Lorentz transformation of a scalar field

In summary, Tong explains that a scalar field under a Lorentz transformation transforms as:- the derivative transforms as a vector- the transformation property of the derivative holds
  • #1

I'm reading Tong's lecture notes on QFT and I'm stuck on the following problem, found on p.11-12.

A scalar field [itex] \phi [/itex], under a Lorentz transformation, [itex] x \to
\Lambda x [/itex], transforms as

[itex] \phi(x) \to \phi'(x) = \phi(\Lambda^{-1} x) [/itex]

and the derivative of the scalar field transforms as a vector, meaning

[itex] (\partial_\mu \phi)(x) \to (\Lambda^{-1})^\nu{}_\mu (\partial_\nu \phi) (y). [/itex]

where [itex] y = \Lambda^{-1}x [/itex]

Could someone please explain the steps above? If the transformation is an active one, meaning that the field itself is rotated, then how does [itex] x \to \Lambda x [/itex] make sense. I don't get how he got the transformation property of the derivative either.
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A (classical) scalar field assigns a number ##\Phi(P)## to each spacetime point ##P##. (I'll generalize to quantum fields at the end; it's easier to think about numbers for now.) Suppose that Alice uses coordinates ##x## to label a particular spacetime point ##P##, and that Bob uses coordinates ##x'## to label the same spacetime point, and that their coordinates are related by a Lorentz transformation: ##x'{}^\mu=\Lambda^\mu{}_\nu x^\nu##. Alice then uses a function ##\phi## of her coordinates for the field, with the property that ##\phi(x)=\Phi(P)## when ##x## is Alice's label for ##P##. Bob uses a different function ##\phi'## of his coordinates for the field, with the property that ##\phi'(x')=\Phi(P)## when ##x'## is Bob's label for ##P##. From this we have ##\phi'(x')=\phi(x)##. Since ##x'=\Lambda x##, we also have ##x=\Lambda^{-1}x'##. Substituting for ##x## in ##\phi'(x')=\phi(x)##, we get ##\phi'(x')=\phi(\Lambda^{-1}x')##. We now change the dummy label ##x'## to ##x##, and we get ##\phi'(x)=\phi(\Lambda^{-1}x)##, which is Tong's first formula.

Tong's second formula then follows from the chain rule for derivatives. Let ##\partial_\mu## denote a derivative with respect to ##x^\mu##, and ##\bar\partial_\nu## denote a derivative with respect to ##y^\nu=(\Lambda^{-1})^\nu{}_\rho x^\rho##. We want to compute ##\partial_\mu\phi'(x)##. Using ##\phi'(x)=\phi(y)## and the chain rule, we have ##\partial_\mu\phi'(x)=\partial_\mu\phi(y)=\bar\partial_\nu\phi(y)\partial_\mu y^\nu##. Then we have ##\partial_\mu y^\nu = \partial_\mu[(\Lambda^{-1})^\nu{}_\rho x^\rho] = (\Lambda^{-1})^\nu{}_\rho \partial_\mu x^\rho = (\Lambda^{-1})^\nu{}_\rho \delta_\mu{}^\rho = (\Lambda^{-1})^\nu{}_\mu##. Hence we get ##\partial_\mu\phi'(x)=(\Lambda^{-1})^\nu{}_\mu\bar\partial_\nu\phi(y)##, which is Tong's second formula.

Note that it is a property of the Lorentz transformation matrices that ##(\Lambda^{-1})^\nu{}_\mu=\Lambda_\mu{}^\nu##, so we can also write the second formula as ##\partial_\mu\phi'(x)=\Lambda_\mu{}^\nu\bar\partial_\nu\phi(y)##, which looks nicer to me.

In QFT, ##\Phi(P)## is an operator instead of a number, but the key formula ##\phi'(x')=\phi(x)=\Phi(P)## still holds, so all of the above goes through.
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  • #3
Ah, I see it now. Thanks a lot for the help.

FAQ: Lorentz transformation of a scalar field

1. What is a scalar field?

A scalar field is a quantity that has a single value at each point in space and time. It is described by a scalar function, which assigns a numerical value to every point in space-time.

2. What is the Lorentz transformation of a scalar field?

The Lorentz transformation of a scalar field is a mathematical tool used to describe the change in the values of a scalar field under a change of reference frame. It takes into account the effects of special relativity, such as time dilation and length contraction, on the scalar field.

3. How is the Lorentz transformation of a scalar field derived?

The Lorentz transformation of a scalar field is derived from the Lorentz transformation equations, which were developed by Hendrik Lorentz to explain the behavior of electric and magnetic fields under the theory of special relativity. The transformation of a scalar field is a consequence of these equations.

4. What are the applications of the Lorentz transformation of a scalar field?

The Lorentz transformation of a scalar field is used in many areas of physics, including electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and cosmology. It is also used in practical applications, such as calculating the effects of time dilation on GPS satellites.

5. How does the Lorentz transformation of a scalar field differ from the transformation of a vector field?

The Lorentz transformation of a scalar field only considers the changes in the numerical values of the field, while the transformation of a vector field also takes into account the changes in the direction and magnitude of the vectors. Additionally, the transformation of a scalar field is simpler and more straightforward compared to the transformation of a vector field.

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