discuss this one? :smile:

Thank you :biggrin:

Source: Osborn notes

PS: ##\phi^3+\phi^4## theory was discussed in this enlightening thread.
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  • #2
Somehow the time-ordering symbol is missing. The Feynman diagrams are just a very clever notation to evaluate the functional derivatives wrt. the external source ##J(x)## or, equivalently, the application of the Wick theorem to evaluate vacuum expectation values of time-ordered field-operator products in the operator formalism. In this way you can also find a safe way to get the symmetry factors. For you one-loop contribution of the four-point function you start with drawing the two three-leg vertices and the two external points. Now you count in how many ways you connect these elements to the diagram of the given topology: for the first external point you have 6 possibilities to connect it with one of the legs. For the 2nd external point you have 3 remaining possibilities. Then you have 2 possibilities to connect one of the legs of one vertex with one of the other. The remaining connection is then unique. So the overall factor is 6*3*2/(3! 3! 2)=1/2.
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  • #3
@vanhees71 my apologies for the late reply.

vanhees71 said:
For you one-loop contribution of the four-point function you start with drawing the two three-leg vertices and the two external points. Now you count in how many ways you connect these elements to the diagram of the given topology: for the first external point you have 6 possibilities to connect it with one of the legs. For the 2nd external point you have 3 remaining possibilities. Then you have 2 possibilities to connect one of the legs of one vertex with one of the other. The remaining connection is then unique. So the overall factor is 6*3*2/(3! 3! 2)=1/2.

I have been studying this particular case (##\phi^3 \ \& \ \phi^4## combined) and realized I lack of the basic understanding on how the whole machinery works.

So let me step back, discuss and understand the simplest case I could find: the two-point function.

I want to understand how to construct the Feynman rules for this case (the first non-trivial contribution has been shown in the OP: a bubble diagram with two external legs)

We start off by defining the functional integral

Z[J] = \int d[\phi] e^{iS[\phi] + i\int d^d x J(x) \phi(x)}

Which can be rewritten as

Z[J] &= \exp\left(\frac{i}{2} \int d^d x d^d y \frac{\delta}{\delta \phi(x)} \Delta_F (x-y) \frac{\delta}{\delta \phi(y)}\right) \times \\
&\times \exp\left( i \int d^d x (-V(\phi(x))+J(x)\phi(x))\right) \Big|_{\phi=0}

Then Osborn says "expand this to get the perturbation expansion", from which you can construct the Feynman rules. I am trying to see how.

Let's sketch it. If we were to expand it we would get ##Z[J] = e^xe^y = 1+ xy + \frac 1 4 (xy)^2 + ...## but how does this lead to construct the Feynman diagrams?

PS: I am following (the attached) Osborn notes, section 2.2
  • #4
Alright, I think I will post a more basic conceptual question and then come back to this particular exercise :smile:

Related to Loop Feynman diagram contributions to correlation functions

1. What is a Loop Feynman diagram?

A Loop Feynman diagram is a graphical representation of the mathematical calculations involved in quantum field theory. It shows the possible interactions between particles and their corresponding mathematical equations, which are used to calculate the probability amplitudes for each interaction.

2. What do Loop Feynman diagrams contribute to correlation functions?

Loop Feynman diagrams contribute to correlation functions by representing the higher-order corrections to the basic interactions between particles. These corrections are necessary to accurately describe the behavior of quantum systems and can significantly affect the overall results of correlation function calculations.

3. How do Loop Feynman diagrams affect the accuracy of correlation function calculations?

Loop Feynman diagrams can significantly affect the accuracy of correlation function calculations by taking into account the higher-order corrections to the basic interactions between particles. These corrections can have a significant impact on the overall results and must be included for accurate predictions.

4. What is the role of Loop Feynman diagrams in quantum field theory?

Loop Feynman diagrams play a crucial role in quantum field theory by providing a graphical representation of the mathematical calculations involved in describing the behavior of quantum systems. They help to visualize and understand the complex interactions between particles and their corresponding mathematical equations.

5. How are Loop Feynman diagrams used in particle physics?

Loop Feynman diagrams are extensively used in particle physics to calculate the probability amplitudes for the interactions between particles. They are an essential tool for making predictions about the behavior of subatomic particles and are used to test and refine our understanding of the fundamental laws of nature.

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