Lorentz Transforms of Electromagnetic Fields

In summary: No worries. This stuff is not obvious, and that is why I asked for clarification about why you reached that conclusion. I needed to know where the trouble was out of all the many things I could have asked. Thank you.
  • #1
Glenn Rowe
Gold Member
TL;DR Summary
A simple(?) question about the cross product of the transformed electromagnetic fields.
The Lorentz transformations of electric and magnetic fields (as given, for example in Wikipedia) are


\bar{\boldsymbol{E}}_{\parallel} & =\boldsymbol{E}_{\parallel}\\

\bar{\boldsymbol{E}}_{\perp} & =\gamma\left(\boldsymbol{E}_{\perp}+\beta\boldsymbol{n}\times\boldsymbol{B}_{\perp}\right)\\

\bar{\boldsymbol{B}}_{\parallel} & =\bar{\boldsymbol{B}}_{\parallel}\\

\bar{\boldsymbol{B}}_{\perp} & =\gamma\left(\boldsymbol{B}_{\perp}-\beta\boldsymbol{n}\times\boldsymbol{E}_{\perp}\right)

where ##\boldsymbol{E}_{\parallel}## is a field parallel to the relative motion of the two Lorentz frames and ##\boldsymbol{E}_{\perp}## is perpendicular to the motion. The unit vector ##\boldsymbol{n}## is parallel to the direction of motion, and ##\beta## is the relative speed, with ##\gamma\equiv\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\beta}^{2}}## as usual.
Now it would seem that if the perpendicular components in the transformed frame are parallel to each other, that is, if ##\bar{\boldsymbol{E}}_{\perp}## is parallel to ##\bar{\boldsymbol{B}}_{\perp}##, then we should have ##\bar{\boldsymbol{E}}_{\perp}\times\bar{\boldsymbol{B}}_{\perp}=0##. If we write this out, and use the fact that ##\boldsymbol{E}_{\perp}## is parallel to ##\boldsymbol{B}_{\perp}##, and that ##\boldsymbol{n}\times\boldsymbol{E}_{\perp}## is parallel to ##\boldsymbol{n}\times\boldsymbol{B}_{\perp}## then we get the condition


\bar{\boldsymbol{E}}_{\perp}\times\bar{\boldsymbol{B}}_{\perp} & =-\gamma^{2}\boldsymbol{E}_{\perp}\times\left(\beta\boldsymbol{n}\times\boldsymbol{E}_{\perp}\right)+\gamma^{2}\beta\left(\boldsymbol{n}\times\boldsymbol{B}_{\perp}\right)\times\boldsymbol{B}_{\perp}\\

& =-\gamma^{2}\beta\left(E_{\perp}^{2}+B_{\perp}^{2}\right)\boldsymbol{n}=0

where I've used the triple vector product formula
and the fact that ##\boldsymbol{n}## is perpendicular to ##\boldsymbol{E}_{\perp}## and to ##\boldsymbol{B}_{\perp}##.

This would appear to require that either ##\beta=0## (no motion) or that the perpendicular components of both fields are zero, which we clearly can't require in general. Can anyone see what I'm missing? Are the transformed perpendicular components not actually parallel to each other? Thanks.
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  • #2
Glenn Rowe said:
Summary:: A simple(?) question about the cross product of the transformed electromagnetic fields.

if the perpendicular components in the transformed frame are parallel to each other,
Why would they be parallel to each other? As you show next they are not except in unusual circumstances, but I don’t understand why you thought that they are in the first place.
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  • #3
Glenn Rowe said:
The Lorentz transformations of electric and magnetic fields (as given, for example in Wikipedia) are


\bar{\boldsymbol{E}}_{\parallel} & =\boldsymbol{E}_{\parallel}\\

\bar{\boldsymbol{E}}_{\perp} & =\gamma\left(\boldsymbol{E}_{\perp}+\beta\boldsymbol{n}\times\boldsymbol{B}_{\perp}\right)\\

\bar{\boldsymbol{B}}_{\parallel} & =\bar{\boldsymbol{B}}_{\parallel}\\

\bar{\boldsymbol{B}}_{\perp} & =\gamma\left(\boldsymbol{B}_{\perp}-\beta\boldsymbol{n}\times\boldsymbol{E}_{\perp}\right)

It isn't ##\mathbf{n}\times\mathbf{B}_\perp## in the second equation, though. It's ##\mathbf{n}\times\mathbf{B}##, and similarly the third equation.
  • #4
I guess it is the notation that misled me. They are written as the components of E and B perpendicular to the motion in the transformed frame, so it would seem that they should be parallel.
  • #5
Glenn Rowe said:
I guess it is the notation that misled me. They are written as the components of E and B perpendicular to the motion in the transformed frame, so it would seem that they should be parallel.
Two vectors, each perpendicular to a third vector, are not necessarily parallel to each other. The set of all vectors perpendicular to the third vector form a plane. So the two vectors can be any pair of vectors in that plane. So the two vectors can have any angle between them.
  • #6
Glenn Rowe said:
I guess it is the notation that misled me. They are written as the components of E and B perpendicular to the motion in the transformed frame, so it would seem that they should be parallel.
Since ##\vec{n} \times \vec{E}=\vec{n} \times \vec{E}_{\perp}##, it's ok.
  • #7
Dale said:
Two vectors, each perpendicular to a third vector, are not necessarily parallel to each other. The set of all vectors perpendicular to the third vector form a plane. So the two vectors can be any pair of vectors in that plane. So the two vectors can have any angle between them.
Of course. Stupid of me not to notice that. I guess my mind got stuck in a rut.
  • #8
Glenn Rowe said:
Of course. Stupid of me not to notice that. I guess my mind got stuck in a rut.
No worries. This stuff is not obvious, and that is why I asked for clarification about why you reached that conclusion. I needed to know where the trouble was out of all the many possibilities

FAQ: Lorentz Transforms of Electromagnetic Fields

What are Lorentz Transforms of Electromagnetic Fields?

Lorentz Transforms of Electromagnetic Fields are mathematical equations that describe how electromagnetic fields change when an observer moves at a constant velocity relative to the source of the fields. They are a key component of Einstein's theory of special relativity.

Why are Lorentz Transforms important in physics?

Lorentz Transforms are important because they allow us to understand how electromagnetic fields behave in different frames of reference. They also help us to reconcile the discrepancies between classical mechanics and the theory of relativity.

How do Lorentz Transforms affect the speed of light?

One of the key implications of Lorentz Transforms is that the speed of light is constant in all frames of reference. This means that no matter how fast an observer is moving, they will always measure the speed of light to be the same value.

What is the relationship between Lorentz Transforms and time dilation?

Lorentz Transforms are closely related to time dilation, which is the phenomenon where time appears to pass slower for an observer moving at high speeds. This is because the equations account for the fact that time is relative and can appear to pass differently for different observers.

How are Lorentz Transforms used in practical applications?

Lorentz Transforms have many practical applications, including in the fields of particle physics, astrophysics, and engineering. They are used to calculate the behavior of particles traveling at high speeds, and to design technology such as particle accelerators and GPS systems.

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