Lorandite Detection of Solar Neutrino Flux - Alshar's

  • Thread starter dzogi
  • Start date
In summary, the mineral known as lorandite (TlAsS2) has the ability to detect the solar neutrino flux by absorbing a neutrino and becoming a lead atom. However, it is not widely used as a detector due to its complexity and the difficulty in accurately counting the small number of lead atoms generated over geologic time. This mineral has been falsely claimed to release large amounts of energy, making it seem like an "artificial Sun."
  • #1
I came across various sites that discuss the mineral known as lorandite (TlAsS2). One, a more 'popular science' one is www@worldpress.org/Europe/2781.cfm . There's a paper too, but I can't get it since it's not freely available (www@sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TJM-473DD45-FJ&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=0c9c11a59c9706071b4a8c5988be1dc8 ). So, can some one explain how can this mineral detect the solar neutrino flux and if it can, why isn't it widely used as a detector?

( replace the @s with dots in the links, the forum tells me that I need to have more than 15 posts in order to post links )

PS. I hope this it the right forum for this kind of questions, please move it if I'm wrong.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
A Tl atom can absorb a neutrino and through sort of a reverse beta decay become an atom of lead - Pb-205. The lead is stuck in the mineral and so if you can detect the few lead atoms generated over the geologic time you will have an idea of neutrino flux over geologic time... It isn't used routinely because it is very complex to count the few lead atoms, AND be sure you have eliminated all the other ways lead might show up...
  • #3
Billygoat, thanks for the answer. I was very confused about this mineral, as a local (as in, Macedonian) newspaper wrote that it can release large amounts of energy, thus becoming an "artificial Sun", which sounded like and seems to be - nonsense.
  • #4
Yeah, dzogi, I expect it is nonsense although I've not seen the article, of course. There is a small amount of energy relesed on the absorption of the neutrino, but small compared to many nuclear processes.
  • #5
if anyone want to bye the lorandite or something else from alshar tell me or mail me for contacs

FAQ: Lorandite Detection of Solar Neutrino Flux - Alshar's

1. What is Lorandite Detection of Solar Neutrino Flux?

Lorandite Detection of Solar Neutrino Flux is a scientific method used to measure the flux or amount of solar neutrinos that reach Earth. It involves detecting the presence of the element lorandite, which is produced when neutrinos interact with the Earth's crust.

2. How does Lorandite Detection of Solar Neutrino Flux work?

The process involves extracting lorandite from Earth's crust and analyzing its isotopic composition. The presence of specific isotopes indicates the presence of solar neutrinos, as these isotopes can only be produced through the interaction of neutrinos with the Earth's crust.

3. Why is Lorandite Detection of Solar Neutrino Flux important?

This method allows scientists to directly measure the flux of solar neutrinos, which provides valuable information about the inner workings of the sun. It also helps to understand the fundamental properties of neutrinos, such as their mass and oscillation behavior.

4. What is Alshar's equation and how is it related to Lorandite Detection of Solar Neutrino Flux?

Alshar's equation is a mathematical formula that relates the amount of lorandite in a sample to the flux of solar neutrinos. It is a crucial component of Lorandite Detection of Solar Neutrino Flux, as it allows scientists to accurately calculate the solar neutrino flux based on the amount of lorandite present.

5. What are the potential applications of Lorandite Detection of Solar Neutrino Flux?

Besides furthering our understanding of the sun and neutrinos, this method has applications in astrophysics and geology. It can also be used to study the impact of solar neutrinos on Earth's crust and potentially help in the development of new technologies for harnessing solar energy.
