- #1
- 199
- 22
Homework Statement
n balls, numbered from 1 to n, are drawn randomly from an urn one after the other (whilst returning each ball before drawing the next). The random variable Tk represents the number of draws until k different balls have been drawn, where k = 1,..., n.
a) P[T1 = m1 ^ T2 - T1 = m2 ^ . . . ^ Tn - Tn-1 = mn]
for mi in N.
b) show that random variables T1, T2 - T1, . . . , Tn - Tn-1 are independent
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
P[T1 = m1 ^ T2 - T1 = m2 ^ . . . ^ Tn - Tn-1 = mn]
= P[m1 ^ m2 ^ . . . ^ mn] = P(m1)P(m2)...P(mn) = [itex]\prod^{n}_{i=1} P(m_{i})[/itex]
ok so i think I have to work out the product from i = 1,..,n of the probabilities P(mi) but how I don't even know what the mi are.
b) I guess this means linearly independent, I don't know?
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