Lorentz transformation and Pythagoras' theorem

In summary: The tilde above c represents the time derivative, which in this case is just the speed of light.) By applying the Pythagorean Theorem to these worldlines, we find that the red guy's worldline intersects the blue guy's worldline at a point that's (X4+dx)/2, which is a little more than the length of the blue guy's arm. That's because the red guy moves faster than the speed of light, so his worldline intercepts the blue guy's worldline before it reaches the end. In summary, the red guy has "dilated" the blue guy's experience by moving him along his own worldline for a little more than the length of his arm.
  • #1

I was just going through some writings on the web reg.Lorentz transformation.

Even considering the derivative factor,d, is anyway Lorentz transformation is some way, linked with Pythagoras' theorem?

Correct me if I am wrong?

-- Shounak
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The time dilation formula can be derived from an argument that uses the pythagorean theorem. See e.g. this page. Start reading at "The animation below..." Watch the animation (press the > button), and look at the triangle that appears at the end.
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  • #3
One thing that is comonly done is to use the parameter [itex]\tau= ict[/itex] instead of time, t, so that the relativisitic "distance" [itex]ds^2= dx^2+ dy^2+ dz^2- c^2dt[/itex] becomes [itex]ds^2= dx^2+ dy^2+ dz^2+ d\tau^2[/itex], which, for simplicity, I will reduce to one space variable: [itex]ds^2= dx^2+ d\tau^2[/itex]. That way the "hyperbolic" formula reduces to the Pythagorean theorem.
  • #4
One thing I would like to make clear:

(a) Pythagoras' theorem:h^2=b^2+p^2 started with Euclidean plane

(b) Coming to 3 dimension, Minkowski re-wrote the formula as

h^2=b^2+p^2+x^2-(ct^2), where c is the speed of light and t the time co-ordinate

(c) In general relativity, or say, if we want to re-formulate Pythagoras' theorem on a sphere or curved surface, the length of the arm of the triangle can BE CONSIDERED flat in the infinitesimal calculus, hence we differentiate as:


Please correct me if I am wrong.


-- Shounak
  • #5
It doesn't have anything to do with curvature or general relativity, and that last formula isn't just a matter of differentiation. It's pretty hard to explain what that formula is about in non-mathematical terms.
  • #6
shounakbhatta said:

I was just going through some writings on the web reg.Lorentz transformation.

Even considering the derivative factor,d, is anyway Lorentz transformation is some way, linked with Pythagoras' theorem?

Correct me if I am wrong?

-- Shounak

Here is a derivation of time dilation based on the Pythagorean Theorem. It begins with the proposition that all observers measure the same value for the speed of light, regardless of their relative speeds. For this to be true, one picture of such a universe logically includes four dimensions; different observers moving at different constant relativistic speeds relative to each other would be associated with 4-dimensional worldlines slanted with respect to an arbitrarily selected rest frame. An observer's worldline is colinear with his X4 axis along the 4th dimension ("time axis"). Further, the X1 axis is slanted as well, such that the 45-degree photon world line always bisects the angle between X1 and X4 (this assures the same measurement of "c" in all inertial frames)--that's just the way the universe is constructed in four dimensions. In the sketch below, the X1 axes represent the cross-section of the 4-dimensional universe (X2 and X3 are suppressed for ease of viewing) experienced by an observer at some instant of time (some point along the X4 dimension). This sets up the geometry in which you apply the Pythagorean Theorem. In this sketch a blue guy and red guy move in opposite directions at the same relativistic speed relative to the black rest frame. We regard any observer to be moving along his own X4 axis at the speed of light: X4 = ct, or t = X4/c

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FAQ: Lorentz transformation and Pythagoras' theorem

What is Lorentz transformation?

Lorentz transformation is a mathematical concept that describes how measurements of time and space change between two observers who are moving at a constant velocity relative to each other. It is an essential part of Einstein's theory of special relativity.

What is Pythagoras' theorem?

Pythagoras' theorem is a mathematical principle that states that in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides. It is often written as a^2 + b^2 = c^2, where c is the length of the hypotenuse and a and b are the lengths of the other two sides.

How are Lorentz transformation and Pythagoras' theorem related?

Lorentz transformation is closely related to Pythagoras' theorem as it is a mathematical tool used to calculate the distance and time between two events in special relativity. It uses the concept of a four-dimensional spacetime, where the three dimensions of space are combined with the dimension of time. The formula for Lorentz transformation includes the square root of the difference between the squares of the lengths of two points in spacetime, which is similar to the Pythagorean theorem.

Why is Pythagoras' theorem important in physics?

Pythagoras' theorem is important in physics because it is used to calculate distances and speeds in a variety of situations, including in special relativity. It is also the basis for many other mathematical principles and formulas that are used in physics, such as the Pythagorean identities in trigonometry.

Can Pythagoras' theorem be applied in non-Euclidean geometries?

No, Pythagoras' theorem only applies to Euclidean geometry, which is based on the concept of a flat plane. In non-Euclidean geometries, such as spherical or hyperbolic geometry, the theorem does not hold true. However, there are similar principles that can be applied in these geometries, such as the law of cosines and the law of sines.

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