Lorentz Transformation in Mathematica appears wrong.

In summary, the conversation discusses the attempt to learn special relativity through Stanford lectures by Leonard Susskind. The lecturer presents equations for two different reference frames with coordinates (x, t) and (x', t'). The conversation then talks about an attempt to graph this in Mathematica using an animation, but encountering a problem with the resulting shape being incorrect. The expert suggests taking the inverse of the transformation matrix to fix the issue.
  • #1
Floating Info
So, I'm trying (keyword trying) to learn a bit of special relativity on my own via the Stanford lectures on Youtube by Leonard Susskind, but I'm running into a problem.

According to the lectures, for two different reference frames with co-ordinates marked (x, t) and (x', t'), the latter moving, x' = x cosh(ω) - t sinh(ω), and t' = t cosh(ω) - x sinh(ω). (The velocity of the moving reference frame is sinh(ω)/cosh(ω). c = 1.). I've tried to graph this in Mathematica as an animation with omega (and thus velocity) increasing per frame.

Here is my code:

List1 = {};
List2 = {};
For[ω = 0, ω <= 1, ω = ω + 0.1,
For[x = -5, x <= 5, ++x,
For[t = -5, t <= 5, ++t,
List1, {x Cosh[ω] - t Sinh[ω], -x Sinh[ω] +
t Cosh[ω]}]]]; AppendTo[List2, List1]; List1 = {}]
Animate[ListPlot[Part[List2, n]], {n, 1, 11, 1}]

The problem is, what I get is that, over time, the square turns into a gradually thinner parallelogram-like shape, but the "further" vertices are in the top left and lower right quadrants. According to the Wolfram Demonstrations Project, they should be in the top right and lower left quadrants. What did I do wrong?
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  • #2
You have the inverse transformation. So take the inverse of your matrix:

The inverse of {{cosh,-sinh},{-sinh,cosh}} is {{cosh,sinh},{sinh,cosh}}

Its all about in which direction you're rotating.

What it boils down to is to switch the signs on the Sinh's

FAQ: Lorentz Transformation in Mathematica appears wrong.

1. Why does the Lorentz transformation in Mathematica appear wrong?

There could be a few reasons why the Lorentz transformation in Mathematica appears wrong. It could be due to a mistake in the input of the transformation formula, a bug in the software, or incorrect settings in the program. It is important to double check the input and settings to ensure they are accurate and to also make sure the software is up to date.

2. What is the Lorentz transformation and why is it important?

The Lorentz transformation is a mathematical formula used to describe the relationship between space and time in special relativity. It is important because it allows us to understand how measurements of space and time change for observers in different reference frames, and is crucial in understanding the effects of high speeds and gravity on the perception of time and space.

3. Can the Lorentz transformation be applied to all types of motion?

The Lorentz transformation is specifically designed for inertial motion, which means that the reference frame is not accelerating. It cannot be directly applied to non-inertial motion such as circular or accelerated motion. However, it can be used to approximate the effects of such motion by considering small intervals of time and space.

4. Are there any limitations or assumptions in the Lorentz transformation?

The Lorentz transformation is based on the principles of special relativity and assumes that the speed of light is constant and the laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames. It also assumes that there is no preferred frame of reference and that the laws of physics are the same for all observers. These assumptions may not hold in extreme cases such as near the speed of light or in the presence of strong gravitational fields.

5. Are there alternative ways to perform Lorentz transformations besides using Mathematica?

Yes, there are alternative ways to perform Lorentz transformations such as using other mathematical software programs, manually calculating the transformations using the Lorentz transformation formula, or using physical experiments and observations. However, Mathematica is a commonly used and reliable tool for performing complex mathematical calculations and is a convenient option for performing Lorentz transformations.

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