Low-energy air conditioning with seawater

In summary, the author suggests that a DSSWC system can work in the summer in the Ohio Valley. The dewpoint temperature should be below the inlet water temperature to avoid being oppressive.
  • #1
Larry Shick
Over a decade back there was a company that sold air cooling devices for cruising sailboats. A sailboat at anchor is chronically short of electrical energy unless one runs a generator, which has its own trade-offs. The essence of operation of these devices was to pump seawater up from some small depth (maybe 15' below the surface), through a radiator, and back over the side. The radiator had fans to blow outside air through the radiator and into the cabin.

The company subsequently went out of business as far as I can tell. I'm thinking of trying a DIY implementation, but before I do, I thought I ought to check whether they went bust because of bad engineering/physics or bad business judgement.

Assuming the following does not look too much like "homework": Suppose that I have a standard automotive radiator, copper (because of the sea water if for no other reason), and I pump (say) 4GPM (15LPM) of seawater through the radiator, where the seawater is 10°F (6°C) below the air temperature. Air would be moved by some small "muffin" fans. What is a reasonable expectation for heat extraction or, alternatively, what kind of temperature drop is it reasonable to expect from ambient air to exhaust air? If I see 5°F temperature drop, it might be worth doing. The water flow rate above is the flow rate of a common marine pump and is arbitrary. I kind of suspect that building some kind of shroud that would pass the air multiple times through the radiator would not pay off, but would appreciate confirmation or correction.

I have some college physics, but the textbook was printed on parchment.

Thank you.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
For what it's worth, this seems to be classified as an "open-loop direct surface-water cooling" (DSWC) system. There's a writeup at http://www.hvac.okstate.edu/Papers/Mitchell_and_Spitler_2013.pdf which indicates (p.126) that the upper limit for input water temperature for "sensible cooling" is about 65°F (18°C). My intended usage (Chesapeake Bay in July) would not come close to meeting that requirement.
  • #3
i think that's right - we perceive dewpoint as much as temperature
and dewpoint above ~65 F is 'muggy'
and to produce that dewpoint you'd have cool your air to that temperature or lower.
I'd wager that's why the limit in your link. You can't reduce dewpoint below your inlet water temperature.

Temperatures in Chesapeake Bay:

and comfort vs dewpoint:
Meteorologists routinely consider the "dewpoint" temperature (instead of, but analogous to absolute humidity) to evaluate moisture, especially in the spring and summer. The dewpoint temperature, which provides a measure of the actual amount of water vapor in the air, is the temperature to which the air must be cooled in order for that air to be saturated. Although weather conditions affect people differently, in general in the spring and summer, surface dewpoint temperatures in the 50s usually are comfortable to most people, in the 60s are somewhat uncomfortable (humid), and in the 70s are quite uncomfortable (very humid). In the Ohio Valley (including Kentucky), common dewpoints during the summer range from the middle 60s to middle 70s. Dewpoints as high as 80 or the lower 80s have been recorded, which is very oppressive but fortunately relatively rare.

nifty 'heat index' calculator here

FAQ: Low-energy air conditioning with seawater

What is low-energy air conditioning with seawater?

Low-energy air conditioning with seawater is a method of using seawater as a cooling agent to reduce the energy consumption of traditional air conditioning systems. It involves pumping seawater through a heat exchanger, which extracts the heat from the air and releases it into the seawater. This cooled seawater is then used to cool the air in the building.

How does low-energy air conditioning with seawater work?

Low-energy air conditioning with seawater works by utilizing the natural properties of seawater to cool the air. Seawater has a high thermal mass, meaning it can absorb and release large amounts of heat. When it is pumped through a heat exchanger, it absorbs the heat from the air and carries it away, leaving the air cooler. This process is much more energy-efficient than traditional air conditioning systems, which use a lot of electricity to cool the air.

What are the benefits of using seawater for air conditioning?

There are several benefits to using seawater for air conditioning. First, it is a renewable and sustainable resource, unlike electricity which is often generated from non-renewable sources. Second, it is a more energy-efficient solution, as seawater has a high thermal mass and can cool the air using less energy. Finally, using seawater can also reduce costs and maintenance needs compared to traditional air conditioning systems.

Are there any drawbacks to low-energy air conditioning with seawater?

One potential drawback of using seawater for air conditioning is the initial cost of installation. Setting up a system to pump and filter seawater can be expensive, and it may not be feasible for all buildings. Additionally, there may be concerns about the impact on marine life and water quality, so careful planning and monitoring are necessary when implementing this technology.

Is low-energy air conditioning with seawater a viable solution for all climates?

While low-energy air conditioning with seawater can be effective in many climates, it may not be suitable for all regions. It works best in coastal areas with access to cold seawater, as the temperature difference between the seawater and air is what allows for efficient cooling. Inland areas or areas with warm seawater may not see the same energy-saving benefits from this technology.
