Loop Integration in Spinor Language

In summary: One could check the original paper by Bern, et al., to verify that this is the correct interpretation.In summary, the conversation discusses the treatment of loop integrals in terms of helicity spinors and how to handle them without reducing them to scalar integrals. The expert explains how to use the definition of inner products and sigma matrices to rewrite the spinor numerator in terms of 4-vectors. They also mention an example where this leads to a vanishing contraction, which can be verified by referring to the original paper by Bern, et al.
  • #1
Hi guys,

i'm looking at one-loop calculations in terms of helicity spinor (basically a paper by Brandhuber, Travglini and others) language but i have no idea how to integrate them :)

For instance

\int FeynParam\int d^D L \frac{\langle a|L|b]^2}{(L^2-\Delta^2)^3}

How would I do the loop intergation here?

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  • #2
If these are standard loop integrals, then most QFT texts will discuss their treatment via dimensional reduction. For example, following Ramond's discussion, we can use beta functions to derive

[tex] \int \frac{d^N\ell}{(\ell^2 + a^2)^A }= \pi^{N/2} \frac{\Gamma(A-N/2)}{\Gamma(A)} \frac{1}{(a^2)^{A-N/2}}[/tex]

By shifting [itex]\ell = \ell' + p[/itex] and setting [itex]b^2 = a^2 + p^2[/itex], we find

[tex] \int \frac{d^N\ell}{(\ell^2 +2p\cdot\ell + b^2)^A }= \pi^{N/2} \frac{\Gamma(A-N/2)}{\Gamma(A)} \frac{1}{(b^2-p^2)^{A-N/2}}.[/tex]

Integrals with factors of [itex]\ell_\mu[/itex] can now be obtained by differentiating with respect to [itex]p_\mu[/itex]:

[tex] \int \frac{d^N\ell~\ell_{\mu_1}\cdots \ell_{\mu_n}}{(\ell^2 +2p\cdot\ell + b^2)^A }=\pi^{N/2} \frac{\Gamma(A-N/2)}{\Gamma(A)} \left( \frac{1}{2} \frac{\partial}{\partial p_{\mu_1}} \right) \cdots \left( \frac{1}{2} \frac{\partial}{\partial p_{\mu_n}} \right) \frac{1}{(b^2-p^2)^{A-N/2}}.[/tex]
  • #3
Hi! Thanks for your reply!

I understand how to treat these integrals if the numerator of the integrand is expressed in terms of four-vectors. But how do I proceed if the numerator is written in the spinor bra-ket language above? I don't really know how to handle these expressions if the loop momentum in the numerator is written via spinors...Any idea how to handle them? (So, my question really is: what do i do with the numerator?)

  • #4
Can you give a more specific reference? I've been looking at papers like hep-th/0407214 and I haven't found an expression where the loop momentum wasn't given as a 4-vector.
  • #5
Hi and thanks for your reply. Look for instance at hep-th/0612007. They never do the integrals (they reduce them to scalar integrals using PV) but i was wondering how to do them without reducing them.

Look for instance at eq (3.9). If one is given such a type of integral but has no idea about PV reduction and only knows numerators written via 4-momenta how does one integrate this thing directly? Or even eq 3.10. (which looks like what I've written above).

As I've said I know how to treat loop integrals in terms of the standard Peskin/Schroeder textbook way...I just don't really know how to deal with numerators if they are given in terms of these spinor brackets. :)

  • #6
These are ordinary loop integrals, but you have to look at them the right way. You need to use the definition of the inner products for spinors of [itex]\pm[/itex] helicity as well as the use of sigma matrices to write a 4-vector as a bispinor.

Take (3.9), which has a [itex] [ \eta |L_3| 3 \rangle[/itex] in it. We can write this in terms of [itex](L_3)_\mu [/itex] by putting all of the indices in:

[tex] [ \eta |L_3| 3 \rangle = - \eta_{\dot{b}}\epsilon^{\dot{b}\dot{a}} (L_3)_\mu (\sigma^\mu)_{a\dot{a}} \epsilon^{ab} (3)_b.[/tex]

I might have a minus sign wrong, you might want to check yourself using the conventions from the Witten paper or something. Up to signs then, we identify

[tex]- \eta_{\dot{b}}\epsilon^{\dot{b}\dot{a}} (\sigma^\mu)_{a\dot{a}} \epsilon^{ab} (3)_b = [ \eta |\mu| 3 \rangle.[/tex]

as appears in (3.11).
  • #7
Ah, thanks for the explanation. One more question about this:

So coming back to the numerator, i could rewrite is in terms of a four-vector product as:

[tex]\langle a |L|b]^2 = (2q\cdot L )^2[/tex]

where q is a four-vector build from the spinors [tex]\langle a|[/tex] and [tex] |b][/tex].

Under the integral sign i could write this as

[tex]\langle a |L|b]^2 = (2*q\cdot L )^2=4q^\alpha q^\beta L_\alpha L_\beta=\frac{4}{D} q^\alpha q^\beta g_{\alpha\beta}L^2[/tex] and after integration the result would be proportional to
[tex] q^2 [/tex] times stuff coming from the integrak. But this would vanish since q can by expressed in terms of spinors and must so be massless, right? I.e. q^2=0? Or is this reasoning too naive?

  • #8
That looks about right. The integral in (4.19) is an example that leads to a vanishing contraction.

FAQ: Loop Integration in Spinor Language

What is loop integration in spinor language?

Loop integration in spinor language is a mathematical technique used to perform calculations involving loops or repeated processes. It is commonly used in quantum field theory and other branches of physics to calculate physical quantities.

What is the purpose of loop integration?

The purpose of loop integration is to simplify complex calculations involving loops and make them more manageable. It allows scientists to calculate physical quantities that would be difficult to determine using traditional methods.

How does loop integration work in spinor language?

In spinor language, loop integration involves summing over all possible paths or configurations of a given loop. This is done using mathematical tools such as Feynman diagrams and propagators, which represent the possible paths or interactions between particles.

What are the advantages of using spinor language for loop integration?

Spinor language is a powerful and efficient tool for performing loop integration. It allows for calculations to be done in a compact and elegant way, reducing the amount of time and effort required. It also has the advantage of providing a visual representation of the calculations, making it easier to understand and interpret the results.

What are some applications of loop integration in spinor language?

Loop integration in spinor language has many applications in theoretical physics, particularly in quantum field theory. It is used to calculate physical quantities such as scattering amplitudes, decay rates, and cross-sections. It is also used in the study of particle interactions and the behavior of matter at the subatomic level.

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