Lorentz transformations for spacetime

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of Lorentz transformations, which are a generalization of rotations in mathematics and physics. These transformations involve hyperbolic trigonometric functions and are used to calculate coordinates in a moving frame of reference. The matrix used in these transformations is a combination of regular rotations and hyperbolic rotations, and is applied to every vector in the world. While understanding the specifics of these transformations may be above a 12th grade level, it is important to have a general understanding of them.
  • #36
Stevemg, the Minkowski bilinear form g (I won't call it a scalar product, or an inner product, since it isn't positive definite) is defined by

[tex]g(x,y)=x^T\eta y[/tex]

I usually take

[tex]\eta=\begin{pmatrix}-1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\0 & 0 & 0 & 1\end{pmatrix}[/tex]

to be the definition of [itex]\eta[/itex], but you could choose the opposite sign if you want to. This wouldn't change any of the physics. It would just change a few signs here and there. The two different "norms" (they're not really norms, since they're not positive definite) are just different choices of what sign to use in the definition of [itex]\eta[/itex].

My definition above is more common in GR books, and the opposite sign is more common in QFT books. Some people prefer to write [tex]\langle x,y\rangle[/tex] instead of g(x,y).

Since you have taken an interest in the concept of rapidity, you may find the notes I made for myself useful. Note that I'm using units such that c=1. Keeping that c around is like putting something sharp in one of your shoes before you go out running. It's a pain with no benefits. This is what I wrote in my notes:

In special relativity, we define the rapidity [tex]\phi[/tex] of a particle moving with velocity v by [tex]\tanh\phi=v[/tex]. Note that the rapidity and the velocity are approximately the same when the velocity is small. To be more precise, in the limit [tex]\phi\rightarrow 0[/tex], we have [tex]v=\phi+O(\phi^2)[/tex].

The concept of rapidity is useful because it's easier to "add" rapidities than velocities. If the velocity of frame B in frame A is v, and the velocity of a particle in frame B is v', then the velocity of the particle in frame A is

[tex]v\oplus v'=\frac{v+v'}{1+vv'}[/tex]

If the rapidity of frame B in frame A is [tex]\phi[/tex], and the rapidity of a particle in frame B is [tex]\phi'[/tex], then the rapidity of the particle in frame A is just [tex]\phi+\phi'[/tex]. This follows from the velocity addition formula above, the definition of rapidity, and the identity

[tex]\tanh(\phi+\phi')=\frac{\tanh\phi+\tanh\phi'}{1+\tanh\phi\ \tanh\phi'}[/tex]

The definition of rapidity also implies that


[tex]\sinh\phi=\gamma v=\frac{dx}{d\tau}[/tex]Proof:





[tex]\sinh\phi=\gamma v[/tex]

[tex]\tau=\int\sqrt{dt^2-dx^2}=\int dt\sqrt{1-\dot x^2}=\int\frac{dt}{\gamma}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{d\tau}{dt}=\frac 1 \gamma[/tex]


[tex]\frac{dx}{d\tau}=\frac{dt}{d\tau}\frac{dx}{dt}=\gamma v=\sinh\phi[/tex]

These results enable us to express an arbitrary proper and orthochronous Lorentz transformation as a hyperbolic rotation by an "angle" equal to the rapidity.

[tex]\Lambda=\gamma\begin{pmatrix}1 & -v\\ -v & 1\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}\cosh\phi & -\sinh\phi\\ -\sinh\phi & \cosh\phi\end{pmatrix}[/tex]

stevmg said:
Cyosis -

Would this be the correct representation with the hyperbolic functions?[tex]
ct' \\ x'


\cosh \(arctanh(v/c) & -\sinh\(arctanh(v/c) \\
-\sinh\(arctanh(v/c) & \cosh\(arctanh(v/c)

ct \\ x

If this is the case, then all one would have to do is look up the arctanh of v/c or ([tex]\beta[/tex]) and plug that into the cosh and sinh to get your matrix. That can be done on a scientific calculator directly.
Yes, but if you look at my last equation before the quote, I'm sure you'll see an easier way. :smile:
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<h2>What are Lorentz transformations for spacetime?</h2><p>Lorentz transformations for spacetime are mathematical equations that describe how measurements of time and space change between different frames of reference in the theory of special relativity. They were developed by Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz in the late 19th and early 20th century.</p><h2>Why do we need Lorentz transformations for spacetime?</h2><p>We need Lorentz transformations for spacetime because they are essential for understanding the effects of relative motion and the constancy of the speed of light in the theory of special relativity. Without them, we would not be able to accurately describe and predict the behavior of objects moving at high speeds.</p><h2>How do Lorentz transformations for spacetime work?</h2><p>Lorentz transformations for spacetime involve four variables: time, space, velocity, and the speed of light. They use mathematical equations to relate these variables between different frames of reference and account for the effects of time dilation and length contraction at high speeds.</p><h2>What is the significance of Lorentz transformations for spacetime?</h2><p>The significance of Lorentz transformations for spacetime is that they provide a consistent and mathematically sound framework for understanding the behavior of objects moving at high speeds. They also support the fundamental principles of special relativity, such as the constancy of the speed of light and the relativity of simultaneity.</p><h2>Can Lorentz transformations for spacetime be applied to all situations?</h2><p>Lorentz transformations for spacetime are most applicable to situations involving objects moving at speeds close to the speed of light. They are also limited to situations where the effects of gravity can be neglected. In extreme cases, such as near black holes, other mathematical frameworks, such as general relativity, may be needed.</p>

FAQ: Lorentz transformations for spacetime

What are Lorentz transformations for spacetime?

Lorentz transformations for spacetime are mathematical equations that describe how measurements of time and space change between different frames of reference in the theory of special relativity. They were developed by Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Why do we need Lorentz transformations for spacetime?

We need Lorentz transformations for spacetime because they are essential for understanding the effects of relative motion and the constancy of the speed of light in the theory of special relativity. Without them, we would not be able to accurately describe and predict the behavior of objects moving at high speeds.

How do Lorentz transformations for spacetime work?

Lorentz transformations for spacetime involve four variables: time, space, velocity, and the speed of light. They use mathematical equations to relate these variables between different frames of reference and account for the effects of time dilation and length contraction at high speeds.

What is the significance of Lorentz transformations for spacetime?

The significance of Lorentz transformations for spacetime is that they provide a consistent and mathematically sound framework for understanding the behavior of objects moving at high speeds. They also support the fundamental principles of special relativity, such as the constancy of the speed of light and the relativity of simultaneity.

Can Lorentz transformations for spacetime be applied to all situations?

Lorentz transformations for spacetime are most applicable to situations involving objects moving at speeds close to the speed of light. They are also limited to situations where the effects of gravity can be neglected. In extreme cases, such as near black holes, other mathematical frameworks, such as general relativity, may be needed.
