Love for Ann Coulter - My Experience at Barnes & Nobles

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In summary, Ann Coulter's latest book is hilarious and informative. She criticizes liberals for changing, and discusses how to talk to them effectively. She also discusses how the Republican party is the racist party.
  • #1
I *LOVE* Ann Coulter!

Today I was in a Barnes & Nobles when I saw latest book, How to Talk to a Liberal. I'd only heard of Ann Coulter and seen her on cable news, so I decided to pick up the book and sit down with it for a few minutes. This woman is by far the funniest author I've ever come across, somehow magnifying Sean Hannity's attitude with even more sass and spunk!

She started off the book with about 4 pages of instances of liberalism in the media, such as a Democrat criticizing the Bush administration on television, a news anchor asking a Democrat a question about Republicans, and movies about Bill Clinton. She even blasted the female co-host of "What Not To Wear", because she joked about wanting to see Bill Clinton in a speedo, and proceded to show evidence of his penis not being at all impressive. :smile:

She started saying how Liberals have been changing recently, that instead of the womanly whining they used to do about things like torture and civil rights etc. they now try to present themselves as level-headed realists. She used an example of a Harvard professor being asked if there were any problem with torturing terrorists, and him responding with "Yeah there are problems, torture doesn't work." She then said something to the order of "Torturing random people for no reason, like they did in the USSR, the Liberal's favorite country, doesn't work, but when you have a terrorist, then yeah, torturing definitely works." She gave no real qualifying statement, nothing, just said that it works and that was the end of that.

Then she started on my favorite propaganda strategy of all, discrediting a method of arguing by using the same exact method of arguing! She was saying that liberals use meaningless qualifiers such as "the fact of the matter is" or "the real truth is", when they're just talking about random crap. I don't recall the exact example she used, but she just used the exact same "the fact of the matter is" qualifier to show that the original statement was BS, it was awesome!

AND THEN she had the gall to criticize democrats for being the RACIST party, saying that Robert Byrd being a Democrat showed how racist they all were, and that her side didn't accept racists/former KKK members (Jesse Helms/Strom Thurman anyone?). I love this woman, she's totally great, and what other woman would use adjectives such as "womanly" as a derogotory term?

Plus, who could ask for anything more in a woman than ?

I'm going to go back and buy that book and decide whether or not she's bumped Nixon-lving hottie out of my #1 Conservative woman spot (no offense to Kat, but you're not nearly a talented enough double-thinker, no less a duckspeaker, to compete with these two women).
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  • #2
Oh, you don't know about the daughterly love she has for Rush Limbaugh ?

You should have watched her defending Rush on Scarborough Country (MSNBC), on the show that happened the day after Rush's oxycontin story came out.
  • #3
Gokul43201 said:
Oh, you don't know about the daughterly love she has for Rush Limbaugh ?

You should have watched her defending Rush on Scarborough Country (MSNBC), on the show that happened the day after Rush's oxycontin story came out.
I don't know about it directly, but it comes as no shock.

I wonder if they have a copy of that on MSNBC's website...
  • #4
Henceforth, all words written between * .. * are considered to be used in a sarcastic manner.
  • #5
They have transcripts of Scarborough Country, but I'm not sure how far back they go. I'll take a look. Say, when did the addiction story first come out ?
  • #6
Gokul43201 said:
They have transcripts of Scarborough Country, but I'm not sure how far back they go. I'll take a look. Say, when did the addiction story first come out ?
I already checked, I did a search of their site for "Scarborough Coulter Limbaugh", and none of the transcripts had her talking about Limbaughs drug addiction. It's alright though, I can pretty much guess what went on.

Gokul43201 said:
Henceforth, all words written between * .. * are considered to be used in a sarcastic manner.

It wasn't meant to be sarcasm, it was meants as super-emphasis. I really don't think she takes herself seriously, I have a suspicion that she just laughs and laughs at all the people who take her seriously, she's just a very clever satirist who really plays her role well.
  • #7
Okay, if you want old transcripts, you have to pay some transcription company $15.99 per transcript requested.
  • #9
kat said:
HAHA! I love it! Rush Limbaugh was addicted to synthetic heroin, so what? He was making 30 million dollars a year with 20 million listeners a week, let's see a damned liberal do that! At least he can handle his drugs and didn't go driving off a bridge while high on oxy and kill a woman like Teddy Kennedy.
  • #10
At first I laugh...but eventually that turns to disgust and then sheer loathing. It's a pity !

My dislike for Ann is surpassed by few others.
  • #11
Gokul43201 said:
At first I laugh...but eventually that turns to disgust and then sheer loathing. It's a pity !

My dislike for Ann is surpassed by few others.
Trust me, she doesn't -- she can't take herself seriously. Seriously, she was hanging out at McCarthey's grave, it's clearly all a HUGE hoax.
  • #12
she should debate Chomsky, Blum, Palast or Parenti then, if she's such hot ****.
  • #13
Oh please! Chomsky, in particular, would never agree to debate Ann Coulter. Chomsky knows his statements can't hold up to much scrutiny. Give me a break.
  • #14
How bout an Ann Coulter - Mikey Moore
  • #15
kat said:
Oh please! Chomsky, in particular, would never agree to debate Ann Coulter. Chomsky knows his statements can't hold up to much scrutiny. Give me a break.
That's funny; I've seen him debate politicians, CIA directors, university presidents, right-wing pundits, other scholars, etc & they all end up looking like fools, and they're all failrly well-"educated" & so on. Coulter would probably get slaughtered, like most others who challenge him since she doesn't seem to have 1/2 a brain. A fool like Mike Moore would be more of a match for Coulter

kawikdx225 said:
How bout an Ann Coulter - Mikey Moore
actually, I think that would be hilarious. Moore needs to be put in his place, since he's so gutless & brainless, and especially after selling out to the Democrats.
  • #16
fourier jr said:
she should debate Chomsky, Blum, Palast or Parenti then, if she's such hot ****.
I'd love to see her debate Blum. I actually own one of his books, in which he expounds the virtues of Fidel Castro, asserting that the USA wishes the governments it sets up in Latin America could be as stable as Cuba.

It would be such an awesome exchange:

"You PINKO! You love Mao and Stalin!"
"You BROWN SHIRT! You love Hitler and Mossolini!"
"Yeah, I do, and you like McCarthey and Strom Thurman!"

I've got an idea, how about I go and read William Blum's Killing Hope and some republican reads a Hannity book or something simmilar, and we both come up with threads summarizing the books called "Ridiculous propaganda that even I don't believe"
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  • #17
kat said:
Oh please! Chomsky, in particular, would never agree to debate Ann Coulter. Chomsky knows his statements can't hold up to much scrutiny. Give me a break.
I don't know how many of these are conservatives you respect, but on Chomsky's site he has transcripts of some debates.

Man, the links for the different sections of chomsky's site are straigh-up gangsta. Who said pompus intellectuals couldn't be hip?
  • #18
wo2 : If you enjoy reading Coulter, try 'Treason'. That should be fun ! :biggrin:

Related to Love for Ann Coulter - My Experience at Barnes & Nobles

1. What was your motivation for writing about your experience at Barnes & Nobles with Ann Coulter?

As a scientist, I am always curious about different perspectives and ideas. I wanted to explore the concept of love and how it can manifest in unexpected ways, such as my encounter with Ann Coulter at Barnes & Nobles. I also wanted to challenge the stereotype of scientists as being solely logical and emotionless beings.

2. How did your interaction with Ann Coulter change your understanding of love?

Before meeting Ann Coulter, I had a narrow definition of love. However, our conversation and her genuine passion for her beliefs opened my eyes to the idea that love can exist in many forms and can be expressed in unexpected ways. It made me realize that love is not limited to romantic relationships, but can also be found in the connections we make with others through shared interests and beliefs.

3. What was the most surprising aspect of your experience with Ann Coulter at Barnes & Nobles?

The most surprising aspect was how much I enjoyed our conversation. Despite our differing views, we were able to have a respectful and engaging discussion. It reminded me that even when we disagree, we can still find common ground and have meaningful interactions with others.

4. Did your encounter with Ann Coulter change your opinion of her?

I cannot say that my opinion of her as a political figure changed, but my opinion of her as a person definitely did. I saw a different side of her that is often not portrayed in the media. I also gained a deeper understanding of her beliefs and motivations, which allowed me to see her in a more empathetic light.

5. How has your experience with Ann Coulter at Barnes & Nobles influenced your perspective on love?

This experience has shown me that love is not always black and white. It can be complex and nuanced, and can manifest in unexpected ways. It has also taught me to approach interactions with others, even those with differing beliefs, with an open mind and a willingness to listen and learn. Love is about connection and understanding, and this encounter has reinforced that for me.

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