Loop-the-loop with potentional and kinetic energy

In summary: In that case, the mass would not have gained anything, and it would have lost potential energy as it went around the loop.If kinetic energy equals potential energy at that point, they will not at a later. The argument you are looking for is that the gain in kinetic energy is equal to the loss of potential energy. In that case, the mass would not have gained anything, and it would have lost potential energy as it went around the loop.
  • #1
Yae Miteo

Homework Statement

A mass m = 77 kg slides on a frictionless track that has a drop, followed by a loop-the-loop with radius R = 15.1 m and finally a flat straight section at the same height as the center of the loop (15.1 m off the ground). Since the mass would not make it around the loop if released from the height of the top of the loop (do you know why?) it must be released above the top of the loop-the-loop height. (Assume the mass never leaves the smooth track at any point on its path.)

part 2) What height above the ground must the mass begin to make it around the loop-the-loop?

Homework Equations

[tex]KE = \frac {mv^2}{2} [/tex]

and perhaps
[tex]a_c = \frac {v^2} {r}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I began by setting KE = PE
[tex]KE = PE[/tex]
[tex]mgh = \frac {mv^2}{2}[/tex]

cancel out
[tex]\frac {v^2}{r} = gh[/tex]

solve for h
[tex]h = \frac{v^2}{2g}[/tex]

plug in and find h

add to radius of loop, and answer is

However, this is not the correct answer. I feel that I am close, but I am not sure what I am missing.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yae Miteo said:
I began by setting KE = PE

Kinetic energy where and potential energy where?

Note that (as stated in the problem) the mass will not make it through the loop if it has zero velocity at the top of the loop. Can you find a condition that must be fulfilled for the mass to make it around?
  • #3
It needs enough kinetic energy to reach the top, which gets turned into potential energy right when it gets there. That way, it will make it around the loop.
  • #4
Yae Miteo said:
It needs enough kinetic energy to reach the top, which gets turned into potential energy right when it gets there. That way, it will make it around the loop.

This is exactly what the problem statement told you will not happen. If it, by some magical means, reached the top with zero velocity, what would happen to it right after it made it to the top?
  • #5
Hmm... if it had zero velocity at the top, it would stop and fall straight down. I need to develop a different approach.
Perhaps at the top
  • #6
[tex]KE \gt PE[/tex]
  • #7
Can you perhaps think of a condition on the velocity that must be fulfilled for the mass not to fall down faster than the track is bending?
  • #8
Centripetal acceleration must be greater than gravitational acceleration.
  • #9
Exactly, so this is what gives you the relation between gravitational and centripetal acceleration in the limiting case.

Looking at your OP again, it seems to me that you have a velocity already since you say you plug it in. It also seems part 1 of the problem is missing and that makes me suspect that finding this velocity was part 1. This is important information that should be included. Is this the case? If so, you did have the correct equations, although the argumentation was not clear - which is why I asked for where the potential should be equal to a kinetic energy which was measured where. Total energy is conserved and the kinetic energy at release is zero. If kinetic energy equals potential energy at that point, they will not at a later. The argument you are looking for is that the gain in kinetic energy is equal to the loss of potential energy.

FAQ: Loop-the-loop with potentional and kinetic energy

1. What is a loop-the-loop with potential and kinetic energy?

A loop-the-loop with potential and kinetic energy is a physics experiment in which a small object, such as a marble or a toy car, is placed at the top of a curved track and released. The object will then travel down the track, through a loop, and back to the starting point, using a combination of potential and kinetic energy to complete the loop.

2. How does potential energy play a role in a loop-the-loop?

Potential energy is the energy that an object has due to its position or height above the ground. In a loop-the-loop, potential energy is stored at the top of the track when the object is released. As the object travels down the track, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, which allows the object to complete the loop.

3. What is the relationship between potential and kinetic energy in a loop-the-loop?

In a loop-the-loop, potential and kinetic energy are converted back and forth between each other. As the object travels down the track, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, which then allows the object to complete the loop. As the object reaches the top of the loop, the kinetic energy is converted back into potential energy, which is then used to complete the rest of the track.

4. How does the height of the loop affect the potential and kinetic energy?

The height of the loop plays a significant role in the potential and kinetic energy of the object. The higher the loop, the more potential energy the object will have at the top, which will then be converted into kinetic energy as the object travels down the track. A taller loop will require more potential energy to complete the loop, making the experiment more challenging.

5. What factors can affect the success of a loop-the-loop with potential and kinetic energy?

Several factors can affect the success of a loop-the-loop experiment, including the height and shape of the loop, the starting position and velocity of the object, and the amount of friction on the track. The angle of the track and the smoothness of the surface can also impact the success of the loop-the-loop as these factors affect the amount of potential and kinetic energy that the object can gain or lose.
